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1、1 中建海外事业部 2011国内津贴英语考试 试题 A 卷 姓名:_ 考号:_ 分数:_ Part I Listening Comprehension 15 points: 1-10: 10*0.5=5 points; 11-20: 10*1=10 points Section A Directions:In this section you will hear ten short conversations, at the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conv

2、ersations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each conversation, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer, then write the corresponding letter on the answer sheet. 1. What does the man mean? A. The la

3、wyer isnt in Chicago. B. The lawyer advertised in many newspapers. C. The lawyer knows his case better than other lawyers. D. The man doesnt know the lawyer personally. 2. What do we learn from the conversation? A. The man will buy the car when the womans sister is back. B. The man is going to barga

4、in before he buys the car. C. The womans description is not convincing enough for the man to buy the car. D. The man believes everything the woman says. 3. Why is the woman so busy? A. She is going to some other parties. B. She is going on a business trip. C. She is has a lot of things to do at offi

5、ce. D. She is looking after her elderly parents as well as the two children. 4. What does the man mean? A. He is terrified and convinced of his kidney calculus. B. He hopes the doctor may have misdiagnosed his case. C. He thinks for sure that kidney stones cause piercing pain. D. He believes having

6、kidney stones was his mistake. 5. What was the purpose of the mans trip to Peru?2 A. Studying a new possible way to control mosquitoes. B. Helping the scientists to find a way to control mosquitoes. C. Learning how to control the spread of mosquito-related disease. D. To investigate the causes for t

7、he multiplication of mosquitoes. 6. Why does the woman want to change the photocopier? A. There is no photocopier in their office B. The old one is too basic and it has no feeder C. She cant operate the photocopier in their office D. The company has a lot of money left in their budget this year. 7.

8、What did the woman advise to buy? A. New computer B. New keyboard C. New computer desks with spacious room for computer D. New computer desks with drawer for keyboard. 8. How many people are not going to sit in the smoking section? A. 12 B. 14 C. 2 D. 4 9. Why is there a delay in the handing over of

9、 this construction site? A. Wangs company paid the local land owners much less money than agreed. B. The project under construction would cause environmental pollution in that area. C. The local people did not think the project is useful for the economic development in that area. D. Some people refu

10、se to sell their land, and others are afraid that the quality of life will change for the worse. 10. Camp A will be used for the storage of construction materials. What else will be located here? A. A repair shop B. A power bender C. A parking lot D. All of the above Section B Directions: In this se

11、ction. You will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions; both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear the question, you must choose the best answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D, then write the corresponding letter on t

12、he answer sheet. Questions 11 to 13 are based on Passage One 11. To get payment from customers by credit card, what will you ask for? A. Valid duration of the credit 3 B. The name of bank issuing the credit card C. The number, name, expiration date on the card as well as the type of card D. None of

13、above 12. What do customers need if they want to pay by check? A. The name of your bank as well as the account number B. The address of your bank as well as Banks Swift code. C. The CFOs name of the company D. Both A and B 13. Which of the following statement is TRUE? A. It is unusual to ask custome

14、rs to fax the receipt to show they have made the transfer B. It is a good idea to ask customers to send the original copy of the receipt after they make the transfer C. The Banks Swift code could speed the transfer process up. D. All of the above is incorrect Questions 14 to 16 are based on the Pass

15、age Two 14. What method is not used to advertise their product? A. print advertising as well as billboard B. Sending direct mails to people from professional organizations. C. Runs campaigns in local magazines D. advertising boards in train or subway stations 15. Why does the company run regular cam

16、paigns in local magazines? A. It is too cheap and they can get support from local governments. B. It is always adapted to the local language C. People in that area like reading magazines. D. All above 16. Which one of the following statements is NOT TRUE? A. They do not have enough in the budget for TV advertising. B. Usually we can see advertising boards o



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