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1、1ContentsPart One Manuscript Form.Arrangement. CapitalizationIII. Word Division. Punctuation.HandwritingPart Two Diction.Levels of Words. The Meaning of Words. General and Specific Words. Idioms.Figures of Speech1. Simile2. Metaphor3. Personification4. Metonymy5. Synecdoche6. Euphemism7. Irony8. Ove

2、rstatement and Understatement9. Transferred Epithet10. Oxymoron11. Alliteration. Dictionaries1. Using Dictionaries2. Some Good DictionariesPart Three The Sentence.Complete Sentences and Sentence Fragments. Types of Sentences1. Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, and Exclamatory Sentences2. Simpl

3、e, Compound, Complex, and Compound-Complex Sentences3. Loose, Periodic, and Balanced Sentences4. Short and Long Sentences. Effective Sentences1. Unity2. Coherence3. Conciseness4. Emphasis5. Variety2Part Four The Paragraph.Criteria of an Effective Paragraph1. Unity2. Coherence3. Transition. Steps in

4、Writing a Paragraph. Ways of Developing Paragraphs1. Development by Time2. Development by Process3. Development by Space4. Development by Example or Generalization5. Development by Comparison and Contrast6. Development by Cause and Effect7. Development by Classification8. Development by Definition9.

5、 Development by a Combination of MethodsPar Five The Whole Composition.Criteria of a Good Composition. Steps in Writing a Composition1. Planning a Composition2. Writing the First Draft3. Revising the First Draft4. Making the Final Copy. Three Main Parts of a Composition1. The Beginning2. The Middle3

6、. The End. Types of Writing1. Description2. Narration3. Exposition4. ArgumentationPart Six The Summary and Book Report Part Seven Formal and Informal Styles Part Eight The Research Paper Part Nine Practical Writing Part ten Punctuation 批改/校对符号 写作错误统计表3Part One Manuscript FormAs you are learning to w

7、rite, you should have a clear idea of what is good manuscript form. You should do everything - writing the title, leaving margins, indenting, capitalizing, and dividing words - according to generally accepted rules. Whenever you write something, work carefully, write neatly and clearly, and try to m

8、ake as few mistakes as possible. Before handing in your essay or exercise, proofread it once or twice, because you may need to make some final corrections and changes. If you always work in this way, you are sure to make progress. ArrangementEither lined exercise books or regular office paper (size

9、19 27 centimetres) may be used. To make your handwriting easy to read and provide room for corrections, you had better write on every other line, and write on only one side of the paper if it is thin.Leave a margin on each side of the paper - about two centimetres at the top and a centimetre and a h

10、alf at the left, the right and the bottom. In an exercise book the top and bottom margins are already there, so you need only to draw a vertical line to mark the left margin.You cannot make the right margin very straight, but you must not write to the edge of the paper. When there is not enough spac

11、e left for a word, write it on the next line if it cannot be divided. In other words, there must be some blank space on the right side of the paper.Write the title in the middle of the first line. Capitalize the first and last words of the title and all other words (including words following hyphens

12、 in compound words) except articles, coordinating conjunctions (and, or, but, nor, for), short prepositions, and the to in infinitives:My First Visit to the Palace MuseumThe People Without a CountryRules to Abide ByDickens and David Copper fieldWhat Can the Artist Do in the World of Today?What Refor

13、m Means to ChinaThe Myth of a Negro LiteratureThe English-Speaking People in QuebecNo period is used at the end of a title. Use a question mark if the title is a direct question, but do not use one if it is an indirect question. Use quotation marks with quotes or titles of articles; and underline na

14、mes of books.Indent the first line of every paragraph, leaving a space of about four or five letters.4For paging use Arabic numerals without parentheses or periods in the upper right-hand corner of all pages. The first page need not be marked.Do not begin a line with a comma, a period, a semicolon,

15、a colon, a question mark or an exclamation mark. Do not end a line with the first half of a pair of brackets, quotation marks, or parentheses. The hyphen that indicates a divided word is put at the end, not at the beginning, of a line. Word DivisionWhen you write near the edge of the paper, take a l

16、ook at the space left. If it is not enough for the word you are going to write, you have to decide whether to divide the word or to write it on the next line. Never squeeze a word into the margin.The general principle is to divide a word according to its syllables. Pay attention to the following:One-syllable words like through, march, brain and pushed cannot be divided.Do not write one letter of a word at the end or at the beginning of a line, ev



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