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1、利通二小 20142015 学年五年级第一学期教学质量班级_ 姓名_一、听力部分(30 分)1、 Listen and choose(仔细听,选出每组单词中划线字母发音不同的词) (共 10 分)1、 A、catch B、ca ke C、ba dly D、sad2、 A、deaf B、team C、clea n D、teacher3、 A、three B、those C、thank D、thin4、 A、coffee B、home C、b ottle D、dr op 5、 A、chick B、 Miss C、li ne D、his 2、 listen and number(听短语,将下列图片按

2、照听到的顺序排序) (共 10 分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3、 listen、 choose and translate(听短文,选词填空再翻译短文) (共 10 分)took went visited bought had Last weekend . We lots of places in London . I many photos at the London Eye . We apicnic yesterday . We to the supermarket and 5 apples . We all had a good time .译文: 二、笔试部分(共 70

3、 分)1、 look and choose(根据汉语提示,选择字母或字母组合补全单词)10( )1、 (呼喊,大叫)sh_t A、ao B、au C、ou( )2、 (厌烦的、厌倦的)b_ed A、ar B、or C、ro( )3、 (明信片)posc_d A、or B、ur C、ar( )4、 (厨房)_itchen A、c B、g C、k( )5、 (十三)th_teen A、ri B、ir C、or三、read and choose(读句子选择最佳答案) (共 10 分)( )1、 you come back yesterday?A、Do B、Did C、Does( )2、How jui

4、ce did you buy?A、much B、many C、more3. The girl is _. She cant hearA. tried B. blind C .deaf4.There are twenty _ in the classAchild B .children C. childs5._climb the tree!A. Do B. Dont C. Cant6.I _ the game. Im the _A. won, win B. win, winner C. won, winner7. Are you happy?_, A. Yes ,I can B. Yes I a

5、m. C. Yes,I do.8._ _is Sam?Hes in the bedroom.A. Where B. What C. How9. There are some books _ dogs.A. at B .in C. about10. I can_ a good friend to you.A. be B .is C .am四Read and match. (读句子,选出下列问句相对应的答语)共 10 分( )1.Can you run fast? A. No, I dont( ) 2.Do you walk to school? B. Yes I can.( ) 3.What t

6、ime did the bell rang? C. We visited lots of places.( ) 4.What did you do at the weekend? D The bell rang at 9 oclock.( ) 5.Where did he go last week? E He went to the park 五Match and write. (先将动词原形和对应的过去式连线。再选择恰当的过去式补写句子) (共 10 分)原形 过去式 Yesterday(昨天)go ate 1.I TV.eat went 2.Mum _ the park.buy met 3

7、.Amy_dumplingswatch watched 4.Sam _ his friends.meet bought 5.Grandpa_a book.六 (选词填空,在翻译句子)共 15 分At walk hungry bananas take are kitchen room meat climb1.Dont_ on the grass. _2.How much_ do you want? _3.Daming is feeling_. _.4.You can _photos. _5.How many _do you want ? Three,please._6.I found the b

8、ook in the _7. This is Lingling and Amys _8.There_three crayons on the desk._9.I went to school _ eight oclock yesterday._七、Look and write.(根据表格信息,仿照例句写出你的日常生活和Tom 昨天的生活)(共 10 分)(get up) HaveclassEat dinnerWatch TVDo homeworkGo to bedI 6:00 7:30 12:00 6:30 8:30 10:00Tom 6:30 8:00 12:30 7:00 9:00 10:

9、30(例句)I get up at six oclock Tom got up at half past six yesterdayI at half past seven.Tom at eight oclock.I at twelve oclock. Tom at half past twelve.I at half past six. Tom at seven oclock.I at half past eight.Tom at nine oclock.I at ten oclock. Tom at half past ten.八、用 There be(有)句型介绍你的教室或学习用品。 (至少写五句,共五分)


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