2014届高三新人教版英语一轮总复习课件 8-1 A land of diversity【复习宝典】

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2014届高三新人教版英语一轮总复习课件 8-1 A land of diversity【复习宝典】_第1页
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《2014届高三新人教版英语一轮总复习课件 8-1 A land of diversity【复习宝典】》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2014届高三新人教版英语一轮总复习课件 8-1 A land of diversity【复习宝典】(85页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、话题诵读,考题对接,答案:A,答案:D,答案:B,答案:A,答案:C,答案:B,答案:B,答案:D,选修八Unit1 Aland of diversity 广 话题诵读 早读一刻 情感体验 吧 “America is a big melting pot ” This is almost the only thing I can remember from the course “American Socieand Culture” I took at college. Now , even though over aldecade has went by, the definition our

2、 teacher gave is stalearly written in my mind: the melting pot here means thatjpeople with different cultural 50d ethbnical pa ckgrounds,immigrate to the States, live together, get mixed andibuild up this wonderful culture that we call American culturelitoday. When I came to the American school,aisa

3、ppointed me. Yes, We did have a diverse student bodyalmost 409% of which was made up of international students.However, they were not integrated(融合) with nativeAmericans。 Asians always hang out with Asians, blacks withbnaaks, Spanisn mith Spanish They could pe im the samestudy group or the same clas

4、s or go to the same restaurant, |but Tarely could they become great friends. This phenomenon Was neither due to the barrier of language, | inor due to different personalities. The bottom line has alvayhb een culture.六 考题对接真题链接 体会考点1.履材原句Wish you were here.(UiP9)真题呈现C011,北京,28)一Where _ are the childr

5、en?The dinners going to be completely ruined .一Iwish they always late.人A, Werent 也, hadntbeenC. woudntpbe 卫, ouidnt have Deen考题巧解解析: 本题考查wish后跟that从句中虚拟语气在具体语境中的应用。故选A项。答案: A2. 教材原句It_didnt occur to_ me that.(UIPs)真题呈现2012 .江西卷,2S) It suddenly occurred tohim he had left his keys in the office.A., whether 了.whereC.,which 了D. that



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