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1、1反意疑问句解题技巧与专题解析【基础知识点睛】定义:反意疑问句又名附加疑问句。属疑问句的一种,表示说话者对某事有一定看法,但又不完全确定,需要对方加以证实。其基本结构为陈述句+一般疑问句的简略形式。结构: 如陈述部分为肯定式,疑问部分用否定式。反之,如陈述部分否定式,疑问部分用肯定式。疑问部分重复陈述句的主语(必须用代词)和 be , have,助动词或情态动词。如陈述句中没有 be, have,助动词或情态动词,则须另加 do。如:She has gone to town, _ she? 她进城了,对吗?You like it, dont _? 你喜欢它,不是吗?注意事项:1. 在朗读时,反

2、意疑问句的前一部分用降调,后一部分,在表示疑问时用升调,在表示肯定或强调时用降调。如:Hes an engineer, isnt he? 他是工程师,是不是?Its a fine day today, isnt it? 今天天气很好,对吧?2. 附加问句的主语应与陈述句的主语保持一致,且只能用人称代词替代。如:You come from Beijing, dont _?你来自北京,是不是?The students in Grade One wont go to the park, will _?一年级的学生不去公园了,是吗?当陈述句的主语为 nobody、none、no one、anybody

3、 、anyone、everybody、everyone等表人的不定代词或 these、those 指示代词时,其附加问句通常用 they 作主语,而 nothing、 anything、 everything 等表物的不定代词或 this、 that 指示代词作主语时,其附加问句通常用 it 作主语。如:Anyone can answer the question, cant _?任何人都能回答这个问题,不是吗 ?Everything is ready, isnt _?一切准备好了,是不是 ?That is a yellow kite, isnt _-?那是只黄色的风筝,不是吗 ?当陈述句是第

4、一人称 I+think/suppose/consider/believe/imagine 等接的宾语从句时,附加问句的主语应依从句的主语而定 。 如:I dont think the film is interesting, is it?我认为这部电影没趣,是吗 ?如果主句主语非第一人称,附加问句的主语常依主句的主语而定。如:Jim said no one was fond of the job, didnt he?吉姆说没人喜欢这项工作,是不是 ?You thought we were from the States, didnt _?你原以为我们来自美国,是吗?如果陈述句为 there b

5、e 句型,附加问句的主语为 there。如:There will not be any trouble, will there?Theres something wrong, isnt _?出事了,不是吗?当陈述部分的主语为不定式、动名词或句子,附加问句的主语一律为 it。如:Reading is useful, isnt _?阅读非常有用,不是吗?3. 附加问句的动词要与陈述句的动词时态保持一致,并要用相应的助动词替代。如:He can swim, _he?他会游泳,不是吗?The stores close at nine oclock, _they?商店九点关门,不是吗?但也有一些附加问句

6、与陈述句谓语时态不一致的情况。如:Im late, arent I?我晚了,不是吗?He must be lost, isnt he?他可能迷路了,不是吗?They must have completed the project last night, didnt they?他们可能昨晚完成了这项工程,是不是?They must have left, havent they?他们可能走了,是不是?当 must 表推测时,附加问句的动词应依 must 后的动词而定。在对过去事实进行推测时,附加问句的时态应根据主句是否带有时间状语而定。4. 对反意疑问句的回答,肯定或否定要前后保持一致,即前面用“

7、yes” ,后面必须是肯定;前面用“no” ,后面必须是否定。如: Yes, he is. (No, he isnt.)5. 在回答 “前否定(陈述句)+后肯定(简略问句) ”的反意疑问句时,答语中“yes”和“no ”的翻译恰好与汉语相反,如:He isnt a pianist, is he? 他不是钢琴家,是吗?Yes, he is. (No, he isnt.) 不,他是钢琴家。 (对,他不是钢琴家。 )2【重点难点突破】1. 与祈使句有关的反意疑问句(1)以肯定祈使句开头的反意疑问句,其疑问部分通常为“will you”,也可以是“wont you”。例如:Please turn do

8、wn the radio, _ / _you?Wait for a moment, _/ _you?(2)以否定祈使句开头的反意疑问句,其疑问部分为“will you”。例如:Please dont draw on the wall, _ _?(3)以 Lets 开头,表示建议的祈使句,由于句中的实际主语包括听、说双方,所以其疑问部分为“shall / shant we” 。例如:Lets have a rest, _ / _we?如果是由 Lets not 开头的祈使句,其疑问部分用 all right 或 O. K.。例如:Lets not go shopping, _ /_?(4)以 L

9、et us / me 开头,征询意见的祈使句,由于句中的实际主语仅指对方,所以其疑问部分为“will you ”。例如:Let us go there, _ _?Let me have another try, _ _?2. 与复合句有关的反意疑问句(1)如果陈述部分是主从复合句,其反问部分的主语和助动词应与主句的主语和助动词保持一致。例如:If he hasnt finished his work, he cant go out to play, can he?(2)以第一人称 I / We + think / believe / imagine / suppose / guess / ex

10、pect / etc.开头的主从复合句,其疑问部分的主谓语应与从句的主谓语保持一致。例如:I think he has arrived at the airport, hasnt he?但如果主句是否定句,则应将否定还原到从句中处理, (即将该主从复合句还原成单句后处理) 。例如:I dont believe she knows it, does she?如果主句的主语是第二、第三人称,其反问部分的主语应与主句的主语保持一致。例如:He believes they will come, doesnt he?3. 与感叹句有关的反意疑问句如果陈述句部分是感叹句,其反问部分要用否定式。例如:Wha

11、t a beautiful day, isnt it? How clever the girl is, she?4. 与含否定意义的词有关的反意疑问句如果陈述部分含有 never, hardly, scarcely, seldom, no, none, no one, rarely, nowhere, nothing, nobody, few, little 等具有否定意义的词,其反问部分要用肯定式。例如:They have never met each other before, have they?You have nothing more to say, _ you?Few people

12、 know him, _they?注意:当陈述部分含有由 dis-, un-, im-, in-, im-, il-, ir- 等否定前缀构成的派生词(dislike, discourage, be unfair/ untrue/ unable, etc.)时,虽意思是“不” ,但疑问部分仍要用否定式。如:You dislike it, dont you?The patient is unable to move round, _he?She dislikes it, _she? 她不喜欢它,是吧?下面我们来做一些练习:1. The computer is very useful in our

13、 life, _ it?A. isnt B. wasnt C. hasnt D. doesnt2. -She didnt come to school yesterday, did she?- _, though she was not feeling well.A. No, she didnt B. No, she did C. Yes, she didnt D. Yes, she did3. There is little milk in the bottle, _?A. isnt it B. is it C. isnt there D. is there4. He has few fri

14、ends in the new school, _?A. does he B. is he C. doesnt he D. did he35. “Youve never seen dinosaur eggs, have you?”“ _. How I wish to visit the Dinosaur World.”A. Yes, I have B. No, I havent C. Certainly, I have D. Of course, I havent6. Bob likes traveling very much, _ he?A. isnt B. is C. doesnt D. does7. Kates never seen Chinese film, _?A. hasnt she B. has she C. isnt she D. is she8. Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night, _ ?A. dont they B. didnt they C. did they D. do they9. -Linda had nothing for breakfast this morning, _?-No. She got up too late.A. had she B.


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