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1、 英语四级单词英语第七小组abandon:bndn n. 狂热;放任vt.1 遗弃;放弃 He abandoned all hope.他放弃一切希望。2. (因形势紧迫、危险等 )离弃 : to abandon a sinking ship 离弃正在沉没的船3. 丢弃( 信仰等): The man abandoned his wife and child .那个男人抛弃了妻儿abandon oneself : 放纵;纵情;无拘无束;使沉溺于: After his mother died, he abandoned himself to grief. 他母亲死后,他悲伤不已。4 abandonm

2、ent 抛弃,放纵admire dmai vt.1. 钦佩;赞赏,欣赏;羡慕: He much admires your poems.他很欣赏你的诗。2. 崇敬,敬仰: be admired for 由于而受到崇敬3. 后接不定式想要,喜欢,愿意 (做某事)(to do something): Id admire to walk with you.我愿意和你一起走。vi.1. 称赞;赞赏;羡慕: I admire at your fortune.我羡慕你的好运气。adjadmiring 羡慕的;赞赏的,赞美的associate suieit; suit; -eit vt. 1. 把连接起来;把

3、 联系起来;使联合;使结合在一起(with): 2. (作为伙伴、盟友或合作者)加入(with)to associate oneself with a cause 投身于一项事业中去 3. 在( 思想、想像、感情、记忆等方面)把联系在一起,联想(with): to associate peace with prosperity 把和平与繁荣联系起来4. 通常用于被动语态使有联系 (with): vi. 1. (与别人)交往,结交 (伙伴、同伙、朋友等)(with): n.1. 朋友,伙伴,同伴,合作者,合股人,合伙人;同事,同志;同伙adj.1. 副的 2. 非正式( 会员 )的,准(会员)的

4、,无全权的nassociation 协会,联盟,社团balance: blns n. 1. 天平,秤,杆秤2. 身体( 或物体)的平衡状态;稳定姿势3(收支的) 平衡,差额(收支)余额,余数;尾数;余款 the balance of vt. 1. 用天平称;掂量: 例: I balanced the meat that I just bought.我掂量了一下我刚买的肉。2. 保持稳定,使保持均衡,使均衡,使平衡: adj -balancedbelieve bili:v vi. 1. 相信,信以为真、真实等 例 Only if one believes in something can one

5、 act purposefully.除非某人相信某事,否则某人决不会果断地行动2 认为,想,判断;料想,猜想: 例 Yes,I believe so.是的,我想可以。vt 1. 相信( 别人的)陈述(或诺言),相信(某人)的话: believe sb.2 以为,认为,想;料想,猜想 与名词从句连用: 例:I believe its going to snow. 我想很快就要下雪了。believe in 信任,相信 nbelief 信仰 believer 信徒change:t eind vt. 1. (使) 改变;变换;改革;更改: Flyovers have changed the face

6、of the city.立交桥改变了城市的面貌。2. 更换;替换: She changed her clothes rapidly. 她迅速地更换了衣服。vi. 1. 改变;转变; She did not seem to have changed. 她似乎没有变样。2. 换车;换船:区别 exchange: 交换,兑换 change to 更改为choose tu:z vt.1. 选择,挑选,选出: Choose your friends carefully.选择朋友要慎重。2. 意愿;选定;决定;认为合适:We chose to go by train.我们决定乘火车去。3. 口语 欲,想要

7、,打算 (常与不定式连用): He chose to make teaching his career.他打算以教书为业。vi.1. 做出选择;决定: He had to choose between death and dishonour.他必须在死与失节之间做出抉择。近义词: select . pick . elect . prefer . commit kmit vt.1. 把托付给;托,委托;委任: The old man committed his will to the care of the lawyer.老人把他的遗嘱委托律师保管。2. 付诸;藏于3. 使承担义务;使做出保证;

8、许诺: Dont commit your promises to paper if you are not certain you keep them.如果你没有把握兑现你的许诺,你就不要做出书面保证。ncommitment 承诺,保证commit oneself to 致力于;使自己承担 devote /commit oneself to 奉献compete kmpi:t vi.竞赛;竞争;对抗: About 800 athletes competed in fifteen events.大约有 800 名运动员参加了 15 个项目的竞赛。compete against / with 与竞争

9、 compete in 参加比赛 compete for 为 竞争 adj competent 有能力的 ncompetence 能力,胜任 competition 比赛,竞赛consist knsist vi.1. 由组成,构成;包括,包含( 常与 of 连用): Carbon dioxide consists of carbon and oxygen.二氧化碳是由碳和氧组成的。2. 存在于,在于;表现为(常与 in 连用): True patriotism consists in putting the interests of ones country above everything.

10、3. 符合,一致;并存; (常与 with 连用):Our deeds must consist with our words. 我们必须言行一致。adj.consistent 始终如一的,一致的;坚持的consider knsid vt.1. 考虑,思考,深思,细想: You have to consider what to do next.你必须考虑下一步该做什么。2. 以为,认为,视为,把看做: She considered herself superior to others.她认为自己比别人高一等。3. 关心,体贴,照顾;为着想: She never considers others

11、.她从来不为别人着想。 consider as 把看作consider doing 考虑做 considerate 周到的continue kntinju: vi.1. 继续,延续,延伸: After a short break the play continued.经过短暂的休息以后,戏继续上演。2. 持续: The strike continued for several days.罢工持续了几天之久。3. 维持原状,保持: He continued silent.他保持沉默。vt.1. 使继续;坚持: He continued the work day after day.他一天一天地继

12、续做这件工作。continue doing 一直做(同一件事) continue to do 继续做某事avoid: vid verb. 1. 避免;防止. 例:The accident could have been avoided.这个事故本来是可以避免的。2. vn.回避;躲开;躲避;例:Hes been avoiding me all week. 整整一个星期他一直在回避我。3. vn. 避免撞到(某物) ;例:I had to swerve to avoid a cat. 为了避免轧到一只猫,我只好猛然将车转向。benefit: benifit; benfit noun.1. 优势;

13、益处;成就:例:Ive had the benefit of a good education. 我得益于受过良好教育。2. 福利费;3.慈善活动;verb1. 对某人有用;使受益:例:We should spend the money on something that will benefit everyone. 我们应该把这笔钱花在大家都得益的事上。3. 得益于;得利于:例:Who exactly stands to benefit from these changes? 到底是谁会从这些变革中直接获益?ability: biliti; bilti noun1. 能力:例:The sys

14、tern has the ability to run more than one program at the same time.该系统能够同时运行一个以上的程序。2. 才能:例:Almost ereryone has some musical ability. 人人都有一些音乐才能。to the best of ones ability 尽某人最大努力;the bility for (in doing) sth./to do (sth).从事某事的能力effective: ifektiv adj1. 有效的:例:Long prison sentences can be a very ef

15、fective deterrent for offenders. 判处长期徒刑可对违法者起到强有力的威慑作用。2. 实际的;事实上的:例:the effective,if not the actual,leader of the patrty. 虽位居其位却实际上是党的领导人。3. 生效的;effective 只用于物,着重指可达到预期且长远的效果;efficient 可用于人人和物,特指高效的。condition: kndin noun. 1. 状态;状况:to be in bad/good/excellent condition 处于糟糕的/ 良好的/极佳的状态2. 健康状况:例:He is overweight and out of condition. 他体重超重,健康状况不佳。3. 环境;4. 疾病;5. 条件;条款; 6. 生存状态;处境;verb1. 使习惯于;使适应: 例:Patients can become conditioned to particular forms of treatment. 病人会习惯于某些治疗方式3. 对.有重要影响;3. 保持健康;养护; on c



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