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1、1英语写作中常见错误与讲解一 句子结构1.误:Although I tried my best to speak English in class, but I failed at last. 正:Although I tried my best to speak English in class, I failed at last.解:从句用了 although,主句就不要用 but,两者只能用一个;类似错误:In my opinion, I think., Because, so.等,只用其中一个。2.误:There are many people do not have a good s

2、core.正:There are many people who do not have a good score.解:一个句子中只能有一个谓语动词,如果还要用动词表意,则要变换形式为分词或不定式(它们又叫“非谓语动词” ) ,或者变从句。23.误:Its about eight years since I first learning English. 正:It has been about eight years since I first began learning English.解:since 自从时候起,是完成时态的标志,这里“啥时”以过去发生了什么事情来表示。4.误:no ma

3、tter you learn English well or not正:whether you learn English well or not解:no matter how/when/which 的“不论”非同于 whetheror not 之“不论” 。5.误:Not only satisfied dramatically was my vanity, but also my result in English was improved significantly.正:Not only was my vanity satisfied, my English proficiency was

4、 also improved significantly.解:not only, never, seldom, little, scarcely, 3nowhere, rarely 等否定词和 on no account/by no means/under no circumstances/in no way/in no case(绝不,在任何情况下都不)等带有否定含义的短语放在句首,通常把 be/do 等助动词和情态动词放在主语的前面,这就是所谓的部分倒装,例如 Rarely does the temperature go above 25 degrees Centigrade here.

5、(这里的温度很少超过 25 摄氏度。) Under no circumstances should we agree to such a principle.(在任何情况下我们都不能同意这样一个原则。) 6. 误:only can you do it , English is no problem for you.正:Only when you do it will English be no problem for you.解:“only+ 状语 ”位于句首,主句部分倒装。4二 主谓一致1. 误:my classmate tell me 正:my classmates tell (class

6、mate tells) me 解:主语是第三人称单数,且是一般现在时,谓语动词词尾应加“s”2. 误:Someone think that learning English is to remember words.正:Some people think解:“someone” 是第三人称单数,其谓语动词应是“thinks” ,但是既然“有个人”不能代表一些人的观点,没有说服力,因此还是用“some people ”为好。3. 误:My English become better and better.正:My English becomes better and better./ My Eng

7、lish is becoming better and better.解:主语是第三人称单数,且是一般现5在时,谓语动词词尾应加“s”4. 误:My inner feelings is very complicated.正:are解:主语是第三人称复数, “be”动词应是“are ”。5. 误:I believe that many students has a lot of experience.正:have解:主语是第三人称复数,其谓语应是“have”。三 搭配1. 误:In one hand,in the other hand正:On one hand, on the other han

8、d解:这是固定搭配。2. 误:in campus正:on解:campus 指大学校园, on campus 在6校内,off campus 在校外。3. 误:look up the dictionary正:look up new words in the dictionary / consult the dictionary解:look up 表示“查阅”的意思,后面一般接的是“单词”或“词义(the meaning of a word)”,而不是“字典” 。4. 误:Im developing my interest of English.正:in解:掌握名词、动词、形容词与什么介词搭配至关

9、重要,需要平时的点滴积累,这些搭配一般是固定的,不可随便替换,例如 show passion/enthusiasm/zeal(激情、热情)for ones work; a thirst/hunger/craving/desire(渴望) for knowledge;而 sensitive(敏感的) 、indifferent(漠不关心的) 、addicted(成瘾的)则与介词 to 搭配,等等。5. 误:I became more strict to myself.7正:with6. 误:I spent much time to practice it.正:I spent much time (

10、in) practicing it.7. 误:We all have difficulty in memorize new words.正:We all have difficulty in memorizing new words.解:have difficulty/trouble/problem (in)接动名词 v-ing, 表示做某事有困难。8. 误:I dream to be a scientist.正:I dream of being a scientist.9 误:I learned English by my heart. 正:I learned English by hear

11、t. 解:表示“用心地”意思应该用 by heart, 中间一般不用修饰词,类似短语还有 by mistake(错误地), by accident=hap=hazard(偶然,碰巧)by comparison/contrast(相比之下) , by 8experience(根据经验), by force(通过武力), by habit(出于习惯 ), by principle(按照原则), by rote(死记硬背,机械地 )。四 用词混淆1. 误:I took a large number of time on practicing English listening. 正:It took

12、me much time to practice listening./ I spent much time practicing English listening. 解:这个句子里面有两个典型错误。第一,表示做某事情花费某人多少时间,可以说It takes/took sb. +时间 to do sth. 例如,It took me three hours to upload this movie. 其主语不要用人,而 spend 主语通常是人,I spent three days uploading this movie. 第二个错误,a (large)number of、a multit

13、ude of、a good many, many 后面只能接可数名词的复数形式,a large amount of、much后面只能接不可数名词。92. 误:we are interest in English. We can see some interest English movies正:we are interested in English. We can see some interesting English movies解:过去分词表示被动或者过去的意思,而现在分词表示性质。3.误:we should pay a lot time to say it in any occasi

14、on正:we should spend a lot of time saying it on any occasion解:人能 spend 钱或时间,pay 钱或代价。4.误:we should take a lot of time to remember words正:we should spend a lot of time (in) remembering words解:人能 spend 钱或时间,东西(对象物体)take 某人+精力、时间、钱等。105.误:instead of remember a large number of words正:instead of rememberi

15、ng a large number of words解:instead of 是介词词性,后面必须跟名词或者名词词性的成分。6. 误:I would be laughed by my classmates.正:laughed at解: “laugh at” 表示“嘲笑”的意思,是一个及物的动词短语,用于被动语态中,at 应该保留。7. 误:We would feel frustrating.正:frustrated解:这句话原意应是“我们将感到灰心” 。表示“感到”,用“V+ed”形式,表示”令人或使人,用“V+ing”形式。如:听到这消息,我感到吃惊。译文:I feel /am surpri

16、sed at the news. 这条消息令人吃惊。译文:The news is surprising. 类似的表达有:disappointed/disappointing(失望); 11amused/amusing(愉快); amazed/amazing(吃惊); startled/startling(震惊);astonished/astonishing(惊讶); pleased/pleasing(取悦); excited/exciting(兴奋)等等。8. 误:learning English well is of extreme important.正:importance解:“of + (表示性质的)noun(如:importance, significance, use, value, benefit etc.) ”结构常被用来代替具有相同意思的形容


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