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1、1打造高考英语高分满分作文 华师一附中 冯珍妮 从 2009 年搭配 2014 年,我的作文教学基本形成自己的模式,在历次大考中,本人所教学的两个班级,作文成绩都名列前茅。2009 级和 2012 级都有学生高考后返校时告诉我他们作文是满分。 2009 届,武汉市二月和四月调考的满分作文武昌区全区一篇,均来自华师一附中我所教的班级。在 2012 界届武汉市 9 月调考,二月调考和四月调考中,武昌区近万份试卷中,10 篇高分作文,华师一附中占 8 篇, 其中 5到 6 到篇来自冯珍妮老师所教的 9 班和 12 班。我 2012 级在 2012 年到 2014 年中,我所教班级的作文在大考的电脑阅

2、卷中,成绩都比较突出,作文均分在年级名列前茅。2014 年 9 月调考,武昌区 8 千多份试卷,5 篇高分作文,三篇华师一,两篇是我的学生。高三(4)班王奕闻,29 分,高三(1)孙梦诺 29 分,孙梦诺算半个我的学生,因为高一在我班上,我就开始了冯氏作文训练。2014 年 9 月调考,华师一高分班与平行班作文平均分:22.24 分,武昌另一正在追赶华师一的名校作文均分:21.35 分,我所教的国际部两个班(录取分数比华师一平行班要低) ,作文均分:23.89 分。本人教学的两个班的口语能力在平均水平上,尤其是应变能力和应急表达能力在华师一所有班级中也是名列前茅。我的学生在处理突发性口语场景的

3、能力在华师一比较突出。我的两大教学特长即作文和口语能力得益于我的近几年看美国的 MOOCs课程和听 TED 世界著名演讲。我同时也阅读这些东西的文本。一、 我从 2010 年开始在网上看哈佛与耶鲁等大学的 MOOCs 课程,对自我的英文素养与其它学科都有一定的了解,虽然仍然是外行,但毕竟思想境界得到很大程度的提升。2二、 训练学生写好作文,主要取决于教师本人的写作素养。我本人比较热爱阅读和写作,大量的阅给自己积累了语言素养和写作素材。阅读原文听 BBC, CNN,VOA 电台原声节目的同时,阅读这些文本,对自己提高语言素养是必不可少个过程。语感的培养不是一天两天能够速成的,必须常年累月坚持听。

4、看国外大学Moocs 或 TED 对我的语言文化的提高起着重要作用。二、在训练学生作文时,必须训练他们的书写,训练学生的书写,自己首先要训练英文书法。3三、本人时常亲笔创作的作文范文 :第 2 节:短文写作 (共一题;满分 30 分)1 就以下的内容展开,写一篇关于如何度过大学生活的短文。 It wont take long before I graduate from high school ,which will be a merciful relief serving as a new chapter of my life . .参考范文:It wont take long before

5、 I graduate from high school ,which will be a merciful relief serving as a new chapter of my life . Although high school education has prepared enough for my future education , I cant wait to change my way of college life. 4First of all , college education deserves all my commitment and devotion. Wo

6、rking hard will be my permanent choice , but just waiting for explanations from teachers will surely make for a loser. Limiting my reading to what teachers provide will simply make me an idiot. To keep away from computer games continues to be my warning . Spending four years in dating with girls or

7、boys is doomed to shadow my future marriage . Libraries will maintain their lasting appeal to me . Secondly , colourful entertainment will serve as a substitute when I am tired of professors abstract lectures. Art clubs , concerts and gyms will witness my impressive performances and excited shouts f

8、rom boys and girls. More attention should be paid to my clothes , but I never go too far. Thirdly ,a driving license will be a necessity . Travelling around is expected to bring me a lot of fun, of which adventure is the essential part. My friends will frequently say hello to me from France , Norway

9、 and even a small island in Pacific. Few minutes later , everything changes. The world around me will take on a completely new atmosphere. 2 写一个调查报告。我们一组 5 人做了一个社区调查 收集关于上大学对找工作到底是有利还是不起作用。60% 的人认为有用,30 的人认为用没有无所谓,10 的人认为划不来。参考范文: A survey was made by our group of five activists last week , the data

10、 from which may arouse people to put themselves into the situation and profound the issue . The random interviewees , most of whom cooperated surprisingly , held different attitudes to the question whether the college certificates played a vital role in the future job finding . The questionnaires co

11、llected and classified carefully by one of us showed that people understood the situation in three ways .60% of the people filling in the questionnaire thought highly of the college certificates . They wrote that those who occupied them were surely more secure about and more equal to the the job tha

12、n those who hadnt been trained in the subject . They continued to reason that if they were bosses , they would always give the preference to those who were better educated, adding that it was equally ridiculous for an individual without college education to be sure working with the ones who had been

13、 educated in college . Whether to get a college certificates seemed not to have bothered 30% of all that questioned . They augured that they frequently found others who were not educated sharing the same office . Especially in China , It was not hard to be defeated by disqualified people .10% of the

14、 questioned people argued against the college education mainly because of the high tuition and the risk of losing jobs afterwards . Facing the fierce job market , they worried that the sad consequences when most or all the finance were invested in vain . They witnessed some cases where children stay

15、ed at home after graduation from college, which was even worse for those who chose to work with a sum of pay after graduating from middle school .What can we learn from the survey analysis ? Deep causes behind the phenomenon remains to be considered by both the government and the public . 4、引导学生用比较高

16、端的句型训练写作 :55、部分考场作文: ( 考场满分作文文 30 分)6考场 29 分作文:72014 年高三(4)班王奕闻九月调考 29 分作文:高三(5)班 王汝程 2014 年武昌 9 月调唯一一篇满分 30 分作文 ( 高中三年教师: 黄秀丽, 我只是她新高一夏令营的短期老师)8六 、带有本人注解的高端美文: 高三 ( 9) 徐瑞珩It should have been a common day when cars frequently came and went through streets , and children chased after each other . Cats fell asleep in the the corner of the sofa and boys were busy editing short


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