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1、安康市农村劳动力转移的特点及管理策略研究摘要本文借鉴了发展经济学对农村劳动力转移的理论作为指导,借鉴国内外学者对与农村劳动力转移的研究论述,结合安康实际,通过调查走访,依靠各项统计资料数据,对安康劳动力转移的现状、存在的问题进行了分析研究,并提出了针对性的建议。主要研究结果如下:1、安康是一个传统农业城市。人多地少、土壤贫瘠,粮食产量不高限制了农业经济的进一步发展;农村劳动力过剩,农村 50%的适龄劳动力闲置;农民收入水平远低于城镇居民,城乡发展不均衡;经济正向工业化中期转变。种种因素决定安康必须要进行农村劳动力转移。2、从目前安康农村劳动力转移现状来看,依靠亲友介绍,去外省市务工仍是主体。转

2、移劳动力虽然文化水平逐年提高,但整体水平仍然较低。从事的行业多为建筑、采矿业。去向多位东部地区。3、目前安康农村劳动力转移仍存在诸多问题,主要表现在:(1 )农村劳动力素质偏低,劳动技能不强,导致大部分劳动力只有从事高强度体力劳动,工作缺乏稳定性,收入较低。 (2)大量劳动力转移带来的社会问题日益凸显,留守老人、儿童问题需引起足够重视。 (3)缺乏有效的市场引导,盲目转移较多。 ( 4)由于户籍制度问题导致农村劳动力转移的不稳定。 (5)国企改革,大量的城市下岗职工与农村劳动力“争食”形成矛盾。 (6)农村劳动力转移的收入低,权益得不到合法保证,影响农村劳动力转移的积极性。4、安康市农村劳动力

3、转移应从以下方面进行加强:(1 )推进城镇化进程,加快小城镇建设;(2)增强乡镇企业活力,提高劳动力吸纳能力;(3 )完善劳动力市场体系,加强劳动力转移的市场引导;(4)大力发展面向农村劳动力的职业技能培训,提高农村劳动力素质;(5)通过有效手段,保障转移的农村劳动力权益;(6 )坚持劳务输出与鼓励农民共返乡创业并重,提高农村劳动力创业积极性。关键词:安康;农村劳动力转移;研究 THE CHARACTERISTICS OF ANKANG RURAL LABORMIGRATION AND MANAGEMENTABSTRACTWith the economic theory of rural la

4、bor force migration as the guide and combined withthe research of domestic and foreign scholars,status of Ankang of rural labor migration andproblems concerned were studied.The suggestions for management of rural migrants wereput forward.Key findings are as follows:1.Ankang is a traditional agricult

5、ural town,with too many people and less farming land.Grain production has limited further development of the agricultural economy.Rural laborsurplus in rural areas accounts for 50%of total labor force,with lower income than urbanresidents,which caused unbalanced development among urban and rural are

6、a.The economyis transforming towards industrialization.Migration of rural labor forces has become atendency.2.From the current Ankang of the current situation of the rural labor force,relying onfriends and relatives introduced to other provinces and cities are still the main migrantworkers.Although

7、the cultural level of the transfer of labor force has gradually increased,butthe overall level remains low.Are mostly engaged in the construction industry,miningindustry.Whereabouts of a number of the eastern region.3,At present there still exist many problems with the rural labor migration of Ankan

8、g:i)low quality of the rural labor force which caused rural labor skills mostly engaged in highintensified manual work with unstable and lower low incomes;ii)a number of socialproblems with elderly people,and children due to rural labor migration;iii)lack of effectivemarket orientation leading to bl

9、indly movement of rural labor force;iv)the householdregistration system leading to unstable transfer of rural labor force;v)competition withurban laid-off workers of state-owned enterprise;vi)lack of legitimate rights and interestsguaranteed for rural labor migration.4.The following aspects should b

10、e strengthened for the management of rural labormigration:i)promotion of urbanization process to speed up construction of small towns;ii)enhancement of the vitality of rural enterprises to improve labor absorptive capacity;iii)improvement of the labor market system to strengthen labor market guidanc

11、e;iv)promotionof the vocational training for rural labor force to develop their skills of employment;v)establishment of effective means to protect the rights and interests of rural labor force;vi)mobilization of the migration of rural labor force by sticking to the principle of moving outand coming back.KEY WORDS:Ankang,rural labor migration,research 目录第一章引言.11.1 背景.11.2 国内外文献综述.11.2.1 国内文献综述.11.2.2 国外文献综述.31.3 研究目的和内容.51.4 研究方法和技术路线:.5第二章安康农村劳动力转移的现状和特点.72.1 安康市社会经济情况概述.72.1.1 位置.72.1.2 地质、地貌.72.1.3 历史沿革.72.1.4 行政区划.82.1.5 气候.


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