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1、1装订线华南农业大学期末考试试卷(A 卷)2012-2013 学年度第 1 学期 考试科目: 试验设计与数据处理(双语) 考试类型:(开卷)考试 考试时间:90分钟学号 姓名 年级专业 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 总分得分评阅人一、填空题(本大题共 5 小题 10 空,每空 2 分,共 20 分)1. Three basic principles of experimental design and statistical analysis are 重复原则 , 随机化原则 , and 局部控制原则 . 2. In linear regression analysis, 最小二乘法 appr

2、oach is used to fit the model. 3. The mode is the measurement that occurs most 次数的数据 in the data set. 4. 两个样本平均数的差异性检验中,当样本容量大于 30 的时候,可以视为大样本,可进行 z 检验统计量 检验,否则进行 t 检验统计量 检验。5. 变异系数是 标准偏差 SD 对 平均值 Mean 的百分比。得分2二、 (本题 10 分)A large automobile manufacturer claims that its new luxury model(豪华车型)will tra

3、vel longer than 18 miles on a gallon of gas. To test the manufacturers claim, a consumer magazine test drove(试驾) thirty-six of the luxury models and determined the gas mileage(一加仑汽油所行驶的里程) for each. The following statistics were then obtained: miles per gallon; miles per gallon. Do 2.17x8.1sthese st

4、atistics refute (反驳) the manufacturers claim? Let .05三、 (本题 10 分)In a bottling process, a manufacturer will lose money if the bottle is lighter or heavier than 20 ounces(盎司,重量单位) . Suppose one day, a quality control inspector samples 9 bottles. He finds that the average weight is 19.7 ounces and s i

5、s 0.3 ounce. You are required to (1) calculate the value of statistics t; (2) Does the sample evidence indicate that the machine is in need of adjustment? Test at an 05.得分得分3装订线level of significance. 四、 (本题 20 分)设有一熟练工人,用 6 台机器在 4 种不同的运转速度下生产同一种零件,各自记录 1 小时内生产的零件数(试验指标) 。机器速度 1 2 3 4 5 61 42.5 39.3

6、39.6 39.9 42.9 40.62 39.5 40.1 40.5 42.3 42.5 43.13 40.2 40.5 41.3 43.4 44.9 45.1得分44 41.3 42.2 43.5 44.2 45.9 42.3试分析:(1)假设机器完全相同,写出检验假设,根据下面结果分析运转速度对产量有无显著影响( ) ;05.(2)假设机器品种不同,因此需要作为区组效应对待,请按照下表结果重新分析运转速度对产量有无显著影响( ) ;05.5装订线(3)试论以上两种试验统计分析方法的不同和划分区组的意义。五、 (本题 15 分)A large car rental agency sells

7、 its cars after using them for a year. Among the records kept for each car are mileage and maintenance costs for the year. To evaluate the performance of a particular car model in terms of maintenance costs, the agency wants to estimate the mean increase in maintenance costs for each additional 1000

8、 miles driven. Use the SPSS output to (1) find the regression model; (2) Does the data provide sufficient evidence to indicate that the relationship between maintenance cost and miles driven is linear? To answer this question, you can do a F test or t test; (3) find the Coefficient of Determination

9、(R square value) and interpret(解释) it.Car Miles drivenx (thousands) Maintenance costy (dollars)1 54 3262 27 1593 29 2024 32 2005 28 1816 36 217得分67装订线六、 (本题 25 分)某工厂用车床粗车轴杆,为提高工效,对转速,走刀量和吃刀深度进行正交试验,各因素及其水平如下表:因素水平A(转速)r/minB(走刀量)mm/转C(吃刀深度)mm1 480 0.33 2.52 600 0.20 1.73 765 0.15 2.0试验指标为工时。用正交表 安排试验,将各因素依次放在正交表的 1,2,3 列上,)3(49L9 次试验所得工时(单位:min)如下表。试对结果进行分析:( 1)使用极差分析法确定因素主次顺序;(2)画出直观图;(3)选取最佳因素水平组合;(4)比较最优选择与试验的结果是否一致?应怎样处理? 正交试验安排表试验号A转速(r/min )B走刀量(mm/转)C吃刀深度(mm )工时(小时)1 1 1 1 1.452 1 2 2 2.253 1 3 3 3.24 2 1 2 1.15 2 2 3 1.96 2 3 1 2.67 3 1 3 0.98 3 2 1 1.559 3 3 2 2.1得分



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