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1、听力练习 练习一1. Me? Just a little.我?只记了一点点。2. Im afraid I cant, as I am busy with the final preparation.恐怕不能,因为我正忙着做最后的准备呢。3. It is really unimaginable.这的确超乎想象。4. Classmates .同学和同学。5. USD 280.280 美金。6. The balance in her account doesnt match her bank statement.他的银行账户里的余额与结算清单不符。7. Either the sender or th

2、e receive of a letter.寄信人或收件人。8. To sit for four hours a day with her leg raised.每天把脚抬起,坐四个小时。9. Carry his groceries home.把买的东西带回家。10. She planned to write about the evening school.他准备写一篇关于夜校的报道。11. Have classes.去上课。12. It was difficult to choose a present for him.很难给他挑选一个礼物。13. Shed hardly brought

3、the right ties for her father.她几乎没有为她父亲买过称心的领带。14. Because it was good but not very expensive.因为烟斗质量不错,而且价格不贵。练习二1. Im sorry, Ill be back with your order in a minute.抱歉,我马上把您点的菜送过来。2. Perhaps I got to read through them again.也许我要再检查一遍。3. Yes, but hard cover ones are on sale today.是的,但是今天精装本打折。4. The

4、y let him live with them for free.他们请他免房租与他们同住。5. To meet her friend for her.替她会见一个朋友。6. They try to be friendly to them.他们试图对他友善。7. There are signs along the road.沿街有很多标示。8. His car was hit from behind.他的车被追尾了。9. He has to finish his report.他要写完报告。10. See the Niagara.观看尼亚加拉瀑布。11. Law.法律。12. It shou

5、ld have books on every subject.它应该收容各个学科的图书。13. The library has more than one function.图书馆的功能不止一个。练习三1. Oh, Im sorry, I didnt notice it.哦,对不起,我没注意。2. Yes, Mr. Johnson is expecting you at three this afternoon.是的,Johnson 先生和您约在下午三点。3. How much do you want to change?你想换多少零钱?4. He is under a lot of stre

6、ss.他处在压力之下。5. Long holidays attract her.长假吸引她。6. He has to finish writing a paper.他要完成一份论文7. He is tired of his work.他对工作厌倦了。8. Sample cutting.商品剪样。9. The man is considering renting it.这位男士正打算租房子。10. He once gave a book as a present.他曾把一本书作为礼物送给别人。11. A novel published 5 years ago.一本五年前出版的小说。练习四1. N

7、o, it is really freezing.是啊,天气真是够冷的。2. I am trying my best to finish it. But you know, easy said than done.我会尽力的,但是你知道,说起来容易做起来难。3. Im sorry, Mr. Johnson is at a conference.抱歉,Johnson 先生正在开会。4. To see a new type of boiler.去看一个新款的壶。5. Call a taxi for him to the hotel.叫一辆出租车送她去宾馆。6. 7. He went for a d

8、rink with a friend.他和朋友去喝了一杯。8. Help him with his physics.帮助他学物理。9. She might get a good job later.她以后也许能找到一份好工作。10. She will be picked up at the station.在车站接他上车。11. He had a slight temperature.他有点发烧。12. They may support the employers.他们可能支持雇主。13. A third party would impose a settle.第三方会强制推行解决。练习五1.

9、 Im sorry. Ill come right away.不好意思,我马上过来。2. Thank you for saying so.谢谢你这么说。3. Im sorry for being late.对不起我迟到了。4. Toothpaste, coffee and a doll.牙膏、咖啡和一个洋娃娃。5. To read the womans magazine.读那位女士的杂志。6. John has to learn to be independent.约翰要学会独立自主。7. Not to subscribe to the journal.不要订阅这本期刊。8. Drop one

10、 course and do it next semester.放弃一门课,下学期再选修。9. He had to finish his paper last night.他昨晚不得不完成他的论文。10. To have a look at another apartment.看一下另一间公寓。11. 12. Receptionist and guest.接待员和客人。13. 126 dollars.126 美元。练习六1. What a pity!真可怜。2. Of course not, here you are .当然不,给你。3. Well, I was informed that I

11、 failed in the final exam.嗯,我被告知这次期末考试没过。4. I quite agree with you. They two are always trying to play tricks on teachers.我非常同意的你的看法,他们俩老是在老师面前耍小聪明。5. If he didnt read the book, he wouldnt pass the course.如果他没读那本书就通不过考试。6. Because he didnt understand the lecture.因为他无法理解讲座的内容。7. Mrs. Johnson wouldnt

12、come to the office today.约翰夫人今天不会来办公室了。8. To be a TV news director would be pretty difficult.当电视新闻导演会相当困难。9. Go to see the play with the woman.和这位女子一起去看戏。10. There have no modern facilities.没有现代的设施。11. They are discussing about the course they want to choose.他们在讨论想要选修的课程。12. They are going to on rea

13、ding the course catalog.他们继续阅读课程目录。13. Go to a liberal arts college or university.去一所文科学院或大学。14. Communication skills.交际技能。15. Some students want to attend a liberal arts school because it offers them o better chance to find well-paid jobs in future.有些学生想要就读于一所文科学院式因为它能在将来提供他们更好的找到一份高薪工作的机会。练习七1. Id

14、 like to,but I am afraid I cant. I have to pick up my mother tonight at the airport.我也想去啊,但是很遗憾我来不了,我今晚得去机场接我妈妈。2. To be frank, it is hard, but I succeed in doing so.坦率地讲,挺难的,但是我成功的做到了。3. Really? Peter is a lucky guy.真的? Peter 真幸运。4. Im sorry, but there is something wrong with the reservation system

15、.对不起,预定系统出了些问题。5. If you think it is really necessary, I can do it.如果你认为有必要我可以加班。6. She was not good at typing.她不擅长打字。7. The man didnt know the arrival time because the train was late.这个男士不知道火车到达的时间,因为火车晚点了。8. The second hotel will be appropriate because it is nearer to the train station.第二家旅馆更合适,因为

16、它离火车站更近。9. The coat was the only present from her husband。这件外套是她的丈夫送给她的唯一一件礼物。10. Fill in the application form required by the store.填一下书店要求的申请表。11. He was checking e-mail on computer.他正在电脑前收电子邮件。12. Journalism.新闻学。13. Go to have lunch.去吃午饭。14. He must have an experienced pilot.他必须是有经验的飞行员。15. To learn how to build better spaceships.学会如何建造更好的宇宙飞船。练习八1. You bet.当然。2. Thats just what Im thinking.我也是这么想的。3. Sure. What about this one?好的,这件怎么样。4. Maybe you are right he


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