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1、2010 年人教版小学英语试卷及答案(一) Tom is cleaning the classroom. (变一般疑问句) She often washes the clothes. (变一般疑问句) There are four chairs in the dinning room.人教版小学英语试卷及答案(一)一、语音()在下列各组单词中,选择一个含有所给音标读音的词填在括号里。( ) 1.k A.city B.carryC.pencil D.cinema( ) 2.e A.seat B.great C.bread D.meat( ) 3.a: A.plate B.change C.man

2、y D.dance( ) 4.u: A.touch B.round C.through D.grow( ) 5.iz A.leaves B.lives C.knives D.pages ()以下对话由三个句子组成,指出这三个句子应该用什么语调,选出一个正确答案填在括号里。6.-Is your school far from here?-No,it isnt.-Where is it?A.升调,降调,降调 B.升调,降调,升调 C.降调,降调,升调( )7.-How long did you watch TV last evening?-For about two hours.-Do you o

3、ften watch TV in the evening?A.升调,降调,升调 B.降调,降调,升调 C.升调,降调,降调( )8. Li Gang is looking for his dictionary.A. 寻找 B. 照顾 C. 看见 ( )9. Tom,please go to Mr Greens office at once.A. 从前 B. 立刻 C. 一次 ( )二、单词释义()将下列单词的正确解释选出,并将它前面的字母编号填在括号里。10. lunchA.not difficult B.the second meal of the dayC.man,woman or chi

4、ld D.ask somebody to come ( )11. chooseA.not difficult B.pick out one thing from several thingsC.man,woman or child D.ask somebody to come ( )12. amongA.not difficult B.the second meal of the dayC.the sixth month of the year D.in the middle of ( )13. send forA.in the middle of A.man,woman or childC.

5、ask somebody to come D.not difficult ( )14. personA.pick out one thing from several thingsB.man,woman or childC.ask somebody to comeD.not difficult ( )()选出与句子的加点部分意思相同或相近的词或词组,把它前面的编号填在括号里。15. The boy .is able to. draw a good horse in five minutes.A.may B.can C.is going to D.must ( )16. I want .a bi

6、t. more milk, not tea.A.much B.many C.a little D.a lot of ( )17. It .started raining. this morning.A.stopped raining B.didnt rainC.began to rain D.kept raining ( )18. Meimei .was in. a red dress yesterday.A.bought B.wore C.put D.got ( )19. Four horses can .draw. the car.A.pull B.drive C.drop D.start

7、 ( )三、选择填空在、三个答案中,选出一个正确答案,把它前面的编号填在括号里。()根据所给的情景,选择合适的答案。20. John 问你:Whats the date today?你答: _.A.Its Monday B.Its June 1 C.Its Childrens Day ( )21.一位外国人在大街上看地图,你想去帮助他,你该说: _?A.What can I do for you B.Where are you goingC.What shall I do ( )22.你在书店指着一本字典向售货员问价格,你该说: _.A.Is it cheap B.How many money

8、 is itC.How much is it ( )23. 你的朋友要外出买东西,他对你说: Would you like to go with me?你乐意去,就说: _.A.Yes,Id love to B.I want to go very muchC.Yes, I like ( )24. 一位外国朋友想借你的钢笔用一下,他对你说: May I use your pen?你乐意借给他,就说: _.A.Yes,here you are B.Thats all rightC.It doesnt matter ( )()选择正确答案25.Mr Smith was _ soldier in th

9、e Second World War.A.a B.an C.the ( )26. _ any apple trees there?A.Is there B.Are there C.There will be ( )27. Australia is one of the most beautiful _ in the world.A.country B.countrys C.countries ( )28.Spring comes _winter.A.before B.from C.after ( )29.Could you tell me _ bike this is ?A.which B.w

10、hose C.whos ( )30.They _ the lost child for some hours in the street.A.looked up B.looked for C.looked at ( )31.Nobody can go into the station _ a ticket.A.with B.without C.except ( )32.Do you know which is _ river in the world?A.the long B.the longer C.the longest ( )33.The _ letter in the word “ci

11、nema” is “i”.A.first B.second C.fourth ( )34. Can you tell me why _ yesterday?A.he didnt come B.did he not come C.didnt he come ( )35. Look,the baby _!A.smile B.smiled C.is smiling ( )36. Everyone tried to work out the problem, but _ of them could do it.A.none B.neither C.each ( )37. Do you want to

12、stay at home _ go shopping with us?A.and B.or C.but ( )38. Neither he nor I _ going swimming.A.is B.am C.are ( )39. Can you _ English?A.say B.talk C.speak ( )四、用词填空() 用句中加线单词的反义词填空。40. Short hair is cooler for summer.I dont like ( ) hair.41. Take these books to the next room and ( ) me a dictionary.

13、42. People meet to buy and ( ) things in the market(市场).43. The woman is better today but her husband is ( ).44. Both of them like swimming but ( ) of them likes fishing.()在下列句子的空格里填上一个适当的单词,使句子合理、通顺。45. We can see many stars in the ( ) at night.46. Dont eat too many sweets. They are ( ) for your te

14、eth.47. His ( ) stopped beating.He was dead.48. Chemistry is one of the most important ( ).49. ( ) four is eight.人教版小学英语试卷及答案(二)五、阅读理解One day a poor man was cutting a big piece of wood (木头 ) near a river.Suddenly his old axe(斧子 )fell into the water. He felt very sad because he lost his only axe.Then

15、 all at once a beautiful fairy(仙女) came out and asked the man what was the matter.“I have lost my axe,”he said.“It fell into the water when I was cutting the wood.”The fairy showed him a gold(金) axe and asked,“Is this yours?”“No,”said the man.The fairy then showed him a silver(银) axe and asked again

16、,“Is this yours?”“No,”again answered the man.Then she showed him the old axe.“Yes,that is mine,”called out the happy man.“I know it well enough,”said the fairy.“I only wanted to see if you would tell me the truth,and now Ill give you the gold axe and the silver axe besides your own one.” 在括号内选出一个符合短文内容的答案,将它的



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