金山词霸 每日一句 2012年1月

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金山词霸 每日一句  2012年1月_第1页
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1、每日一句 一月版2012-1-31My bank account is in the red.我的银行存款已出现赤字。句子拆拆看:be in the red 负债;亏空例句:The company has plunged $37 million into the red.公司负债已达3700万美元。小编寄语:月底了,你的银行存款是否 in the red 了呢?2012-1-30Be careful of what you fish for.对你调查的东西要小心哦。句子拆拆看:fish for sth 旁敲侧击地打听;转弯抹角的谋取例句:He often fishes for somethin

2、g that he should not know.他总是旁敲侧击地打听一些他不应该知道的事。小编寄语:Gossip Girl中的 fish for:旁敲侧击地打听,还记得吗?2012-1-29At first I trusted him, but soon I found hes a bad egg.起初我信任他,但不久就发现他是个道德败坏的人。句子拆拆看:a bad egg 道德败坏的人;坏蛋例句:When smiling, you seem like a bad egg, but you are not.你笑起来很像个坏蛋,但其实你不是。小编寄语:不好的蛋用来形容人自然也不是好人,而是道

3、德不好的人。2012-1-28He does not do any honest work and live off others.他不务正业,专吃白食。句子拆拆看:live off sb/sth 靠.过活;依赖.生活例句:Shes still living off her parents.她还在靠父母养活。He seems to live off junk food.他好像靠吃垃圾食物为生。小编寄语:我们应该 live off ourselves,你们觉得呢?2012-1-27If you are very hungry, you can eat like a horse.如果你非常饿,就狼

4、吞虎咽的吃吧!句子拆拆看:eat like a horse 吃的很多;狼吞虎咽例句:She can eat like a horse now.她现在吃的非常多。小编寄语:horse 马,像马一样的吃法肯定是吃的不少呀!2012-1-26I really feel in the pink after a long holiday.长假过后,我的确感到身体舒适。句子拆拆看:in the pink 满面红光;容光焕发例句:Although he is 80 , he is still in the pink.虽然他已经80岁了,但身体仍然很健康。小编寄语:pink 粉红色,in the pink 就

5、是满面红光,你记住了吗?2012-1-25Ive got a job in the bag.我已经十拿九稳地找到一份工作了。句子拆拆看:in the bag 十拿九稳;稳操胜券例句:Were sure to win. Its in the bag.我们赢定了,十拿九稳的赢定了。小编寄语:in the bag 不仅仅是“在包里”,还有十拿九稳的意思呢!2012-1-24Since leaving prison,hes managed to keep his nose clean.自从出狱以来,他已做到规规矩矩。句子拆拆看:keep ones nose clean 循规蹈矩;不做违法的事例句:It

6、s important for a freshman to keep his nose clean.对一个新生而言“洁身自好”是很重要的。小编寄语:keep your nose clean 不是让你的鼻子干净哦而是循规蹈矩!2012-1-23I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year.谨祝新年快乐幸福,大吉大利。今天的句子是各种祝福语:Wish you longevity and health!愿你健康长寿!May the joy and happiness around you today and always.愿快乐幸福永伴你左

7、右。小编寄语:小编在此给大家拜年,祝大家万事如意,笑口常开!2012-1-22The display of fireworks on New Years Eve is a fine spectacle.除夕夜的烟火是道美妙的奇观。句子拆拆看:firework n.烟火;烟花spectacle n.精彩的表演;壮丽的场面例句:The sunset was a stunning spectacle.夕阳西斜,异常壮观。小编寄语:今天是 New Years Eve 除夕夜哦,好好享受这美好时光吧!2012-1-21Would you prefer white or red?你喜欢喝白葡萄酒还是红葡萄

8、酒?句子拆拆看:red n.红葡萄酒例句:Drinking a bit of red is good for health.喝少量红葡萄酒有益身体健康。小编寄语:原来 red 还有红葡萄酒的意思呀,今天你长见识了吗?2012-1-20Sit tight. Im gonna floor it!坐好,我要开始飙车了!句子拆拆看:tight adj.牢固的,紧的; adv.紧紧地例句:He kept a tight grip on her arm.他紧紧握住她的胳膊。His fists were clenched tight.他紧握双拳。小编寄语:飙车很爽但很危险哦,Be Careful!2012-

