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1、咖啡厅服务用语一. 接订位:1. Good morning / afternoon / evening. This is coffee shop. (XXX speaking). May I help you?您好,咖啡厅,请问有什么可以帮忙吗?2. May I have you name, please? Under what name is this booking made, please?请问您贵姓?/请问您以什么名义订位?3Would you please spell it for me? Spelling, please?请问您的名字怎样拼写?4For how many peopl

2、e, please? / How many people will be in your party, please?请问多少人?5. For what time and what date, Mr. Smith?史密斯先生,请问哪一天和几点钟来用餐呢?6. Would you like the smoking area or Non Smoking area?请问您喜欢吸烟区还是非吸烟区?7. Any more request?还有什么要求吗?8. Yes, we will arrange a table by the window for you. / Im sorry, we can n

3、ot guarantee that we can offer you a table by the window, because there have been many reservations today. But well do our best for you.好的,我们会为您安排一张靠江边的桌子。/ 对不起,我们不能保证一定可以给您一张靠江边的桌子,因为,今天有很多订位,不过,我们会尽力为您安排的。 1. May I have your room number or telephone number, please? (So that we can contact you easi

4、ly.)请问您的房间号码或联系电话是多少?(这样我们可以方便联系您)10. Mr. Smith, May I repeat it? A table for two and non smoking area, at 7:30 this evening for Mr./Ms smith, your telephone number is . Is that right?我重复一下:史密斯先生,两位,今晚七点半来,非吸烟区,联系电话号码 是 对吗?11.Thank you, Mr.Smith, usually, the table will be kept / hold for 15 minutes

5、. We look forward to seeing you on time. Good-bye.谢谢,史密斯先生,餐厅的订位将会保留 15分钟,我们将恭候您的到来,再见。二客人抵达餐厅,带位:1. Good morning / afternoon / evening. Welcome to coffee shop.您好,欢迎光临。2. Have you made a reservation?请问您订位了吗?3. Yes, Mr. Smith. We have arranged a table (by the window) for you. 史密斯先生,我们已经为您安排了座位。4. How

6、 many people in your party, sir? / A table for how many, sir?先生,请问几位?5. Would you mind waiting for a while? The table was occupied, and were cleaning the table now, but I assure well take your seat as soon as its cleaned.请稍等一会,那张台的客人刚离开,我们正在收拾,我保证,一旦收拾好,马上让您入座。6. Im sorry, sir. Our restaurant is ful

7、l now. Would you mind waiting for a moment? Well arrange a table for you as soon as possible. please have a seat here.先生,很抱歉,我们餐厅现已满座,请您稍等片刻,一有空台,我们马上为您安排。7. Im sorry. Our restaurant is full now. Would you please wait for a moment, or maybe I suggest you another restaurant. It is also very good.对不起,

8、我们餐厅已经满座,能否请您稍等一下,或者我向您推荐另一个餐厅,那里也很好。8This way please. Be careful of the steps.这边请,请小心台阶。9. Would you like the smoking area or Non Smoking area?请问您喜欢吸烟区还是非吸烟区?10. May I have you name, please?请问怎样称呼呢?11 (早餐)Do you have breakfast coupon / ticket?请问您是否有餐券呢?May I have your room number, please?请问您的房间号码是多

9、少?May I have a look at your hotel passport / room card, please?能让我看一下您的房卡吗?I just want to know if your breakfast is included.我只是想看一下您是否享有免费早餐。12. How about this table? /( Is this table all right)? Mr. Smith.史密斯先生,请问这张台好吗?13. Mr. Smith, Take / have a seat, Please.史密斯先生,请坐!14. Here is your napkin. 这是您

10、的餐巾。15. 有 BB的客人时:Do you need a high-chair for your baby?请问是否需要 BB椅呢?16. Would you like to have a la carte or buffet?请问你喜欢散点还是自助餐呢?17. Here is our menu and drink list. Mr. Smith.史密斯先生,这是酒水牌和酒水牌。18. Mr. Smith. We have prepare the delicious lunch / dinner buffet for you. Please feel free to take it. /

11、help yourself to it. I hope youll enjoy it.史密斯先生,我们为您准备好了丰富的自助餐,请您到自助餐台随意选取食品,请慢用(指示动作) 。 三服务:1. Good morning / afternoon / evening, sir / madam.您好,先生 / 太太。2May I put this cover on your coat / bag?请问可以为您套上衣服 / 袋子吗?3Would you like coffee or tea, please?(早餐)请问您喜欢咖啡还是茶呢?4. Mr. Smith. Would you like som

12、ething to drinking before your lunch / dinner? How about ? 史密斯先生,请问您餐前需要一杯饮料吗?来杯好吗?5. By the way. Would you mind paying extra for the drink?先生,饮料是不包括在自助餐之内的,请问是否介意额外收费呢?6. For the buffet guests, just plus 20 yuan extra, you can enjoy the fresh juice, drought beer and soft drink buffet. 现在凡是用午、晚自助餐的客

13、人,每位另加 20元,可以有鲜榨果汁、生啤、汽水任饮。7. Our fresh fruit juice are freshly squeezed and without extra sugar in it.我们的鲜榨果汁是新鲜榨的, 不另加糖。8. Would you like to try our house (red /white) wine? It reaches to the AOC level and is produced in Bordeaux, France. Its quite good to go with your dish.想不想试下我们的宾馆特选葡萄酒呢? 它达到 A

14、OC级, 产于法国波尔多区,很受客人欢迎。用来配您的菜最好了。9. Would you like a full bottle of or half bottle?请问您喜欢大瓶装还是半瓶装的?10. Sorry, this wine is only sold by bottle. Would you like to try our House Wine? It can be sold by glass.对不起,这种葡萄酒只按瓶卖,或者试一下我们的宾馆特选葡萄酒吧,它可以按杯卖。11. Im sorry. Our is not available now. May I suggest you i

15、nstead? It is also very nice.对不起,我们的卖完了,或者要不要尝一下?也挺不错的。12. Here is your . , Mr. Smith。 Enjoy your drink.史密斯先生,这是你点的.,请慢用。13. Good evening! Mr. Smith. May I take your order / are you ready to order now? 史密斯先生,请问可以为您点菜吗?14. 早餐:A. May I suggest the chinese breakfast to you? It includes one bolw of cong

16、ee, chinese dian xin and chinese tea. It will take about 15 minutes.我可以介绍中式套餐给您吗?它包括一碗粥,一份中式点心和茶,大约需要 15分钟。B. Yes, Mr. Smith, An American breakfast. What kind of juice would you like? We have orange juice, apple juice, pineapple juice, tomato juice, and grapefruit juice. Which one would you prefer?好的,史密斯先生,您点一份美式早餐,我们有橙汁、菠萝汁、番茄汁和西柚汁,请问您要哪一种果汁?C. What kind of cereal would you like? We have corn flake, rice crisps, al


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