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1、20092010 学年度第二学期三年级英语测试题学校: 班级: 姓名: 学号:一、一、单次连线:(1.520)二、问答句连线:(35)1、Whats the time,please?2、Do they like swimming?3、Whats your favourite song?4、What colour is it?5、Does Sam like noodles?三、填空:(14) 1、I dont like lions and dont like me.2This is Tom.His favourite is a baby bear.3Look at the trees.This

2、tree is tall. Tree is short.4I like swimming.I like skipping.四、情景交际:(28)( )1、在动物园里小弟弟指着熊猫说 Look!Its a panda.你应该回答说:A:Theyer thin. B:Its fat.( )2、你想告诉小朋友你喜欢做早操时,你应该对他说:A:I dont like morning exercises. B:I love morning exercises( )3、小朋友都有自己的饮食习惯,你想告诉同学们,你喜欢喝咖啡时,应该告诉大家:A:I like coffee. B:I dont like co

3、ffee.( )4、玲玲喜欢唱歌,英文字母歌是她特别喜欢的歌曲,她想把这些事告诉妈妈时,她应该说道:A:I like singing.My favourite song is the ABC song.B:I like sing songs.I like the alphabet.( )5、小弟弟问你老虎是什么样,你要告诉弟弟老虎很大时,你应该对他说道:1、banana2、elephant3、basketball4、weekend5、favourite6、small7、monkey8、tiger9、have lunch10、Music11、noodles12、ship13、short14、sk

4、ipping15、orange16、Science17、pass18、past19、meat20、sleep大象篮球香蕉小的特别喜爱的周末音乐猴子吃午饭老虎矮的跳绳轮船面条传递科学橘子肉睡觉超过A、Its the ABC song.B、Its red.C、Yes,they do.D、No,she doesnt.E、Its half past seven.F、No,he doesnt.G、Its a bag.A:They are big. B:They are fat.( )6、 A:Pass me the noodles,please?B: A:Yes,I do. B:Here you are

5、.( )7、你问大明在学校上什么课,你应该说:A:What do you have at school,Daming?B:What does Daming have at school?( )8、大明指着一群猴子向你问道:“What are they?”你应该向他回答道:A:Its a monkey. B:Theyre monkeys.五、阅读:1、读一读,勾一勾:(15)Amy:Do you like fish, Daming?Daming:No,I dont.Amy: Do you like noodles?Daming:Yes,I do.Amy: Do you like milk?Dam

6、ing: No,I dont.Amy: Do you like meat?Daming: No,I dont.Amy: Do you like rice?Daming: Yes,I do.What does Daming like?1) fish 2) noodles 3) milk 4) meat 5) rice2、读一读,填一填:(15)Hello,Im Panpan.I get up at ten.I go to school at eleven.I have lunch at twelve.I play football at four.I go to bed at eight.Act

7、ivity Timeget up go to school have lunch play football go to bed 3、读一读,勾一勾:(15)Im Sam.I get up at six oclock.I go to school at seven oclock.I have lunch at eleven oclock.I go home at four oclock.I watch TV at eight oclock .I go to bed at ten oclock. 1、Sam goes to school at six oclock. ( )2、He has lu

8、nch at eleven oclock. ( )3、He goes home at four oclock. ( )4、He watches TV at eight oclock . ( )5、He does homework at ten oclock. ( )六、选词填空:(15)1、My mother likes noodles,but she (does;doesnt;dont)like rice.2、Its (a;an)elephant.3、Its a small bird.They are big (bird;birds).4、Look at that farmer.He is (;a)tall.5、This is Xiaoyong. (He;His) favourite colour is green.七、按字母顺序写出大写、小写或所缺的字母:(5)A b Cc E F g Hh I J Kk Ll M八、抄写句子:(10)This is my friend Xiaoyue.He watches TV and sleeps at the weekend.And he plays basketball.



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