外研版九年级Unit 2 Knives and forks are used for most food 说课材料

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《外研版九年级Unit 2 Knives and forks are used for most food 说课材料》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版九年级Unit 2 Knives and forks are used for most food 说课材料(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、教案 New Standard English 九年级下册Module 7 Eating together Unit 2 Knives and forks are used for most food 说课材料平湖市东湖中学 金菊华Unit 2 Knives and forks are used for most food 是 Module 7 Eating together 的第二个单元。本单元通过介绍西餐用餐习惯,帮助学生了解西方的饮食文化和用餐习惯,同时可以加深学生对中国饮食文化的认识与理解。Knives and forks are used for most food 是一篇与这个主题

2、紧紧相扣的阅读材料。我认为这个单元的教学目标应该是 Most students will be able to talk about the western meals and eating customs in the west.认知:1、学生能够使用下列单词: saying, cheers, plate, over2、学生能够使用下列表达复习被动语态:1)、Dinner is served around 7pm or even later.2)、The fork is held in your left hand and the knife in your right, and the f

3、ood is held with the fork and cut with the knife.3)、The soup is drunk with the knife.能力和技能: 1、学生能够运用记笔记的方法掌握细节信息。2、学生能够读懂有关介绍食物和饮食习惯的文章。3、学生能够根据相关信息预测下文和推断文章的深层含义。4、能够模仿课文写一篇有关中国食物和饮食习惯的短文。情感和态度: 1、让学生感受到他们学习英语是为了在现实生活中进行交流,而不单纯是为了英语 课和应付考试而学习。 2、 了解不同国家的饮食文化,保持中国饮食文化中良好的习惯,学习西方饮食文化中好的方面。 学习策略: 1、自学

4、策略,在文段中加深理解被动语态的意义、结构和用法。2、合作策略,交流西餐餐桌礼仪和中餐饮食习惯。文化知识: 了解西方的饮食习惯,加深对中国饮食文化和习俗的认识。重点:1、Dinner is served around 7pm or even later.2、The fork is held in your left hand and the knife in your right, and the food is held with the fork and cut with the knife. 3、Soup is drunk with a spoon.难点:To infer some in

5、formation through reading the passage.根据教材和学生因素的特点,我将采用下列教学方法和手段: 1、 交际法和情景法教学 为了激励学生在课堂上积极交谈,我将一些设计真实的情景来激发学生的兴趣,这些师生和学习互相之间的交流重心就放在了语言的意义上,与此同时将英语学习与他们的真实生活联系起来以培养他们用英语进行创造性思维的能力。 2、 以学生为中心实施教学。 这个单元我将在我的课堂活动中设计信息差任务、问题的互动解决。在我的教案设计中,将所有的教学活动组成一个链式的因果关系,在此过程中,前一个活动的成功成为后一个活动顺利进行的前提。 教学步骤: Learning

6、 and teaching arrangementSteps Students activities Teachers activities 设计思路1 Students guess what the teacher and herfriend had last night according to the picture. Say the Chinese food quickly.And infer the western meal.Show the pictures. “ What did we have last night ?” (Treated at home)“What shall

7、 we have tonight?” ( would like to have another try)创设情景,让学生由中餐联想西餐,直接导入,进行本课阅读教学。2 The students will scan the beginning and the ending of the passage and get the idea.Ask the students to the first reading practice,“What should we do if we dont know the western food and eating manners? ” 由问题导入阅读第一环节

8、,第一段和最后一段作为整体,让学生整理文章主旨,“入乡随俗”。3 The students find out the western meal time.Later than China.Lunch: after 12, around 1 pmdinner: around 7 pm or laterThe teacher will ask the question, “Why Mr Smith was still very happy and excited ? ( Had lunch at 1:30 in the afternoon.)创设情景,由去年浙江大学中美中小学校长研讨会午餐时间的具

9、体安排,让学生从文章第二段找出西餐的用餐时间,并结合实际生活经验感受两者区别。4 The students will read the passage and find out the things to say for the the Frenchman (Anna), the Italian (Meg), the Englishman (Mr Smith), the waiter and all the people at table.Ask the students to act it out in group work. Work in fours.Teacher will be ac

10、t the waiter,“Enjoy your meal!”让学生 4 人一组进行小组合作,根据老师提供的语言环境,进行现场模拟表演。加深了解不同国家的就餐习俗。5 Though intensive reading, the students know the details to do at table and act it out (with the knives, forks and spoons.) Fill in the blanks with the passive voice and try to put the knives, forks and spoons in the

11、right place on the table and try to act out how to have the western food according to the pictures.Ask the students to do the reading and fill in the blanks and ask them to try out the eating manners for the western meals.让学生通过精读,完成就餐动作介绍(被动语态句型),通过图片模仿动手操作,学会西餐餐桌礼仪。设想重点突出。6 Students will be able to

12、 find out the difference of the meals and eating customs between the Chinese and the western meals in Pa6-7.Ask the students to infer some information through reading Pa6-7.通过选择正确答案的简单设置,引导学生与中餐比较以加深理解中西餐就餐礼仪习俗的差异同时为后面写作做铺垫。设想难点突破。7 Students answer the questions. Ask the students:1.Who is the passag

13、e written for?2. What is the tone of the passage?3. Where might you see a passage like this?培养学生根据文章内容推理判断读者群、作品基调等的能力。8 Students listen to the tape and finish the form with the details.Play the tape and help the students complete the column with notes.培养学生通过阅读运用笔记的方法掌握、推断和比较信息的能力。9 Students try to

14、write an email with the inferred information from the reading.Students show off their own tips about the Chinese food and eating customs.Ask the students to read the email from Mr Smith and encourage them to try to answer it on the paper watermelons.Smith 先生要来中国参加上海世博会,email 要求介绍中国就餐习俗,作为课堂知识的延伸拓展。纸

15、质西瓜是为Smith 来平湖设置的一个趣味环节。输出高于输入。10 Homework:Retell the passage and complete the tips for showing .让学生更好地理解和把握原文,学会用地道的英语表达模仿介绍中国文化,以此提高口语表达和写作能力。11 Blackboard design:Watch the other people. Do as they do. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.When in China, do as the Chinese do.还有一点就是关于英语教学的评价。我们都知道,教学的目

16、的不仅仅教给学生一些知识,而且也要教给他们用所学知识解决问题的能力和技能。为了检验教学活动的效果,教给他们学习策略,并引导他们成为独立的学习者,我们不仅要进行总结性评价,而且要进行形成性评价。课后反思:1、 过份自信,凭着一份邮箱内的学生名单,不做更多的了解与接触,只是根据以往的授课经验和自我班上学生平时的信息反馈,设计教案不符合当时当地学生的实际,课堂显得非常沉闷。2、 现场应变能力不够,现场的第一冷场导致后续的连续失误,现场改变授课方法能力很欠缺,整个课堂老师的讲多于学生的练,学生的热情始终没有被很好地调动起来,始终处在胆怯中。3、 时间安排不合理,因为紧张学生的反映,中间学生使用西餐餐具模拟用餐版块用时过多,师生合作有困难,时间远远超过预设,导致最后写作环节的走过场,没有让学生操练,不能当场检验学生的掌握程度,输出高于输入无从体现,高潮应该是学生能够很自信地上场为老外做中国饮食文化和习俗地介绍,西瓜串联成平湖广告没能出现。4、 过份自我欣赏,一厢情愿地将自己的实际经历结合进教学,以为能够引起学生


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