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1、本期答案:第 2 部分:阅读判断16. A 答案在第二段的第二句。视觉记忆有助于我们记住事实和地点。所以本句中视觉记忆能让我们想起曾经去过的地方是对的。17. A 答案在第二段。视觉记忆不仅有助于记住地点,还有助于记住具体事实。故事中往往包含大最事实,所以读故事时会使用视觉记忆。18. B 答案在第三段第一句。语言记忆有助于我们记住听到却没有见过或写过的词语和数字。所以本题“语言记忆有助于阅读从未听过的词”是错误的。19. B 答案在第四段。本段内容是说情感记忆能帮助记忆带有强烈感受的地点或情形其次人们还有各种特殊记忆用于感觉和运动。因此情感记忆本身与运动无关,所以本题的答案为 B。20. C

2、 第五段提到人类有短期和长期两种记忆方式,但并未提及是否动物也如此,所以答案为 C。21. C 答案在第五段。短期记忆能记住三十秒的事情,长期记忆则能将事情终生记住。因此两者各有作用,但是否长期记忆就比短时记忆重要本文并未提及。22. A 答案在本文最后一段第一句话。心理学家告诉我们,我们仅能记住过去发生的一些事实,其他部分则会自己创造。所以答案为 A。基本解题方法:1. 找关键词(题干中红色部分)2. 根据关键词在文章中定位答案出处的句子 3. 对比题干与文章中的句子 4. 根据一致程度作出判断(需要一些基本的语言知识)16. Visual memory helps us recall a

3、place we have been to.A. Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned2. In fact we have different types of memory. For example, our visual memory helps us recall facts and places. Some people have such a strong visual memory, they can remember exactly what they have seen, for example,pages of a book, as a complete

4、 picture.17. Visual memory may be used when we read a story.A. Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned2. In fact we have different types of memory. For example, our visual memory helps us recall facts and places. Somepeople have such a strong visual memory, they can remember exactly what they have seen, for e

5、xample, pages of a book, as a completepicture.18. Verbal memory helps us read words we have never heard.A. Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned3.Our verbal (言语的) memory helps us remember words and figures we may have heard but not seen or written: items of a shopping list, a chemicalformula, dates, or a re

6、cipe.19. Emotional memory is used when we perform physical movements.A. Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned4. With our emotional (情感的) memory,we recall situations or places where we had strongfeelings, perhaps of happiness or unhappiness. We alsohave special memories for smell, taste, touch and sound, and

7、 for performingphysical movements.20. Animals do nothave a long-term memory.A. Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned找不到 Animals21. Long-term memory is more important thanshort-term memory.A. Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned找不到二者的比较信息22. Generally we remember only a few facts about the past.A. Right B.Wrong C.

8、Not mentioned6. Psychologists tell us that we only remember a few facts about our past, and thatwe invent the rest. It is as though we remember only the outline of a story. Wethen make up the details. We often do this in the way we want to remember them,usually so that we appear as the heroes of our

9、 own past or maybe victims needing sympathy (同情).第 3 部分:概括大意与完成句子23 B 第一段的主要内容告诉读者,人为什么做梦,梦意味着什么,千百年来人们对此都十分好奇。最早对梦进行解释的书四千年前在埃及就出现了。古希 腊人和古代的中国人关于梦都有着很多各自独特的看法。因此 B 选项与此相符。24 E 第二段内容是关于当今的人们已经不再相信梦境能预测未来。科学家认为梦境是基于生活中发生的事情和人们的感受而形成。25 A 第三段描述了梦中其实包含着很多真实生活的场景,很多无法直接展现的事情可以通过梦境间接体现出来。本段内容还举例说明了梦境究竟意

10、味着什么,如何解读。26 D 心理学家认为梦对人有益。在实验场景下,人们如果被允许人睡,却不允许做梦会变得焦躁不安。事后一旦允许他们随心所欲地人睡,他们会比往日更频繁地做梦。27 E 答案在第一段中间。在古希腊,据说生病的人可以通过说出自己的梦境而痊愈(考虑到宗教等方面的原因,估计是不药而愈)。28 C 第二、三段均提及了科学家认为梦境基于生活中发生的事情,会包含很多真实生活中的事情。29 A 答案在第三段对梦境的具体解释中。梦见自己开着一辆大卡车,意味着对权力以及对掌控他人的渴望。30 F 答案在本文最后一段。在实验场景下,人们如果被允许人睡,却不允许做梦会变得焦躁不安。概括大意题解题技巧:

11、1. 先把选项试着翻译一遍,默记其含义,找出区别选项的关键词;2. 带着这些关键词看第一段,看看第一段是否有选项中的关键词;3. 看第一段的第一句话(往往是主题句),试着翻译出来,看看与哪个选项一致;4. 依次看剩下的段落。23.Paragraph 1_正确答案:B. Ancient views on dreams(古代人对梦的观点)Ancient 是判定本题的关键定位词A. Structure and interpretation of a dreamB. Ancient views on dreamsC. Babies dream less than older childrenD. Dr

12、eaming may be good for our healthE. Dreams cannot foretell the futureF. Healthy people do not dream1. Why do we dream? Do dreams have meanings? These are questions which have troubled man for thousands of years.The oldest surviving book on the interpretation of dreams is Egyptian and is nearly 4,000

13、 years old. In ancient Greece, it was thought that people who were ill could be cured by telling their dreams.They would relate their dreams to their doctors who would tell them what they meant, and then give them medicine to make them well. The ancient Chinese believed that if a pregnant woman drea

14、med of a bear,she would have a son, and if she dreamed of a snake, she would have a daughter. There are many stories about dreams foretelling (预言) the future.24.Paragraph 2_正确答案:E. Dreams cannot foretell the future(梦不能预测未来)A. Structure and interpretation of a dreamC. Babies dream less than older chi

15、ldrenD. Dreaming may be good for our healthE. Dreams cannot foretell the futureF. Healthy people do not dream2. We certainly do not now believe that dreams foretell the future.(这是本段的主题句) Most scientists believe that dreams are based on events in our own life and on our feelings. The events are usual

16、ly very recent, mostly within the last two days. Our emotions, on the other hand, our wishes, hopes and fears, may go back many years, even to early childhood.25.Paragraph 3_正确答案:A. Structure and interpretation of a dream(梦的结构与解释)本题可以用排除法来做:如果你不能理解 A 的意思,也不理解第三段的主题句:Ina dream, events are altered.。你可以看看其他选项:C 的意思是:婴儿比儿童做梦少;D 和 E 都是说梦与健康(health)的关系。第三段根本没涉及这些,所以可以排除。A. Structure and interpretation of a dreamC. Babies dream less than older childrenD.


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