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1、Part I Script Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, and then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1.(Listen to the audio reco

2、rding for the question.)A. The man thinks negatively about them while the woman is positive about them.B. The woman thinks negatively about them while the man is positive about them.C. Both the man and woman think they play a positive role.D. Both the man and woman think they play a negative role.2.

3、(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. They were cheap.B. The salesgirl talked her into doing so.C. She wanted to give one to her sister.D. She could enjoy a discount for buying two.3.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. They are really too short.B. They are really too lo

4、ng.C. They will look well if one wears suitable shoes.D. They will look well if the tailor shortens them a bit.4.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. The man wont go to the fashion show with the woman.B. The woman is a fashion designer. C. The man sometimes follows the fashion trend.D

5、. The woman bought the tickets at high prices.5.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. Shanghai has been on the same level with Paris.B. The chances of Shanghai becoming a fashion capital are small.C. Shanghai may soon rival Paris and MilanD. Shanghai lacks the elements that make a fash

6、ion leader.Part II Script Directions: Listen to the following recording, and then fill in the blanks with the missing words. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time to write the missing words. Use the second playing to check your answers. Chris: Tina? What are

7、you wearing?Tina: Im (1) trying on an outfit for a job interview. What do you think?Chris: Youre wearing (2) a business suit ! Ive never seen you (3)in a blouse before!Tina: I know. These nylons are really itchy. Maybe I should wear (4)cotton tights , instead.Chris: Youll be too hot. Maybe you shoul

8、d wear a long skirt or (5)a dress . Youd look good in (6) a miniskirt , too!Tina: I cant wear a miniskirt (7) to an office !Chris: Youd (8) catch more eyes in a miniskirt than you would in that (9) suit !Tina: Youre such (10) a typical boy !Your answer Correct answer(1) trying on trying on(2) a busi

9、ness suit a business suit(3) in a blouse in a blouse(4) cotton tights cotton tights(5) a dress a dress(6) a miniskirt a miniskirt(7) to an office to an office(8) catch more eyes catch more eyes(9) suit suit(10) a typical boy a typical boyPart III Script Directions: Listen to the following recording,

10、 and then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1. What does the woman suggest?A. Buying the man a suit for work.B. Buying the ma

11、n a suit for travel.C. Buying herself a suit for work.D. Buying herself a suit for modeling.2. What does the woman think about the suit the man is wearing?A. It looks handsome.B. It looks outdated.C. It should be cleaned.D. It should be ironed.3. Why doesnt the man like the jacket the woman recommen

12、ds?A. Because it is single-breasted (单排扣的).B. Because it is double-breasted (双排扣的).C. Because it is brown.D. Because it looks out of style.4. What kind of trousers does the man dislike?A. Dark blue trousers.B. Short trousers.C. Black trousers.D. Brown trousers.5. What does the woman think about the

13、black trousers?A. They are too long.B. They are too short.C. They can be shortened if they are too long.D. They should be longer.Part IVDirections: Choose the best answer to each of the following statements. 1. Once dressed, the models _ in order by the door.A. queued inB. queued overC. queued upD.

14、queued down2. The models _ photographers, turned, and walked back.A. posed toB. posed forC. positioned toD. positioned through3. Mom, everything I have is _.A. out of dateB. out of the dateC. out of datesD. out of the dates4. Everyone else will be wearing the latest Levis, and I will look stupid _ t

15、he same old skirts.A. wearingB. to wear C. to be wearingD. having worn5. Maybe I could get a part-time job to help _ the new clothes.A. payB. pay withC. pay toD. pay for6. The emphasis on thinness and an ideal female body shape gives rise to _ dieting.A. extensiveB. excessiveC. exclusiveD. expressiv

16、e7. The middle-aged woman is _. That style went out last year.A. after the timesB. after timeC. behind the timesD. behind time8. Oh, come on. Dont laugh at the old woman for her dress as long as it looks good _ her.A. in B. withC. overD. on9. Youre right. Im out of style. _?A. So whatB. What soC. What thenD. Then what10. It is in those sewing rooms that fashionable clothes are c


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