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1、安徽省 2007 年普通高等学校专升本招生考试英 语 试 题(详 解)Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure (1 point each, 35 points in all)Directions: There are 35 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D, then write the correspond

2、ing letter on the Answer Sheet.1. Five miles _ a long distance to an old lady of her age.A. seen to being B. seem to be C. seems to being D. seems to be2. The computer doesnt work well, so something _ wrong.A. Can have gone B. should have gone C. must have gone D. ought to have gone3. A number of st

3、udents in this class _ to Beijing once or twice.A. were B. have been C. is D. has been4.A good secretary should always be informed _ the latest flight schedule.A. to B. in C. with D. of5. I got the good news that they _ in planting trees on the sandy hills.A. have succeeded B. had succeeded C. succe

4、ed D. were succeeding6. Be sure to _ your work at the end of the exam.A. look over B. hang up C. set aside D. catch sight of7. The football game will be played on _.A. June six B. six June C. the sixth of June D. the six of June8. The police investigation discovered that three young men were _ in th

5、e robbery.A. caught B. involved C. connected D. tightened9. It was in that small room _ they worked hard and dreamed of better days to come.A. what B. in which C. which D. that10. The disk I bought from the store yesterday was found to be_.A. empty B. blank C. vacant D. hollow11. Please _ the water

6、tap when you have finished your washing. A. turn on B. turn off C. turn out D. turn over12. If you wish to accept the invitation, please send an email to _ your acceptance.A. confirm B. confine C. confront D. conform13. Dont associate with bad boys _ your whole life will be ruined.A. or B. but C. an

7、d D. so that 14. _ George loves his daughter, he is strict with her.A. Even B. For C. Although D. whether15. In many cultures people insist _ the importance of being punctual.A. in B. over C. to D. on16. One difficulty has been solved . But another one will_.A. arise B. rise C. arouse D. arose17. Th

8、e classroom is quite clean _ some waste paper on the floor.A. except for B. besides C. except D. without18. Hold the book _ please , for I cant see the words in it.A. more close B. closer C. more closely D. closely19. I shall have a companion in the house after all these _years.A. alone B. lonely C.

9、 single D. simple20. He walked in the street without _ to buy anything.A. intention B. heart C. purpose D. thought21. You _ if you had higher score in the examination.A. must have got scholarship B. would have got scholarshipC. should get scholarship D. had got scholarship22. The disabled children n

10、eed many things , but _, they need love.A. first of all B. above all C. after all D. all in all23. _ will come and lend us a helping hand on such an awkward occasion?A. Do you suppose who B. Whom do you supposeC. Who do you think D. Whom do you think24. He didnt tell me where he had spent his holida

11、ys. _ to know.A. Neither I cared B. Not did I careC. I didnt care D. Neither did I care25. Im for the suggestion that a special board_ to examine the problem.A. be set up B. will be set up C. must be set up D. has to be set up26. While studying he financially depended _ his wife.A. on B. of C. to D.

12、 from27. _ his sister , Jack is quite and does not easily make friends with othersA. Dislike B. Unlike C. Alike D. Liking28. No sooner had he got home _ it began to rain.A. when B. that C. than D. while29. That Tshirt was so tight that he decided to have it_.A. be enlarged B. enlarge C. enlarged D.

13、to enlarge30. _ is know to the world , Mark Twain is a great American writer.A. That B. Which C. As D. It31. A lawyers income is usually very high, _ more than 200,000 dollars a year.A. add up to B. added up to C. amounted to D. amounting to32. _, the students had to go to bed.A. The lights had gone out B. The lights having gone outC. The lights went out D. The lights have gone out33. Only in this way _ out of the plan.A. you can talk him B. can you talk him C. him you can talk D. him can you talk34. Most part of the country are _ drought.A. facing at B. coming across C. threatened with



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