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1、12016 届新课标高考英语一轮复习语法基础巩固第一周派生词在新课标全国卷的语法填空题中,有涉及单词的形式变化的题目。此外,新考纲要求考生掌握 3 000 多个英语单词。因此,掌握常用派生词的构词方法不仅能帮助同学们做好语法填空题,还能帮助同学们扩大词汇量,为同学们在高考中稳操胜券奠定基础。一、名词后缀 1动词 ion/tion /sion名词(表示动作或动作过程)correct v改正;纠正 correction n改正celebrate v庆祝 celebration n庆祝;庆祝会conclude v完成;结束 conclusion n结论;结束2动词 er/or 名词( 表示从事某种职

2、业或进行某种活动的人)drive v驾驶开车;驱赶 driver n司机;驾驶员gather v聚集;采集 gatherer n收集者;采集者conduct v指挥;管理 conductor n指挥;售票员3动词ment名词punish v惩罚 punishment n惩罚4动词/形容词th名词warm adj.温暖的 warmth n温暖 grow v生长 growth n生长5形容词y名词difficult adj.困难的 difficulty n困难 honest adj.诚实的 honesty n诚实6形容词ness名词kind adj.善良的 kindness n善良7动词 ance

3、名词annoy vt.使烦恼 annoyance n生气;烦恼8ship 结尾的名词(表示身份;关系;资格 ) member n成员;会员 membership n会员资格professor n教授 professorship n教授身份9ing 结尾的名词garden n花园 gardening n园艺greet v打招呼;问候 greetings n问候2针对训练语篇填空(用所给单词的适当形式完成下列短文 )AFrom the 1.expression (express) on Marys face, he knew he left a bad 2.impression (impress)

4、 on her and if she won the 3.election (elect) to become chairman of the Environment 4.Organization (organize), he could not get her 5.permission(permit) to join it although he was willing to do his bit to rid the world of 6.pollution (pollute) and to help people enjoy a better earth.When he was wond

5、ering how to change this embarrassing situation, he got 7.inspiration (inspire) from his wifes words.Yes, he should try his best to win the election and become chairman himself with his 8.determination (determine) to work for the organization.“My dear, you are really a wonderful 9.helper (help)!I m

6、sure I will be the 10.winner (win) of the election.” He said to his wife excitedly.BIt was really a hard time when Li Ping first came to the United States.His 1.earnings (earn) could hardly cover the expenses, so when his wife gave 2.birth (bear) to their second daughter, they could not afford enoug

7、h nutrition food.Soon, poor nutrition caused the 3.death (die) of the poor baby.4.Loneliness (lonely) was another problem because they had no 5.relations (relate) or friends there.Thanks to his 6.bravery (brave) and 7.perseverance (persevere), he managed to gain the 8.citizenship (citizen) of the Un

8、ited States and in the end he had his permanent 9. settlement (settle)He always tells his children like this: Perseverance leads to 10.happiness (happy) and success.二、形容词后缀 1常见形容词后缀(1)名词al形容词(表示 “有属性” , “与有关”)agriculture n农业 agricultural adj.农业的(2)动词ive形容词decide v决定;下决心 decisive adj.决定性的;关键的(3)动词abl

9、e形容词(表示“能够” , “适于” , “值得”)change v变化;兑换changeable adj.易变的;变化无常的(4)名词 ful形容词care n小心;关心 careful adj.小心的;仔细的(5)名词less 形容词(意思与原名词相反)care n. 小心;关心 careless adj.粗心的(6)名词ly 形容词3friend n朋友 friendly adj.友好的(7)名词y 形容词dirt n污物;脏物 dirty adj.脏的(8)名词ous 形容词 danger n危险 dangerous adj.危险的2复合形容词的构成(1)形容词ing 分词 easyg

10、oing 随和的(2)形容词名词ed kindhearted 善良的;好心的(3)名词ed 分词 watercovered 被水覆盖的(4)副词ed 分词 wellwritten 写得好的(5)数词名词ed threelegged 三条腿的针对训练.阅读下列句子,写出画线单词的意思1It feels like an unbelievable stroke of luck of fate, really.(2012四川高考阅读 C)()2The good working condition in this city is attractive.()3You can rely on him bec

11、ause he is reliable.( )4Her words struck fear into her heart so that she was sleepless all night long, afraid of being killed unexpectedly some day.()5It was a frosty cold morning when he set off for the remote village.()答案:1.不可思议的;难以置信的2.吸引人的3.可依赖的;靠得住的4.没有睡觉的;不眠的5.有霜的.语篇填空A:用所给单词的适当形式完成下列短文Lucy li

12、kes talking and everybody says she is municative (communicate)She is 2.active (act) in answering the teachers questions and from time to time her classmates find her answers quite 3.impressive (impress) and 4.acceptable (accept). Of course, not every student likes her, but she has many friends who t

13、hink Lucy is a 5.creative (create) and 6.helpful (help) girl.For example, she once led a 7. homeless (home) child to her home and made the child her younger sister.Besides, she spent 8.countless (count) hours caring for a sick neighbor until she was well again.She is 9.friendly (friend) to those who

14、 have difficulty with their subjects.All in all, Lucy is the most 10.famous (fame) girl in her school.B:运用所学构词知识完成下列短文Our journey was farreaching amongst snowcovered/capped (雪封的) mountains where no Englishspeaking (说英语的 ) people live.The local people are goodlooking (相貌好看的), 4easygoing (随和的) andhard

15、working (勤劳的) Our hostess was oldaged (年老的) ,whitehaired (白发苍苍的) andsunburnt (被太阳晒伤的) She gave me homemade (自家做的) yaks milk cake, looking selfsatisfied (自足的) as I enjoyed this rare treat although very wellknown (著名) and widespread (广泛流传) around here.I was exhausted when I fell into the readymade (准备好了的 ) bed she prepared for me.三、动词词缀1前缀en 形容词动词enrich v丰富 enlarge v变大;增大;扩大2形容词en动词shorten v缩短 widen v加宽3fy 结尾的动词simplify v简化 classify v归类4ize 结尾的动词realize v认识到 popularize v普及针对训练.阅读下列句子, 写出画线部



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