9、1-19Housewives are busy doing Spring Festival shopping.主妇们忙着置办年货。句子拆拆看:housewife house+wife 呆在家里的妻子就是主妇例句:He had the label as housewife.他过去被称为“家庭妇”。do Spring Festival shopping 置办年货小编寄语:要过年了,你们都在 do Spring Festival shopping 吗?2012-1-18Why is he tailgating us?他干嘛一直贴在我们屁股后面?句子拆拆看:tailgate n.(卡车的 )后挡板;

10、v.紧跟(另一辆车)行驶例句: When the tailgate was lowered,Frankie jumped down.后挡板打开后,弗兰基跳了下来。小编寄语:tail:尾巴 gate:门。在车尾巴后的门就是挡板啦!2012-1-17People offer sacrifices to the Kitchen God on this day.今天大家会“祭灶” (也就是“拜灶王爷” ) 。句子拆拆看:sacrifice n.牺牲;祭祀 v.牺牲;献出例句:She sacrificed everything.她牺牲了一切。Kitchen God 灶王爷小编寄语:厨房里的神就是灶王爷,

11、为灶王爷献祭品就是祭灶。2012-1-16I see red whenever I hear that mans name.我一听到那个人的名字心里便火冒三丈。句子拆拆看:see red 大发脾气;大怒例句:He saw red when a truck dented his new car.看到卡车撞到他的新车,他火冒三丈。小编寄语:牛看见红色的时候是什么样的反应?see red 大怒,答对了!2012-1-15Girls always eat like a bird in order to keep a slender figure.女孩子们吃的很少,为的是保持苗条的身材。句子拆拆看:ea

12、t like a bird 吃的极少;胃口小例句:You eat like a bird. Are you on a diet?吃的真少,在节食?slender adj.细长的;苗条的小编寄语:像鸟一样的吃法,想想,显然是吃的极少嘛!2012-1-14Man, hes as slow as Christmas!天啊,他开车真是有够慢的!句子拆拆看:Christmas n.圣诞节;圣诞节期间;as.as 和. 一样例句:She is as pretty as her sister.她和姐姐一样漂亮。小编寄语:as slow as Christmas 是“慢”的意思,你发现了吗?2012-1-13

13、Would you like to pig out with us tonight?今晚想不想跟我们一起去胡吃海喝一顿?句子拆拆看:pig out 猛吃;大吃 pig out on sth 猛吃.例句:They pigged out on pizza.他们猛抢着吃披萨。小编寄语:记不住这个词吗?想想 pig 猪嘛,吃可是它们的老本行!2012-1-12I only got a ticket for standing room for a temporary train.我只买到了一张临时列车的站票。句子拆拆看:standing room ticket 站票temporary train 临时列

14、车例句:The temporary train had left.临时列车已经开走了。小编寄语:站票也没关系,乐观一点,想想回去后的开心日子吧!2012-1-11Beware of the scalpers! You may get a fake ticket.小心票贩子!你可能会买到假票。句子拆拆看:scalper n.票贩子fake adj.假的;冒充的;伪造的例句:It is the fake designer clothing.这是冒牌的名设计师服装。小编寄语:从 scalper(票贩子)手中买票一定要谨慎哦!2012-1-10Some people say we live in a

15、dog-eat-dog world.有人说,我们生活在一个竞争激烈的世界里。句子拆拆看:dog eat dog 残酷无情的竞争;损人利己的角逐例句:In this line of work its a case of dog eat dog.在这种行业竞争是残酷无情的。小编寄语:dog eat dog“狗咬狗” ,真的很残酷的!2012-1-9Im a laundry virgin.我从没洗过衣服。句子拆拆看:laundry n.洗衣店;要(或正在)洗的衣服virgin n.处女 adj.天然的;未开发的;处女的例句:She is a virgin girl.她是个纯洁少女。小编寄语:在洗衣服

16、方面是个 virgin 说明就没洗过呀!2012-1-8Today is a red letter day for us.今天对我们来说是个值得庆祝的喜庆日子。句子拆拆看:a red letter day 喜庆的日子例句:Spring Festival is red letter days for Chinese.春节对中国人来说是喜庆的日子。小编寄语:有“红色信的日子”一般是收到喜帖的日子,喜庆的日子!2012-1-7His daughter is the apple of his eye.女儿是他的掌上明珠。句子拆拆看:the apple of sbs eye 心肝宝贝;掌上明珠例句:The daughter is the apple of parents eye.女儿都是父母的心肝宝贝。小编寄语:“眼中的苹果”=掌上明珠,你记住了吗?2012-1-6John is


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