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1、“世都大厦”写字楼租赁合同(英汉)ChengDu “ShiDu Mansion”Office Building Leasing Agreement“世都大厦”写字楼租赁合同(Contract NO. ) (合同编号: )THIS LEASE is entered into between:本合同甲乙双方Party A (Landlord):(以下简称甲方)Legal representative:法人代表:Address:注册地址:Telephone: 8628-电话:(028)传真:(028)Postal Code:邮政编码:Party B (Tenant):Cadence Design S

2、ystems Asia Ltd.(以下简称乙方)Legal representative:法人代表:Address:注册地址:Telephone:电话:传真:Postal Code:邮政编码:Whereby, on the basis of equality, voluntaries and consensus, Party A and Party B have entered into the following Lease concerning the lease of Chengdu “ShiDu Mansion”office building which shall be jointl

3、y observed by both parties.双方经协商一致立此租约,并就下列各项条款达成协议:1. Leased Unit一、 租赁楼宇地点:1.1 Party A agrees to lease and Party B agrees to take the office unit , floor, total unit, ShiDu Mansion and its facilities, Building lies No.58 BeiXin street ChengDu SiChuan.甲方将位于四川省成都市北新街 号 楼 单元,共 套的房屋出租给乙方。1.2 The Leased

4、 Architecture Area is square meters (the location of the unit is highlighted in the floor plan set out on Schedule A hereto; the plan is for reference only).租用建筑面积为 平方米(附楼层平面图)2. age of the Leased Unit二、 楼宇用途:2.1 Party B shall use the Lease Unit wholly and exclusively as an office and shall not use

5、the Leased Unit for any other purposes.乙方所承租的房屋只能作为商业办事处或办公机构地,而不能用作其他任何用途。3. Term三、 租赁期限3.1 The lease term is from .经双方商定,租赁期限为 年,即从 年 月 日起承租至 年 月 日止。3.2 Party A agreed to offer days to Party B for the purpose of internal decoration and the decoration period shall be exempted from paying rent. Part

6、y B shall take possession of the premises in the capacity of a “License”and the licensees period shall last up until the official commencement date of the lease term stated in clause 3. During this period, the Party B shall pay property management fee.甲方为乙方免费提供 天免租装修期,租赁方有权提前进入单元装修,在此期间乙方应交纳物管费。4. R

7、ent四、 租金:4.1 Party B agrees that during the Term, the rent for the Leased Unit shall be determined as commencing from (month/day/year), the monthly Rent for the Leased Unit shall be RMB .乙方同意由 年 月 日起租,租金每月 元。4.2 The Rent is payable in the following time and manner:租金交付方式:(1) The Rent shall be payabl

8、e in full by terms. Every months shall be one term, total RMB per term. 租金每 个月为一期,每期计人民币 元,(2) The Rent of the first term shall be payable in full by Party B to Party A on or before the 7th day of the contract effectiveness date, and the Rent of each of the subsequent terms is payable on or before t

9、he day before the last term expiry.Party B shall settle all Rent and Other Charges on or before the 7th day after receipt Party As notice.首期租金于签定合同七日内付清。其余各期租金应于上期期满前 日内支付。乙方应在收到甲方的帐单后七日内付清。(3) Party B shall make payment of the Rent to the following account in accordance with the aforesaid Clause租金以

10、支票或转帐方式存入甲方以下银行帐户。Bank:开户行:Account Name:帐户名称:Account Number:帐 号:5. Deposit五、 履约保证金5.1 Party B shall pay to Party A an amount equivalent to months Rent(including management fee), in a total amount of RMB as Deposit to secure the due performance and observance of the terms and conditions on the part o

11、f Party B contained in this lease.乙方自签约之日起 日内须向甲方交付相当于 个月租金的款项人民币 元(大写: )作为履约保证金(包括管理费) 。5.2 The Deposit shall be refunded to Party B (without interest) within 10 days after the return of the Leased Unit by Party B in accordance with this Lease to Party A and the settlement of all outstanding Rent a

12、nd Other Charges upon the expiry of the Term.如乙方履行本合同各项条款至合同期满,乙方不再续租,并将完好房屋归还甲方,甲方在确认乙方已结清各种费用后十日内将保证金(不计利息)返还乙方。6. Internal Fitting Out六、 房屋装修6.1 Party B may fit out the Leased Unit during the Term provided that it shall complete fitting-out formalities with Party A before the commencement of the

13、fitting-out works. Party B shall bear all the costs in fitting out the Leased Unit. The procedures of fitting-out formalities, cost rate and other requirements are set out in the “Fitting Out Manual”provided by Party A.6.2 Party B shall not cause any damage to the exterior and internal structure of

14、the Property and its ancillary facilities when fitting out the Leased Unit and shall strictly comply with safety and otherwise regarding decoration designs, construction, inspection and acceptance.乙方可在承租期内对承租房屋进行装修。乙方开始装修前,向甲方办理装修手续,乙方自己承担装修费用,有关装修的手续、费用和要求以甲方提供的装修手册为准。乙方在装修中不得改变或损坏大厦的外观、内部结构、及期附属设施

15、设备,并严格遵守装修手册的相关规定。乙方应对承租单元的消防安全、装修设计及建造负责并接受检查。7. Other Charges七、 其它费用7.1 party B shall bear the indoor electricity charges incurred by its use of the lighting and other electricity consuming facilities of the Leased Unit according to the actual electricity consumption measured by the separate electricity meter installed therein. Party B shall make payment of such charges payable to the ShiDu Mansion Pr



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