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1、苏州市交通运输协会厂包客运分会示范合同The Sample Contract of Factory Lease Car Transport Branch of Suzhou Transportation Association苏州市交通运输协会厂包客运分会示范合同The Sample Contract of Factory Lease Car Transport Branch of Suzhou Transportation Association苏州市厂包客运合同(示范文本)Suzhou Factory Lease Car Contract (Sample)苏州市交通运输协会厂包客运分会制定

2、By the Factory Lease Car Transport Branch of Suzhou Transportation Association 苏州市交通运输协会厂包客运分会示范合同The Sample Contract of Factory Lease Car Transport Branch of Suzhou Transportation Association苏州市交通运输协会厂包客运分会示范合同The Sample Contract of Factory Lease Car Transport Branch of Suzhou Transportation Associ

3、ation苏州市厂包客运合同(示范文本)Suzhou Factory Lease Car Contract (Sample)(合同编号: )(Contract No. )甲方(Party A):乙方(Party B):甲方因企业需要,向乙方租用客运包车,由乙方提供车辆和司机接送甲方员工上、下班,双方经友好协商,就包 车租赁有关事宜,订立合同条款如下:Party A shall lease cars from Party B for own use. Party B shall be responsible to provide Party A with lease car and the re

4、levant driver service. Based on the friendly consultation of Parties A and B, both parties have entered into the Contract as follows:第一条 承运人要求ARTICLE I Requirements for Carriers乙方必须具备履行本合同所要求的营运资质和相应设备、设施、人员等条件。Party B shall possess the qualifications such as operation qualification, relevant equipm

5、ent, facilities, and staff, required by this contract.第二条承运车辆ARTICLE II Cars for Leasing乙方向甲方提供 (厂牌车辆类型等级) 辆厂包车,车号为 ,载客数 座,车辆 每日运行圈次为 圈。Party B shall be responsible to provide Party A with_(brand, type, grade)_(number) cars; cars NO._; seat capacity_seats; daily number of runs_.车辆附属设施配制要求。Requiremen

6、ts for the attached facilities _.苏州市交通运输协会厂包客运分会示范合同The Sample Contract of Factory Lease Car Transport Branch of Suzhou Transportation Association苏州市交通运输协会厂包客运分会示范合同The Sample Contract of Factory Lease Car Transport Branch of Suzhou Transportation Association甲方需要增加使用其他车辆的,乙方应尽力配合,双方另行签订合同。Party B sh

7、all meet needs raised by Party A in using more cars as far as possible.In such case, the two parties are required to sign another contract.第三条 包车期限ARTICLE III Term of Lease包车期限为年(月),自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止。Term of lease: _year(s)/(months), from_(month)_(day), _(year) to_(month)_(day), _(year).第四条 司机人员配备ART

8、ICLE IV Requirements for Drivers1、乙方应指定 名身体健康并持有营运车辆从业资格证的司机驾驶车辆。1.Party B shall assign_(number of drivers) healthy drivers with operation qualification.2、乙方应将司机详细情况列表交甲方,须经甲方认可。2. The detailed information of the drivers shall be listed in forms and sent to Party A by Party B, and shall be confirmed

9、 by Party A.3、乙方需调整司机人员或调整司机对应车辆安排的,应提前 日告知甲方,并提供调整后的司机详细情况。3. In case such factors as Party B have to change the drivers or adjust the arrangement between drivers and their corresponding lease cars, Party A shall be notified prior to_days and be provided with detailed information of the new drivers

10、.4、乙方司机必须服从甲方管理人员的管理,同 时保证工作期间服装统一、礼貌待人、语言文明,有较强的服务意识,熟练的驾驶 技术,灵活地处理车辆故障及交通紧急事故的能力。4. Drivers shall comply with the arrangement of Party A, ensuring to wear unified clothes, and to be courtesy and ardor while working. In addition, drivers shall have a strong sense of service, skilled driving techniq

11、ue and the ability to deal with breakdowns and any emergency.5、乙方应定期对司机进行交通安全、车辆卫生、服务态度、文明用语等相关苏州市交通运输协会厂包客运分会示范合同The Sample Contract of Factory Lease Car Transport Branch of Suzhou Transportation Association苏州市交通运输协会厂包客运分会示范合同The Sample Contract of Factory Lease Car Transport Branch of Suzhou Trans

12、portation Association服务要求进行教育和检查。甲方管理人员会同乙方定期对乙方司机进行评价,对多次遭甲方乘车员工投诉且评价不合格的司机,甲方有权要求乙方更换。乙方应在接到甲方更换要求后立即更换该司机,并不得再行任用该司机为甲方服务。5.Education and examination regarding traffic safety, vehicle hygiene, service attitude, and civilized language shall be carried out on drivers by Party B on a regular basis.

13、The administrators of Party A, together with Party B, shall make assessment on the drivers on a regular basis, and Party A has the right to claim for a replacement of driver under the condition that the driver receives complaints from staffs and fails in the assessment. Party B shall promise to chan

14、ge the driver upon the request and shall never assign the same driver to provide service to Party A.第五条 车辆状况要求和检验ARTICLE V Requirements and Inspection of Cars1、承运车辆必须具有完备的商业保险,其中必 须包含承运人责任险等强制性保险。1. Lease cars shall be equipped with complete commercial insurance, including the compulsory insurance,

15、such as carrier liability insurance.2、乙方应在车辆交付承运前向甲方提供车辆状况全部资料,甲方有权对车辆状况进行检验。2. Party B shall provide all the information regarding the condition of the cars to Party A before they come to operation. Party A has the right to inspect the cars.3、为保证车辆正常、安全行驶,乙方应按照车辆保养 维护规定进行车辆的正常维修保养,保证车辆及附属 设施、 设备性能完好,甲方有权对车辆维修保养记录进行不定期抽查。3. Party B shall make a regular maintenance on the cars in accordance with the relevant rules regarding the vehicle maintenance so as to ensure a sound and safe travel. The maintenance will cover the functions of cars, their attached fac


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