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1、 第二册 英语单词 61. kung fu kufu: 中国功夫2. Kung Fu Tea 功夫茶3. panda pnd 熊猫4. legend tells of a legendary warrior. 传说中有位传奇大侠legend led()nd 传奇;说明legendary led()nd()r 传奇的warrior wr 战士,勇士5. whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend 他的传奇功夫出神入化skill skl 技能,技巧;本领,技术stuff stf 东西;材料is the stuff of legends.是一个传奇的东

2、西。6. he traveled the land in search of worthy foes.他去游四方,寻找比得上他的对手traveled trvld 旅行(travel 的过去分词)走遍search st 搜索;搜寻worthy w 值得的;有价值的;配得上的foe fu 对手,敌手land lnd 土地He traveled the land in search of worthy foes.他浪迹江湖寻找真正的对手。He traveled the land in search of worthy foes.他云游四方寻找实力相当的对手。7. i see you like to

3、chew ,maybe you should chew on my fist !我看你还挺爱吃,有本事吃我一拳!chew tu咀嚼;咀嚼物fist fst 拳头8. the warrior said nothing ,for his mouth was full .大侠沉默片刻,因为嘴里还塞满吃的warrior wr 战士,勇士mouth ma 口,嘴9、then he swallowed ,and then he spoke .等他咽了下去,就开口了swallow swl 吞下;咽下10、enough talk ,lets fight! 少说废话,出手吧!enough nf 足够地,充足地E

4、nough talk. Lets fight. 闲话少说fight fat 打架;战斗,斗志11、shashabooey !拿命来!12、he was so deadly in fact.他的招式凶猛炫丽!fact fkt 事实;实际deadly dedl 致命的;非常的13、that his enemies would go blind from over exposure to pure awesomeness.敌人看多了炫招都能双目失明!enemy enm 敌人,仇敌;敌军 enemies(enemy 的复数形式)blind bland 盲目的;瞎的over exposure 过度曝光;

5、过度照射 exposure ksp 暴露;曝光pure pj 纯的;纯粹的awesomeness 敬畏 awesome :sm 14、my eyes !hes too awesome!我看不见了!他太炫了!awesome s()m 棒极了 ! 可怕的,引起敬畏的!15、and attractive ,how can we repay you ?她好帅啊!我们该如何报答你?attractive trktv 吸引人的;有魅力的;引人注目的repay ripe i 偿还;报答;报复15、there is no charge for awesomeness!凶猛帅气本是天生!charge td 费用;

6、电荷;掌管;控告;命令;负载no charge 免费;不需付钱awesomeness 敬畏16、or attractiveness trktivnis ! 不求回报!(吸引力;迷惑力)17、kablooey kblu:i 出毛病的 ! 小宇宙爆发!18、it mattered not how many foes he faced ,不管面对多少敌人matter mt 物质;原因;事件 mattered 过去式it matter not how 不管foe fu 仇敌,敌人faced fest 面对(face 的过去分词) face fes 面对;面向19、they were no match

7、for his bodacity!他们全都不是对手!no match 敌不过match mt 比赛;匹配;相配bodacity:勇气、气概20、never before had a panda been so feared ! and so loved !从没有熊猫这样被人惧怕,又被人喜爱!panda pnd 熊猫;猫熊fear f 害怕;恐惧;敬畏;担心 过去式 “feared”21、even the most heroic heroes in china !就连中国的盖世英雄heroic hrk 英雄的;英勇的heroes hirus 英雄(hero 的复数形式)22、the furiou

8、s five .虎胆五侠、盖世五侠( the Furious five)furious fjrs 激烈的;狂怒的;热烈兴奋的;喧闹的 比较级 more furious 最高级 most furious 23、bowed in respect to this great master ,也拜倒在绝世大师之下Bowed in respect to this great master.都尊敬地向这位伟大的大师鞠躬。bowed bod 有弓的;弯如弓的respect rspekt 尊敬,尊重master mst 硕士;主人;大师;教师24、we should hang out !咱们乐乐去! shou

9、ld d 应该;就;可能;将要hang out 闲逛hang h 悬挂,垂下25、agreed grid 同意!同意;赞成(agree 的过去式)26、but hanging out would have to wait ,可是休闲时间得等等了!27、because when youre facing the 10000 demons of demon mountain,因为当面恶魔山的一万大军时。facing fes 饰面;衣服等的贴边demon dimn 恶魔;魔鬼mountain mantn 山;山脉28、theres only one thing that matters and th

10、ats 只有一件事情最重要,那就是。matter mt 有关系;要紧, 重要29、po! get up !阿宝!起床了!30、youll be later for work!要赶不上干活了!31、what ?啥?32、po! what are you doing up there ?阿宝,你在那儿折腾啥呢?33、nothing! 没什么!34、monkey ! mantis ! crane!viper ! tigress !金猴!螳螂!仙鹤!灵蛇!娇虎!monkey mk 猴子mantis mnts 昆 螳螂 复数 mantises 或 mantes crane kren 鹤viper vap

11、 毒蛇tigress tagrs 悍娇虎、飞虎女35、po !lets go !youre late for work !阿宝!快过来!都已经开工了!36、coming !就来!37、sorry ,dad!对不起,爸爸!38、sorry doesnt make the noodles!光说抱歉可做不了面条!39、what were you doing up there ?all that noise !你在上面干什么着?那么多动静。noise nz 环境 噪音;响声;杂音40、nothing ,i just had a crazy dream.没啥,就是做了个怪梦41、about what ?

12、什么梦?42、what were you dreaming about ?梦见什么了?43、what was it ?梦见什么?i was dreaming about .我梦见了。 。 。noodles ! 面条!44、noodles ?you were really dreaming about noodles?面条?你真的梦见面条了?45、yeah,what else would i be dreaming about ?是啊,我还能梦见啥?careful ! that soup is sharp !小心,那汤扎嘴! soup sup 汤sharp p 锋利46、oh ,happy da

13、y!今天真吉利!my son,finally having the noodle dream !我儿子总算梦到面条了!you dont know how long ive been waiting for this moment !你不知道我等这等了多久了!this is a sign ,po !这是个好兆头. 阿宝!son sn 儿子;孩子finally fanl 终于sign san 迹象;符号47、a sign of what ?什么兆头?48、you are alomost ready to be entrusted with the secret ingredient .你就快准备好

14、继承咱家的。 。 。of my secret ingredient soup 秘方鲜汤的秘方了!almost lmst 差不多entrust ntrst 委托,信托secret sikrt 秘密;秘诀;机密ingredient ngridnt 原料;要素;组成部分.配料49、then you will fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant !然后你就能履行使命,继承面馆!fulfill fulfil 履行;实现;满足;使结束(等于 fulfil)destiny destn 命运,定数,天命50、as i took it over f

15、rom my father ,who took it over from his father .就像我从父亲手里接过来,他从我爷爷手里接过来。 。 。51、who won it from a friend in mahjong .我爷爷跟朋友打麻将赢下来。won wn 赢得( win 的过去式和过去分词)mahJong ma:d 麻将52、dad ,dad,dad,it was just a dream!爸爸,爸爸,爸爸,这不过是个梦啊!53、no,it was the dream 不,这可是远大梦想!54、we are noodle folk ,broth runs through our veins.我们是做面条的,血脉里流淌着汤汁。folk fk 民族;人们;亲属(复数)broth br 肉汤;液体培养基runs rnz 流量(


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