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1、九年级(上)英语期末模拟试卷时间:120 分钟 总分:100 分 命题人:肖丽真Class_Name_Number_Mark_第卷(70 分).听力(20 分)A听句子,从所给三幅图中选出你所听到的句子情景相同(相近)的图画。(每小题读两遍)(5分)听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。 (5 分)( )11.A.Yes, they have. B.No, she hasnt. C.Yes, he did( )12.A.Of course not. B.No, never. C.Yes, I do.( )13.A.Last year. B.Before 3 years.

2、 C.Since 3 years ago.( )14.A.Ive no idea. B.Can I have some fish? C.Yes, you can.( )15.A.It is tall. B.They are wide. C.She is in the office.C.听对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。 (5 分)( )11.Who is this phone call for?A.Fred. B.Alice. C.Mum.( )12.Whats the weather like today?A.Cloudy. B.Sunny. C.Windy.( )13.Where are

3、they going?A.To the school. B.To the beach. C.To the farm.( )14.What are they going there for?A.Visiting the farm. B.Taking a walk. C.Having a picnic.( )15.When will they start tomorrow?A.At 6: 30. B.At 6: 45. C.At 7: 15.D.听短文,填空。短文读三遍。 (5 分)Maybe you really want to be a 16 person. But you dont know

4、 what to do. Now I can give you some 17 . For example, when you go somewhere not far, youd better walk or ride a bike 18 of taking a bus or car. If you like smoking, try to 19 it, or at least you mustnt smoke in 20 places. When you see some rubbish on the street, you should try to clean it up and so

5、 on. In fact, it is easier to say than to do. Could you do well?16._ 17._ 18._ 19._ 20._单项选择。 (20 分)( )21.Lily, _ you _ your ticket?Not yet!A.did; find B.have; found C.has; found D.do; find( )22.Xiao Li had an accident yesterday _ he is in No.1 Peoples Hospital now.A.but B.and C.or D.since( )23.Our

6、country _ progress in science and culture in recent years.A.made such B.has made such C.made so D.has made so( )24.We really shouldnt use plastic bags any more when shopping._ Its important to protect our environment.A.So do I. B.With pleasure. C.Thats OK. D.So it is.( )25.Trees can stop the sand _

7、towards the rich farmland in the south.A.moving B.to move C.from moving D.moves( )26.There are five people in the room, but I know _.A.both of them B.none of them C.all of them D.neither of them( )27.Do you know him?Im sure Ive seen him _, but I cant remember the right place.A.anywhere B.nowhere C.e

8、verywhere D.somewhere( )28.There was a rainstorm yesterday. The flood _ the old bridge over the small river.A.washed away B.went away C.blew away D.put away( )29.His close friend _ for two years.A.died B.has died C.has been dead D.has been died( )30.There are many kinds of bikes here. She cant decid

9、e _.A.where to buy B.which to buy C.how to go there D.when to go there( )3 1.A cellphone _ a camera by most young people in China.A.is used by B.used for C.is used as D.is used to( )32.In the past, the child laborers _ do a lot of hard work.A.forced B.forced to C.was forced to D.were forced to( ) 33

10、.Hi, Jane, tell you a piece of good news. I _ America tomorrow.Wow, have a good trip! A.leave for B.am leaving for C.leaving for D.left( )34.I have worked hard at English, but it seems that I havent made any progress.Keep on _ at it, and you will be successful.A.work B.working C.to work D.works( )35

11、.Wow. What a beautiful coat!I bought it in Suzhou last year. Its _ silk. Its dear.A.made of B.made from C.made in D.made by( )36._ the morning of March 31, she made an important decision in her life.A.Since B.In C.From D.On ( )37.We all _ Mrs. Wang _ her help. _ her help, we have made great success.

12、A.thank for; Thanks to B.thank to; Thanks forC.thank for; Thanks for D.thank to; Thanks to( )38.It _ that there are many treasures in the pyramids.A.says B.said C.is said D.is saying( )39. The shoes were worn out, whats more, they arent worth _. A.to mend B.mending C.mended D.for mending( )40.More a

13、nd more trees were cut down. _, many animals are dying out. A.In the end B.So that C.As a result D.At last. 完形填空。(10 分)In 1997, Americans decided to launch two space probes (探 测 器 ). They were 41 Voyager I and Voyager. They sent 42 photos and facts about the more distant planets. Now they are travel

14、ing out in the galaxy(星系). Here are some facts about the Voyager spacecraft. The total cost of the Voyager mission(任务) is 865 million dollars. This 43 very expensive. But it is only twenty cents for each American each year. The television cameras of the Voyager are 44 powerful that they could read a

15、 newspaper headline at a distance 45 one kilometer. But there arent any newspapers in space!Scientists have put a message on the Voyager spacecraft. We hope that someone will find it one day. But the Voyager will 46 40, 000 years to reach another solar system like ours, with planets. The message is on a special disc, a bit like a CD. The disc has sounds and pictures on it. There are thirty-nine sounds of the earth. Some of them are natural sounds, 47 the sea, wind, and t


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