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1、期中复习(=)完形填空、阅读理解专练完形填空A)1.phone 2.Who 3.cousin 4.Her 5. English B) 1.Some 2.keys 3.think 4.under 5.alwaysC) 1.find 2.in 3.yours 4.libraary 5.callD) 1.photo 2.his 3.Theirs 4.mother 5.tooE) 1.1-5 BBBAD 6-10 .AABBCF)1-5 BCDCC 6-10 ADCBDG)1-5 BDCCD 6-10.BBABC阅读理解A) 1-5 DDBBC (B)1-5CCBBDC)1-5CCBCA D)1. b

2、rothers 2.Cindy 3.mom 4.Sally 5.dad E) 1.She is in Beijing.2.Six 3.Its on the bed.4.No ,it isnt.5.Yes, it is .F) 1.Guo Xia; Helen2.You dont have any brothers or sisters./You have no brothers or sisters.3.Big 4. He is a teacher.5.Guo Xias grandparents.期中测评笔试部分21-25 BCABB 26-30 CAAAC31-35 DBDBD 36-40.

3、CBBDB41-45.CACAD46.1147.Five 48.Blue49.Lily and her mom./Lily and Mrs. Black.50.She is Lilys Mother.51-55.adccd 56.His schoolbag.57.Yellow 58.A 59.C60.shirt61.always62.first 63.dictionaries64.everywhere65.under my bookcase66.What about68.She is ; daughter69.Thank fou 70.think ; his71.How ; spell72.W

4、here are 73.is ; pen 74.Is; in75.they are 76-80.DACGF81.last 82.but 83.teachers84.library85.tidy86.watch87.must88.at89.too90.number作文My name is Gina. My telephone number is 581-1596. I like red and green. My father is Bill Smith. Alice Smith is my mother. I have a brother. His name is Tony. AComper

5、and an iPhone are on the table of my room.Oh, my baseball is under the bed.1-3 综合测评16-20.CACBA 21-25 BBBAC 26-30 BCBAC 31-35 BCBAB36-40.ACBCB 41-45.BCBDA61.jacket62.ruler63.map64.key65.orange66.Whats67.What color68.is OK69.I am 70.How is 71-75.GCEAD作文范文Look, this is You Songzes room. It is very nice

6、. The quilt is red. Look, this is a sweater. What color is it? It is blue. This is a cup. It is purple. Whats this? It is an orange. It is orange.(它是橙色的)第一单元报纸检测题16-20CDCAB 21-25.DCBCA26-30.ACBCD 31-35.DCBCB36-40.DCCAB 41-45.CDACD46.number 47.last 48.meet 49.seven 50.your51.No, it isnt.52.What is 53

7、.Whats your54.Her name 55.She is 56.Hello! I am Bob.57.It is his ruler58.What is her name 59.Her first name is Jane.60.My QQ number is 22774139.61-65DBAEC 66.Im 67.last 68.number69.This 70.And 71.Her 72its 73.color 74.whats 75.ruler第二单元测评试题16-20.CAABD 21-25.ACADB 26-30.ACDCB 31-35.CDBCB36-40.DABCB 4

8、1.Grandparents 42.Dale Brown 43.Teacher 44.Aunt 45.Frank Brown 46.aunt 47.cousin 48.grandfather 50.parents 51.these 52.sons 53.photo 54.mother 55.Here 56.a photo of 57.in the first 58.These are 59.Is ; cousin 60.Who are 61.These are ; parents 62.Is that 63.are not 64.Yes, they are. 65.family photo 6

9、6.Yes, it is . 67.Who is he 68.Yes; he is 69.Whats hie name 70.Are these your cousins 71.grandparents 72.sons 73.aunt 74.cousin 75.sister作文范文 Dear Tina,Thanks fou the photo of your family. This is my family photo. These are my grandparents and those are my parents. And this is my uncle. The boy is m

10、y brothern and the girl is me .I have a happy family.Your friend,Alice1-2 基础大闯关报纸测试题答案16-20.DDAAB21-25DCBCD26-30 .CDAAB31-35.CDBBC36-40.CABCD41.four 42.brother 43.my cousins 44.middle school 45.seven 46.your 47.Who 48.uncle 49.not 50.aunt 51.his 52.sister 53.She 54.Those 55.are .56.last name 57.fami

11、ly photo 58.Are those 59.Who is 60.middle school 61.is not 62.That;brother 63.Are ; pictures 64.Who is 65.Are they 66-70.BEACD 71.dog 72.have 73.Her 74.too 75.of 76.white 77.in78.Who 79.an 80.niceTong Dong is my good friend. His English name is Joy. He is 12 . He has a Happy family ,his mother and his sister. He is in Class Four, Grade Seven .His photo number is 785-0139. He is in No.3 Middle School. His English Teacher is Ms. Smith.


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