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1、被动语态 一: 主动 被动 一现 do/ does am, is, are done 一过 did was, were done 现进 am, is, are doing am is are being done 过进 was were doing was were being done 现完 have has done have, has been done 过完 had done had been done 一将 will do will be doneshall do shall be doneam is are going to doam is are going to be done

2、 过将 would do would be doneshould do should be donewas were going to dowas were going to be done 情态动词 can do can be donemust do must be done may do may be done neednt do neednt be done ought to do ought to be done should do should be done 实意动词 need to do need to be done/ need doing 附: used to do used

3、 to be done seem to do seem to be done 二没有被动语态的词 1.不及物动词:rise, take place, happen, arrive When will the train _? A. arrive B. get to C. reach D. arrive in 2.部分系动词:feel, sound, smell, look, taste 3.表示度量的词:measure, weigh (e.g.) 1)The baby weighs 9 kilograms. (How much does the baby weigh?) (Whats his

4、weight?)(How heavy is he?) 2)The swimming pool measures 25 meters across. 4.以反身代词为宾语的没有被动 The boy teaches himself English. Their large feet are used to push them quickly through the water. The cormorants use their large feet to push themselves quickly through the water. 5.以相互代词为宾语的无被动。 We often help

5、 each other/ one another. 6.fit, cost, hold, break out( 爆发), go out( 熄灭) go off(响起) 无被动 (e.g.) 1)This coat fits me. 2)The book cost me five yuan. 3)The hall can hold 1000 people. 4)The war broke out in 1919. 5)The street lights went out suddenly. 6)The fire alarm went off suddenly. 三如何改 P.V.(一) SVO

6、1.名词,宾语从句作宾语 (e.g.) 1)Rose broke the windows. The windows were broken by Rose. 2)We know that Britain is an island country. It is known that Britain is an island country. Britain is known to be an island country. 3)People believe that he will win the election. It is believed that he will win the ele

7、ction. He is believed to win the election. 4)They said that the area was rich in oil. It was said that the area was rich in oil. The area was said to be rich in oil. (如果宾语为 that 引导的宾语从句,那么可以转化为 it 为形式主语的名词性从句。如:It is reported , It is said , It is believed , It is known) 2.动词不定式作宾语(不能改被动语态) (e.g.) He

8、 wants to go.(二)SVOO 1.把间接宾语作为主语(人) (e.g.) 1)My uncle gave me an apple. I was given an apple by my uncle. 2)He showed me his postcards of Paris. I was showed his postcards of Paris by him. 2.把直接宾语作为主语(东西)一定要加介词 to, for 1)My uncle gave me an apple. An apple was given to me by my uncle. 2)She bought t

9、hem some cakes. Some cakes were bought for them by her. 用介词 to give, pass, bring, take, lend, send, offer, show, teach, award, ask (sb. sth. = sth. to sb.) 用介词 for get, buy, draw, make, sing (sb. sth. = sth. for sb.)(三)SVOC 如果动词不定式作宾补,把间接宾语转化为主语 cause sb. to do sth. want sb. to do sth. would like sb

10、. to do sth. order sb. to do sth. invite sb. to do sth. ask sb. to do sth. allow sb. to do sth. warn sb. to do sth. (不能用 to do 作主语) (e.g.) The teacher asked us to clean the blackboard. We were asked to clean the blackboard by the teacher. 2. make, let, have, see, observe, notice, watch, hear, help 省

11、略 to 的动词不定式,改为被 动语态是要把 to 还原。 (e.g.) 1) She sees the boy fall from the horse.The boy is seen to fall from the horse by her. 2)I saw him stealing jewellery. He was seen stealing jewellery by me. Steam _ from the coat. A. was seen to rise (see sb. do) B. was seen to raise (see sb. do) C. was seen risi

12、ng (see sb. doing) D. was seen raising (see sb. doing) 3.宾补为名词或形容词 (e.g.) 1)I found him a bright boy. He was found a bright boy by me. He was found to be a bright boy. 2)We consider the Arctic a northern part of the Atlantic. The Arctic is considered (to be) a northern part of the Atlantic. 注意事项1.原先

13、有的介词和副词不能丢。 (e.g.) 1)Nurses take care of the sick people. The sick people are taken care of by nurses. 2)A thief broke into the bank. The bank was broken into by a thief. 2.有些动词可用主动语态表示被动。 (e.g.) 1)The pen writes smoothly. 2)The book sells well. 3)The coat washes well. 4)The wooden bridge washes out. 5)The door blew open.


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