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1、高考英语复习知识点汇总(4)bine; connect; join; unite此组动词意为“联合、连接”。combine 意为“结合、联合”,指为了某一目的而把两事物结合在一起。如:We must combine theory with practice.我们必须把理论和实践联系起来。He combines botany with chemistry.他把植物学和化学联系起来了。connect“连接”,指用东西把两事物连接在一起,或两事物直接相连,二者仍保持原状。The two cities are connected by a railway. 两座城市由铁路相连。He connected

2、 the gas stove with gas pipe.他把煤气和接在煤气炉上。join 意为“连接” ,指以线、绳、桥等把两物或两地连接在一起,和 connect 意思相近,也可指两物互相紧密相接。如:We had better join the island to the mainland with a steel bridge.我们最好建一座钢筋桥把这个岛与大陆连接起来。Where does this stream join the Changjiang River?这条河和长江在哪里会合?unite 意为“联合” ,指两种以上的事物结合为一体,有合二为一的意味,强调结合后的统一性。T

3、he two companies will unite into one.这两家公司将合并成一家。The whole family united to help him.全家齐心协力帮助他。e about: happen 产生;发生。相当于不及物动词,和 happen, take place 一样无被动语态。How did this accident come about ?这事故怎么发生的?I dont know how the quarrel came about.我不知道怎么发生的争吵。come across=meet with(meetby chance/accident)无意中碰到,

4、找到,想到Perhaps I shall come across him somewhere in the park.也许我会在公园的某个地方遇到他。He came suddenly across an idea.他突然有了一个好主意。come down 下来,流传下来,倒塌,没落,病倒,减价The song comes down to us from the 10th century.(流传下来)这首歌是从 10 世纪流传到我们这一代的。The roof of the house came down during the night.我听说计算机要降价。come outcome out 是本

5、单元需要掌握的一个重点词语,现在我们对它们的用法作一比较全面的了解。(1)come out(= be published)出来;出版Ill let you have a copy of my book as soon as it comes out.我的书一出版我就送你一本。(2)come out (= to bloom)长出;发芽;开花;(使)开花;(使)繁盛Spring comes, the trees turn green and flowers come out.春天来了,树变绿了,花儿开了。(3)come out (= to appear)出现;出来Ever since then,

6、the bat comes out only at night.从那时起,蝙幅只在晚上出来。(4)come out(= to win)获得(名次)I came out first in the examination.我考试得了第一名。(5)come out(= to become known)传出,公之于众;(秘密)泄露The truth will come out some day.总有一天会真相大白的。(6)come out (= to be seen, as in a photograph)(在相片等中)显示;被看见Mary always comes out well in photo

7、s.玛丽总是很上相。(7)come out (= to be developed)冲印;冲洗The boss said that the photos had been come out for a long time.老板说照片已经冲印出来很久了。(8)come out (= to be removed; disappear)去掉;消失Would you please help me to make the ink in my shirt come out?你能帮我把衬衣上的墨水渍去掉吗?(9)come out (to be on strike; to refuse to work)罢工Th

8、e workers came out for a pay raise.工人们为增加工资而罢工。(10)come out (= to end in the stated way)后来发现;结果是The answer to the question came out wrong.这个问题的答案后来发现是错误的。(11)come out (= to express clearly)(意思 )表达清楚The meaning of his speech did not come out well.他讲话的意思不很清楚。(12)come out (= to be counted)算出来;总计The tot

9、al expense(花费)comes out at 5000 yuan.总开支达五千元。come to light 发现,暴露(= be discovered / exposed /found out / be brought to light)Much more new evidence has come to light(has been discovered/has been exposed/has been brought to light),so the judges have to sentence the man to death.新的证据不断被发现,所以法官们不得不判这个人死

10、刑。When the old woman died, it came to light that she was actually very rich.老太婆死后,人们才发现她其实很富有。mon adj.共同的;一般的;公共的A great interest in music was common to them.他们对音乐都有共同的强列的兴趣。The common people in those days suffered a lot.当时一般民众生活都很苦。We work for the common good.我们为了公共利益而工作。common ,ordinary二者都有“普通的,平常

11、的”的意思,但侧重点不同。ordinary 侧重表示“外表平凡,平平常常 ”;而 common 指“普遍存在,经常碰到”。对比:in ordinary dress 穿着平常的衣服;in an ordinary way 以通常的方式;an ordinary looking man 相貌平常的人;an ordinary event 平常的一件事;common excuse 常用的借口;common knowledge 常识;common people 普通人,老百姓;have a bathroom in common 合用洗澡间。应用完成句子那是一首普通的舞曲。It was a piece of_

12、dance music.这种天气在南方是很常见的。This sort of weather is quite _in the south.这弟兄两个没有什么共同之处。These two brothers have nothing _ _.Key:ordinary common in municate v. (1)vt.传达,传送,传染communicate information/feelings/newsto sb.把信息、感情、消息传递/传达给某人Ill communicate the news to you directly. 我会直接把消息传达给你。(2)vi.通讯,通话communi

13、cate with sb.(by)用与某人联络/沟通We communicate with each other by telephone/letter. 我们用电话/信件彼此沟通。拓展:communication n.u通讯c 消息 pl.通讯系统Radio and television are important means of communication. 收音机和电视机是信息交流的重要工具。Communications satellite helps the human a lot in many ways . 通讯卫星在很多方面对人类有很大的帮助。plete, finish二个词都

14、有“完成” 之意,但 complete 更突出使一切完备、没有欠缺、多指完成工程、设计等。而 finish 是一般用语。常用短语有:complete the work 完成工作;complete the new railway 修完铁路;complete ones collection of stamps完备集邮;finish ones homework/middle school/writing the article 完成作业 /中学毕业/写完文章。注意:complete 还可用作形容词,意为“完全的,彻底的、完成了的”。completely 是副词,“完全地、彻底地”。如:a compl

15、ete sentence/strange/success/failure 完整的句子/ 完全陌生/完全成功/彻底的失败。This job is completely new to me.这项工作对我来说是完全陌生的。应用单句改错You have to finish to read the whole passage in five minutes.Professor Smith has been complete successful in working out the problem.Key:改 to read 为 reading,因为 finish 后只能接动名词。改 complete

16、为 completely。126.congratulate v. 祝贺,庆贺常用短语:congratulate sb. on / upon sth. / doing sth.为某事向某人祝贺congratulate oneself that因而自己庆幸congratulations 常用于祝贺语,后可接 on,也可单独用。Id like to congratulate you on your success.对你的成功我表示祝贺。Id like to offer my congratulations on your success. 对你的成功我表示祝贺。You really should congratulate yourself on your appearance. (= You really should congratulate t



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