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1、实习生 The Intern (2015)英中字幕文档号:HLDOC20151216002 创建时间: 12/16/2015 10:39:55 PM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档! (第 1 / 66 页)Freud said, love and work. Work and love. 弗洛伊德说过 爱情和工作Thats all there is. 就是生活的全部Well, Im retired,and my wife is dead. 不过 我退休了 我的太太也去世了As you can imagine, thats given me some time on my hands.你能想得出

2、来 我现在有时间搞自己的事情了My wifes been gone for three and a half years. 我的太太去世三年半了I miss her in every way. And retirement? 我每日都在思念她 那么我对退休后的感觉呢That is an ongoing, relentless effort in creativity. 就是需要不停的发挥创造力At first, I admit I enjoyed the novelty of it. 一开始 我承认我享受过刚退休的新鲜感Sort of felt like I was playing hooky

3、. 有点像我在翘班的感觉I used all the miles Id saved and traveled the globe.我按照以前积攒下来的里程数 进行了环球旅行The problem was, no matter where I went, as soon as I got home,但问题在于 无论去到哪里 我一到家The nowhere-To-Be thing hit me like a ton of bricks.那种无所事事 无处可去的感觉重重的打击了我I realized the key to this whole deal was to keep moving.我意识到

4、保持新鲜感的关键 就在于不停的行动Get up, get out of the house, and go somewhere. 起身 走出家门 去个地方Anywhere. 哪儿都行Come rain or shine, Im at my Starbucks by 7:15. 晴雨无阻 我会在 7 点 15 到达星巴克Excuse me, mind if we join you? 不好意思 介意我们拼桌吗- No. - Hey. How are you? -不介意 -嘿 你好吗Cant explain it, but it makes me feel part of something.无法解

5、释地 这给了我一种归属感These guys today, theyre not numbers guys. 今天要见的这些人 不是那种喜欢听数字的Dont talk figures with them. 不要和他们谈数据How do I spend the rest of my days? 我该怎样度过这一天剩下的时间呢You name it. Golf, books, movies, pinochle. 随你 高尔夫球 都市 看电影 打扑克Tried yoga, learned to cook, 做瑜伽 学厨艺Bought some plants, took classes in mand

6、arin. 种点花草 上普通话班Xiang xin wo, wo shen me dou shiguo le. 相信我 我什么都试过了Translation.Believe me, Ive tried everything. 翻译成英文就是 相信我 我什么都试过了And then, of course, there are the funerals. 当然 也参加过一些葬礼So many more than I could imagine. 参加过的葬礼比我想象的还要多The only traveling I do these days 这些天我唯一一次旅行Is out to San Dieg

7、o to visit my son and his family. 就是去圣地亚哥看我儿子一家Theyre great. I love them to pieces. 他们很好 我超爱他们But to be honest, I think I probably relied on them 不过说实话 我觉得我可能有点太依赖他们了实习生 The Intern (2015)英中字幕文档号:HLDOC20151216002 创建时间: 12/16/2015 10:39:55 PM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档! (第 2 / 66 页)Way more than I should. 过于依赖Don

8、t get me wrong, Im not an unhappy person. 别误会 我不是一个悲观的人Quite the contrary. 恰恰相反I just know theres a hole in my life, and I need to fill it.我只是意识到我的生活出现了空洞 我需要填满它Soon. 尽快填好Which brings me to today when I was leaving the market如此生活到了今天 当我离开菜市场的时候And caught your flyer out of the corner of my eye. 你的传单出

9、现在我的眼边Hmm. 嗯Seniors, be an intern. 老人 当实习生Ben, I thought that was you. 本 我就觉得是你Hi. 嗨Hey. 嘿Whatd you find? 你发现了什么I think an internet place is looking for senior interns.我觉得是个网络公司在招老年实习生- Am I reading this right? - Let me see. -我没看错吧 -让我看看Applicants must be over 65 years of age. 申请者必须超过 65 岁have organ

10、izational skills, a genuine interest in e-Commerce,具有组织协调能力 对电子商务有发自内心的爱Whatever that is. 不管那是啥.and a Roll-Up-Your-Sleeves attitude. 还要有踏实肯干的态度About The Fit. Com, isnt that the outfit that was. 正好合身公司 这是不是那个yeah, yeah, yeah. 对对对They bought one of those old factories in Red Hook.他们在红钩区买了个老工厂My daught

11、er says they sell clothes on the internet. 我女儿说他们是在网上卖衣服的How that works, I have no idea. 我一点都不知道那怎么搞Well, you have to upload the application. 你得上传你的申请That could be challenging. Listen to this. 这有点难 听好Cover letters are so old-Fashioned. 求职信实在太过时了Show us who you are with a cover-Letter video. 附一段视频来介绍

12、自己Upload your video to youtube or vimeo using 把视频上传到 YouTube 或者 Vimeo. Mov, . Avi,or a. Mpg file. 做成 Mov Avi 格式 或者 Mpg 文件We look forward to meeting you. 我们期待与您的会面Well, I guess thats meeting me. 好吧 我猜他们把看视频就当跟我见面了I swear I dont even know what language that was. 我发誓我完全不知道他们在说啥What are you doing tonigh

13、t, Ben? 你今晚要做什么 本- A frozen lasagna? - Well. -做烤冷面吗 -这个嘛I could make a little salad, turn it into a dinner for two,我本来想弄点沙拉 当成两人份的晚餐Like we did that time and never did again. 就像我们做过一次之后再也没做过的那样实习生 The Intern (2015)英中字幕文档号:HLDOC20151216002 创建时间: 12/16/2015 10:39:55 PM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档! (第 3 / 66 页)You

14、know that was over five months ago? 你知道那是五个月前的事了吗Oh, yeah. No, no, we got to do that again, for sure, 哦 真没注意 我们一定得再弄一次But okay if we take a rain check? 不过推后一点好吗Youre awful cute, you know that? 你知不知道你简直太可爱了- No, I didnt.- Well, its true, you are. -我不知道 -真的 你就是很可爱So Ill see you. 好了 回见Dont take too lon

15、g, doll. 小可爱 不要拖太久Youre not getting any younger. 再等你也不会变年轻的- I know, I know, I know. - All right. -我知道 我知道 -好的So here I am, applying to be one of your interns 所以我在这里 申请成为你们的实习生Because the more I think about this idea, 因为我越琢磨这件事The more tremendous I think it is. 我越觉得这件事事关重大I love the idea of having a

16、 place I can go every day.我喜欢有个地方让我每天都能去I want the connection, the excitement. 我想要那种连接关系 兴奋感I want to be challenged, 我想迎接挑战And I guess I might even want to be needed. 甚至我想得到被需要的感觉The tech stuff might take a bit to figure out. 技术上的问题可能我会需要一些时间来学习I had to call my 9-Year-Old grandson 我还不得不打电话问了我 9 岁的孙子Just to find out what a usb connector was. 就为了问 USB 接口是什么东西But Ill get th


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