人教新目标英语七年级下Unit 11 What do you think of game shows省电教课说课稿

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人教新目标英语七年级下Unit 11 What do you think of game shows省电教课说课稿_第1页
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《人教新目标英语七年级下Unit 11 What do you think of game shows省电教课说课稿》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教新目标英语七年级下Unit 11 What do you think of game shows省电教课说课稿(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?(Section A 1a-1c )I. Analysis of the teaching materialThis is the first class in Section A of Unit 11 in Grade 7, Go for it. The language goal is to practice telling ones preferences or opinions about events. This is a topic that students will be very interest

2、ed in. In this Unit, students will learn some names of different kinds of TV shows and movies, the related popular culture and the way of showing opinions. What do you think of? is a question used to ask for others opinions in Section, love, like, dont mind, dont like, cant stand can be used to give

3、 opinions. Words like also, too, either, enjoy, like, love and sentences like How about? Tell it like it is. This is what I think. Can you please? are useful sentences which need to be mastered.II. Analysis of the students Our school is a village school, the students language basis of English is poo

4、r, especially the abilities of listening and speaking. Theyre often ashamed to speak English, so the listening practice, oral practice, guessing game, group activities are designed to train the students abilities of using language, and to obtain the abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writ

5、ing. I think What do you think of? is a good question for students to open their mouths and practice giving opinions in English. In the teaching process, I focus on training the students cooperative study and develop their ability of creative thinking.III. Teaching aims and demands 1. Knowledge and

6、skillsIn this class of unit 11, students are required to give opinions about different kinds of TV shows. The main purpose is to train students skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing by using What do you think of? I like/love/dont mind/dont like/cant stand2. Processes and methodsUsing th

7、e learning strategies of Role playing and Personalizing.Organize the students to express their feelings about different TV programs and so on.3. Emotion, attitudes and valueThe content is close to students lives. Different TV shows are for different audience. As to students, TV games which are valua

8、ble to their health and happy growth should be chosen to watch. Teachers should try to help students to establish a correct outlook on life .When learning this unit, students should be active to give their opinions about TV shows using the target language.IV. Difficulties and focuses1. To master the

9、 names of some TV shows.2. Using What do you think of? to ask for others opinions about TV shows.3. Get students to show their feelings using cant stand, dont like, dont mind, like and love.V. Analysis of the Teaching ProceduresCreate plots and scenes to guide the new lesson.( 创设情境 导入新课)Step 1. Warm

10、-upFirst of all, I will greet my students as usual, and encourage my students to use the useful expression they have learned to communicate with me. I will quickly lead them to sing the English songHow is the weather? .The sentence patterns Whats the weather like? and Hows the weather? are used .The

11、 students are easy to give opinions about weather. Then the students look at the big screen and sing the song together. This aim is to warm up before new lesson and let the students get ready for giving opinions about TV shows.Step 2. Lead- inThe teacher talks with the students about the introductio

12、n of new lesson. The topic is close to the students lives, and the students are interested in.师生互动 探索新知 Step 3. PresentationTask 1: Learn the new words of TV shows.I made full use of courseware to help the students learn new words.a. game show在这一新词的学习过程中,将引出本单元的目标语言 What do you think of game shows?以

13、及对电视节目喜爱的两个词 like /love.b. talk show在利用基本句型 What do you think of ?Ithem.学习这一生词时,师顺势说:“I dont like them, either. But I dont dislike them, So I dont mind them.” 从而学习 mind 一词。c. sports showLet the students guess what TV show it is after watching. Then ask them to show their opinions about sports shows.

14、d. sitcom Let students watch the video of a sitcom , and then learn the new word. Ask the students to read and spell the two ways of expression about the word. After that, get students to show their feelings using like/lovef. soap opera After watching this TV show ,let students ask me with the quest

15、ion What do you think of soap operas to lead to the wordcant stand . And ask students to make sentences with the word.Task 2: Open the books and finish 1a.This activity is to enable students to master the new words.Task 3: Learn the new dialogs.a. The students learn this part by listening and readin

16、g with CAI. Students look at the pictures and guess what TV shows they are, then listen to the recording carefully.b. Let students read the dialogs.Task 4: Do a guessing game.Look at the faces and fill in the blanks.本任务的目的是巩固所学新内容。生词的学习过程中,我总是能尽量做到词不离句,让学生在相应的语言环境中学习新知;师生互动的氛围中不断培养学生探索新知的欲望。学以致用 提升能力Step 4. Practice1.Oral practice. a. Make dialogs in groups with the pictures on the screen.b. Students performance dialogs.2.Listening pr



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