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1、触摸信息查询机标准范畴触派电子;只为让触摸信息查询机市场更透明, “技术透明” 、 “成本透明” 、 “服务透明” 、打造标准,从触派开始,优胜劣汰由大众抉择。它是一种结合平板电脑的触摸、液晶电视机的尺寸还有台式电脑的所有配件而成。当然它所发挥的功能也是非常的强大,具备的能力在下面会详细提到。 不论商用、教育还是单位用途,都是随从可见的。并调整库存管理。CYLSON 触摸信息查询机可以替代传统的人工登记和纸质定单,POS 系统可以大大降低你的员工在点餐上花费的时间,加快定单处理量。功能上基本可以完成电脑和平板电脑上的任何操作应用、而更细化的功能需要根据软件实现。大部分软件可以找专门人员制作。储

2、存空间足够的情况下,可以安装很多软件种类。触摸点数上普遍采用 10 点触控,12 点触控。其实太高很少能派上用场,反而会增加出现故障等情况发生。当然在我们普遍选取的时候,会面临太多不可控问题,例如信息查询机内部采用的配件,防水密封性,延保服务,在一样可靠的牌子情况下、价太高可以忽略。但是特别低的你就当心了,当然这个低是参考平均标准的哦,很多无良的拿二手配件翻新给你,根本查不到,用起来感觉是一样的,但是触摸屏一体机核心在使用寿命上,比如一般触摸屏点击六千万次(当然这是触派电子产的才有这么高)而你 500 万次就挂了,这里需要注意,在所有配件相同的情况触摸寿命很关键,所以选择些科技能力强,有些知名

3、度的。触摸液晶屏决定全部性能参数。触摸技术是正个才信息查询机的核心组建,只要这里出现问题,基本可以导致机子无法正常的运行下去。通常较为容易出现的是花屏,触点失灵现象。所以后来普遍用红外触摸液晶屏在技术说的上创新决解此问题。好工艺不是朝夕炼就的,所以专配工艺对细节的把握和责任心对一台机子,在日后对运行起到的影响是非常巨大的。很可能一条通电线路即可造成无法使用,且又难以查出问题原因所在。所以任何一个细节点的疏漏都是不可估量的结果。.英文全译. The next day, early rice color will get out of bed, her breakfast for us to bu

4、y, and hardworking cleaned the rooms, all this is father and mother in the look in the eyes.Of course, this is not her deliberay show yesterday, because she had done so.Plate dad only Wo days of the holiday, had an early lunch, I and M color and they will be sent to the Xitang station.When parting,

5、mom will m color aside, and she chat up alone, but I and the father will therefore he a separate board exchange opportunity.Plate dad said to : you open the inn in Xitang things, your mother and I discussed.I took so tensions and asked: you do not oppose it?Do not oppose, is really not get your way.

6、In fathers words made sad for a while, then said: in fact, I know I was not sensible, but please give this opportunity, let finish the AMorphosis of life in Xitang.Boards sigh, patted on the shoulder: of course we also hope you can make a career, but marriage is the priority among priorities before,

7、 almost ti, get married and millet chat about.I m color there to look after all, not to the plate dad what guarantees, because marriage Wo words for us now is too far away.If say marriage, at least until Zhuo beauty in USA after the suessful listing, and my inn, not to say the national blossom every

8、where, but also out of Xitang, the preliminary awareness.Only in this way, can we get rid of the shackLS of so realistic, to marriage in a relatively comfortable environnt.Bus gradually left the station, I and M color standing side by side, bid farewell to the father and mother board, until the car

9、disappeared in our sight.I raised my head, hey breath, because finally a respite from the pressure from the family, but, the responsibility hearts feeling is more hey, the hey drives must complete the transformation of life, or in Xitang, I he no face to face them again.At the mont I he cut off all ans of retreat cut off, like all his retreat, but the suess or failure in this one is still in the frozen period terna.The side of the rice color took my hands, gently asked: you are now a lot of pressure?


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