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1、The Great GatsbyChapter 12015.03.05 Helplessly hlplsli:无助地;无能为力地If you are helpless, you do not have the strength or power to do anything useful or to control or protect yourself.Parents often feel helpless, knowing that all the hugs in the world wont stop the tears.家长们常常感到无能为力,知道世上所有的拥抱也不能止住眼泪。Path

2、finder pfand:探路者,探险者;开拓者,开创者Original rdnl:n/原件;原作;原物。adj/原始的;最初的;独创的;新颖的。If something such as a document, a work of art, or a piece of writing is an original, it is not a copy or a later version. When you have filled in the questionnaire, copy it and send the original to your employer.You use origin

3、al when referring to something that existed at the beginning of a process or activity, or the characteristics that something had when it began or was made. The original plan was to go by bus.Casually kjrl: adv. 放松随便地;偶然地;临时地;休闲地If you are casual, you are, or you pretend to be, relaxed and not very c

4、oncerned about what is happening or what you are doing.A casual event or situation happens by chance or without planningCasual clothes are ones that you normally wear at home or on holiday, and not on formal occasions.Casual work is done for short periods and not on a permanent or regular basisConfe

5、r kn f: vt 授予,给予; vi 协商To confer something such as power or an honour on someone means to give it to themThe constitution also confers large powers on Brazils 25 constituent states.When you confer with someone, you discuss something with them in order to make a decision. You can also say that two pe

6、ople confer.He conferred with Hill and the others in his office.Burst bst: vi. 爆裂;溃决;闯入 (into);突然活跃 vt. 爆裂;溃决 n. (突然地)一阵If something bursts or if you burst it, it suddenly breaks open or splits open and the air or other substance inside it comes out.If a dam bursts, or if something bursts it, it bre

7、aks apart because the force of the river is too great.If a river bursts its banks, the water rises and goes on to the land.A burst of something is a sudden short period of it.Conviction knvkn:n定罪,判罪;确信,坚信;坚定的信念A conviction is a strong belief or opinion.If someone has a conviction, they have been fou

8、nd guilty of a crime in a court of law.If you have conviction, you have great confidence in your beliefs or opinions.Volume vljum:n 量;容积;(书籍的)卷;合订本;音量The volume of something is the amount of it that there isThe volume of an object is the amount of space that it contains or occupies.A volume is one b

9、ook in a series of books. (书籍的)卷A volume is a collection of several issues of a magazine, for example, all the issues for one year.(合订本)The volume of a radio, television, or sound system is the loudness of the sound it produces. (音量 )If something such as an action speaks volumes about a person or th

10、ing, it gives you a lot of information about them. 充分表明Promise prms: vtIf you promise that you will do something, you say to someone that you will definitely do it.承诺、保证If you promise someone something, you tell them that you will definitely give it to them or make sure that they have it. 向 (某人) 承诺

11、(给予他们某物); 向 (某人) 保证 (他们获得某物)If a situation or event promises to have a particular quality or to be a particular thing, it shows signs that it will have that quality or be that thing.预示A promise is a statement that you make to a person in which you say that you will definitely do something or give th

12、em something.诺言If someone or something shows promise, they seem likely to be very good or successful. (显示出 ) 成功的迹象Eg. The boy first showed promise as an athlete in grade school.这个男孩最初是在小学显示出成为一名成功的运动员的迹象。Unfold nfold:vi 展开,逐渐明朗;( 事情)传开;vt 展开,使(事情)传开If a situation unfolds, it develops and becomes kno

13、wn or understood.展开,逐渐明朗If a story unfolds or if someone unfolds it, it is told to someone else.传开If someone unfolds something which has been folded or if it unfolds, it is opened out and becomes flat. 展开Solemn slm:庄严的,严肃的;隆重的,郑重的;Someone or something that is solemn is very serious rather than cheer

14、ful or humorous. (人) 严肃的; (物) 庄严的A solemn promise or agreement is one that you make in a very formal, sincere way. 正式的; 郑重的Specialist splst专家A specialist is a person who has a particular skill or knows a lot about a particular subject.Slender slnd:苗条的,优美的;微弱的A slender person is attractively thin and

15、 gracefulYou can use slender to describe a situation which exists but only to a very small degree.Riotous rats 放纵的,无节制的;狂欢的,喧闹的;If you say that someone has a riotous lifestyle, you mean that they frequently behave in an excessive and uncontrolled way, for example by eating or drinking too much. (生活)

16、放纵的 ; 无节制的You can describe someones behaviour or an event as riotous when it is noisy and lively in a rather wild way. (行为或事件)狂欢的; 喧闹的Identical adntkl: 完全相同的Things that are identical are exactly the same.Contour kntr:轮廓; 轮廓线等高线You can refer to the general shape or outline of an object as its contours. A contour on a map is a line joining points of equal height and indicating hills, valleys


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