周年申报表-资料并无改变的证明书 (有股本的私人公司)(样本)

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周年申报表-资料并无改变的证明书 (有股本的私人公司)(样本)_第1页
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周年申报表-资料并无改变的证明书 (有股本的私人公司)(样本)_第2页
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周年申报表-资料并无改变的证明书 (有股本的私人公司)(样本)_第3页
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周年申报表-资料并无改变的证明书 (有股本的私人公司)(样本)_第4页
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《周年申报表-资料并无改变的证明书 (有股本的私人公司)(样本)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《周年申报表-资料并无改变的证明书 (有股本的私人公司)(样本)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、周年申報表 - 資料並無改變的證明書 (有股本的私人公司) Annual Return - Certificate of No Change (Private company having a share capital) 公 司 註 冊 處 Companies Registry (公司條例第107(5) 及 (6) 條) (Companies Ordinance s. 107(5) & (6) 表格 Form AR3 重要事項 Important Notes 填表前請參閱填表須知。 請用黑色墨水列印。 公司編號Company Number Please read the accompanyi

2、ng notes before completing this form. Please print in black ink. 1 公司名稱Company Name 2 代表公司發出的證明書Certificate to be Given on behalf of the Company 本人謹此按照公司條例第107(5)及(6)條作出證明- (註Note 9) (a) 本公司依據公司條例第107(1)條製備的最近一份詳盡周年申報表的日期 是 年 月 日,及 (b) 自(a)段所指明的日期起,至本申報表的日期為止,即至 年 月 日(亦即本公司在有關年度成立為法團的 周年日)為止,公司提交存案的

3、最近一份詳盡周年申報表所載的資料並無任何改變。 In accordance with section 107(5) & (6) of the Companies Ordinance, I hereby certify that (註Note 9) (a) the date of the last annual return in full form as required by section 107(1) of the Companies Ordinance was and, (b) as at , being the date of this return (i.e. the annive

4、rsary of the date of incorporation of the company for the year), there has been no change since the date specified in paragraph (a) above in the information contained in the last annual return filed by the company in full form. (註Note 10) 提示Advisory Note 所有公司董事均應閱讀公司註冊處編製的有關董事責任的非法定指引的最新版本,並熟悉該指引所 概

5、述的董事一般責任。 All directors of the company are advised to read the latest version of the Non-Statutory Guidelines on Directors Duties published by the Companies Registry and acquaint themselves with the general duties of directors outlined in the Guidelines. (註Note 6) 簽署Signed : 姓名Name : 日期Date : 董事Dire

6、ctor秘書Secretary * 日DD / 月MM / 年YYYY *請刪去不適用者 Delete whichever does not apply (註Note 4) 提交人的資料Presentors Reference 請勿填寫本欄For Official Use 姓名Name: 地址Address: 電話Tel: 傳真Fax: 電郵地址E-mail Address: 檔號Reference: 指明編號 2/2008 (修訂) (2008年7月) Specification No. 2/2008 (Revision) (July 2008)公司條例(香港法例第32章) 第107(5)及

7、(6)條規定提交的 周年申報表資料並無改變的證明書 (有股本的私人公司) 填表須知 表格AR3 附註 引言 1. 每間公司必須每年向公司註冊處處長提交一份周年申報表。公司董事及秘書有責任確保 申報表正確反映公司於申報表日期的狀況。 2. 如自最近一份詳盡周年申報表 (即表格AR1) 的日期後,原須載於該款申報表的資料並無任何改變,有股本的私人公司可使用本表格, 以代替表格AR1。有股本的非私人公司可使用表格AR2。 3. 請劃一以中文或英文申報各項所需資料。如以中文申報,請用繁體字。公司註冊處不接 納手寫的表格。 4. 請提供提交人的資料。除非有特別事項需要公司註冊處注意,否則無需另加附函。

8、提交表格的期限 5. 本表格必須於公司成立為法團的周年日後42日內送交公司註冊處登記。遲交者須繳付較 高的註冊費用。有關所需繳付費用的詳情,請參閱主要服務收費表資料小冊子。 簽署 6. 本表格必須由一名董事或秘書簽署,公司註冊處不接納未簽妥的表格,並會將表格退回 提交人。公司註冊處將依據公司重新提交已簽妥的表格的日期,計算所需繳付的註冊費用 。 費用 7. 本表格必須連同正確的每年註冊費用一併提交,否則公司註冊處不會接納,並會將表格 退回提交人。公司註冊處將依據公司重新提交表格的日期,計算所需繳付的註冊費用。 8. 如以郵寄方式提交本表格,請附上繳付所需費用的港幣劃線支票,支票抬頭註明公司註冊

9、處 。請勿郵寄現金。 代表公司發出的證明書 (第2項) 9. 最近一份詳盡周年申報表的日期,是指提交公司註冊處存案的最近一份表格AR1的日期。 公司註冊處發出的有關董事責任的非法定指引 10. 所有公司董事均應閱讀公司註冊處編製的有關董事責任的非法定指引的最新版本,並熟 悉該指引所概述的董事一般責任。公司應把該指引發給董事(包括新董事)參考。該指引的最 新版本可以從公司註冊處網站(www.cr.gov.hk) 下載,或在香港金鐘道66號金鐘道政府合署13和14樓公司註冊處的詢問處索取。ANNUAL RETURN - CERTIFICATE OF NO CHANGE (PRIVATE COMPA

10、NY HAVING A SHARE CAPITAL) Required by Companies Ordinance (Cap. 32) Section 107(5) & (6) Notes for Completion of Form AR3 Introduction 1. Every company must make an annual return to the Registrar of Companies once every year. It is the duty of the director(s) and the secretary to ensure that the re

11、turn reflects accurately the affairs of the company as at the date of return. 2. If there has been no change in the information required to be contained in an annual return since the date of the last annual return in full form (i.e. Form AR1), a private company having a share capital may use this fo

12、rm in lieu of Form AR1. For a company having a share capital and not being a private company, please use Form AR2. 3. Please fill in all particulars and complete all items consistently in either Chinese OR English. In the case of Chinese, traditional Chinese characters should be used. Please note th

13、at handwritten forms will be rejected by the Companies Registry. 4. Please complete the Presentors Reference. Unless the presentor needs to raise a specific issue for the attention of the Companies Registry, no covering letter is required. Deadline for Delivery of this Form 5. This form must be subm

14、itted to the Companies Registry within 42 days after the anniversary date of incorporation. Late submission is subject to a higher registration fee. Please refer to the information pamphlet on Price Guide to Main Services for the correct fee payable. Signature 6. This form must be signed by a direct

15、or or the secretary. A form which is not properly signed will be rejected by the Companies Registry. The registration fee payable will be calculated according to the resubmission date of the properly signed form. Fee 7. This form must be submitted with the correct annual registration fee. A form whi

16、ch is not submitted with the correct fee will be rejected by the Companies Registry. The registration fee payable will be calculated according to the resubmission date of the form. 8. If this form is delivered by post, please send a crossed cheque in Hong Kong Dollars payable to Companies Registry. Please do not send cash. Certificate to be Given on behalf of the Company (Section 2) 9. The date of the l


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