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1、智课网IELTS备考资料英语初级听力在线试听摘要: 很多烤鸭常常会问:雅思听力如何能提高啊?其实秘诀就是多练,下面小马小编带来英语初级听力在线试听内容,希望各位烤鸭可以好好看看,也许会对您有帮助的。英语初级听力在线试听。练习 雅思 听力,一定选择难度适中的听力材料,建议听力基础薄弱的烤鸭,选择初级教程进行训练。下面小编带来英语初级听力在线试听,希望能帮到各位烤鸭。新编剑桥商务英语初级听力MP3+文本下载(1-35)英语初级听力在线试听:Lession12Do you think you could stop whistling? Im trying to write an essay.Oh,

2、Im sorry. I thought you were in the other room.Is it alright if I leave my rucksack on the back seat?Yes, of course. Go ahead.And would you mind if I took off my shoes? My feet are killing me.Well, Id rather you didnt. Its a rather hot day.Hello, Charles, I havent seen you all day. What have you bee

3、n doing?Actually Ive been working on my first novel.Oh, yes. How far have you got with it?Well, I thought of a good title, and I made a list of characters, and Ive designed the front cover. Have you started writing it yet?Oh, yes. Ive written two pages already.Only two?Well, yes. I havent quite deci

4、ded yet what happens next.I saw an accident yesterday.What were you doing at the time?I was queuing for the cinema.And what did you do when you saw the accident?I rushed forward to see if I could help.Hmm. You are a good squash player. How long have you been playing?I have been playing since the beg

5、inning of the last temp3. What about you?Me? Oh, Ive been playing about two years now. But Im still not very good.Ive got a watch with a silver strap.Thats nothing. Ive got one with a gold strap.Ive got a watch that tells you the date.Thats nothing. Ive got one that tells you the date and the day.Wo

6、man: Look at these glasses, this ones even got lipstick on it.Waiter: Im very sorry, madam. Ill bring you clean ones right away.Man: Ah, Head Waiter, I want to have a word with you.Head Waiter: Yes, sir. Is there something wrong, sir?Man: Something wrong? I should think there is something wrong. My

7、wife and I have been kept here waiting nearly an hour for our meal!Head Waiter: Im terribly sorry about that, sir. Our staff has been kept unusually busy this evening. Ill see to it personally myself. Now, if you wouldnt mind just telling me what you ordered.Woman: This coffee is practically cold.Wa

8、iter: I am sorry, madam. Ill bring you a fresh pot straight away.This table shows the number of commuters into central London between 7:00 am and 10:00 am daily. The total number is 1,023,000. Of these, 405,000 travel by undergroundthats 29% of the total, and 28% travel by British Railthats 391,000

9、people daily. 10% use both rail and underground, and 10%, 99,000 people, travel by bus. That means a total of 788,000 people, 77%, on public transport. The remainder use private transport. 197,000 come by car and the rest come either by motorbike or bicycle. This means 4% come by motorbike or bicycl

10、e, and 19% by car.Mrs. Nicholas went away for a fortnight. Before she went, she called in at the local police station and talked to the policeman on duty.Mrs. Nicholas: Im going away to the seaside for a few days and Id like you to keep an eye on my home while Im away.Policeman: Certainly, Madam. Wh

11、ats your name and address?Mrs. Nicholas: The names Nicholas, and the address is 14 Spring Vale.Policeman: Thank you. Youll lock all the doors, and make sure all the windows are shut, wont you?Mrs. Nicholas: Of course.Policeman: And youll remember to cancel the milk.Mrs. Nicholas: Yes, Ive already do

12、ne that.Policeman: And the papers.Mrs. Nicholas: Yes.Policeman: And you wont leave any ladders about.Mrs. Nicholas: No, we havent got a big ladder.Policeman: Thats fine. Are you friendly with the people next door?Mrs. Nicholas: Yes, we are.Policeman: Well, I think youd better tell them youre going a

13、way, too. Ask them to give us a ring if they see or hear anything suspicious.Mrs. Nicholas: Yes, I will. Thank you.(There is a party in progress and one person A is standing by the drinks table serving drinks. B approaches and A offers her a drink.)B: Aha, I thought you might be here.A: Ah, hello. H

14、ow are you?B: Not bad. How are you? A: All right, I suppose.B: What are you drinking?A: Some sort of wine. Do you want some?B: No, I think Id prefer beer. Have they got any?A: Yes, theres some over there.(B pours out a drink.)B: Well, what do you think of the party?A: Its not bad. Im not really in t

15、he mood for a party, though.B: Whys that?A: I dont know, really. I suppose Im a bit tired.(During the last exchange C has approached the table to get a drink. A offers C a drink but accidentally drops it.)A: Oh, sorry about that.C: (annoyed) I should think so!A: Dont worry. Its not too bad.C: What d

16、o you mean? Its gone all over my trousersI only bought them last week.A: Theres no need to shout.C: (loudly) Im not shouting.A: Yes, you are.C: (very loudly) No, Im not!B: (wanting to calm the situation) Look, look, why dont you dry them with this?C: (ignoring B) You should watch what youre doing!A: What do you mean? It was your fault!B: How about another drink? (C ignores B.)C: Anyway,


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