外研版英语八年级下册Module 1全模块基础知识练习卷

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1、Module 1 全模块基础知识练习卷一、单词拼写1A truck is _(收集) rubbish in the street.2. Does Ann _(收集) anything in her spare time? Yes, she has a big doll _(收集).3. Thank you for your _(采访). I want to ask you some _(私人的) questions.4. What made you so _(感兴趣 ) in drawing?5. A dictionary is very _(有用 ) . It can help me a l

2、ot with my English.6. Good _(爱好) can _(发展) your interests and help you learn new _(技能).7. You _(不应该) be _(懒惰).Its good for you to get up early in the morning.8. His writing brings him _(享受) and _( 成功). He is a _(成功) writer.9. I cant _(想象) what it is like.10.The club provides(提供) different kinds of _

3、(活动),such as tennis, swimming and chess.11. Every day he spends the _(少) time doing his homework. He is the _(懒) in his class.二、填空 As a result, as well as, because, come out, look after, spendin, such as ,tidy up1. Id like to learn anther language, _ I want to travel around.2. The Harry Potter stori

4、es were very popular and _, more teenagers began to enjoy reading than ever before.3. Jane is good at singing _ dancing.4. At our school you can try lots of new activities, _ creative writing and playing the piano.5. We made a delicious cake this morning. Now we need to _ the kitchen.6. I asked my p

5、arents to buy me a dog. I would _ it.7. Shall we _ some time _ playing table tennis on Saturday?8. I buy the magazines when they _ each month.三、完成文章. As a result, collection, fan, hobbies, model, stamps, such as, ticket, tidying upYesterday I was 1_ my room . I _(find) an old box of my fathers. He _

6、(give) it to me two years ago. It was really interesting _(discover) some of my fathers childhood 2_. He once told me that he _(write) to people all over the world., and they sent him letters, too. 3_, he had a book of interesting 4_. People also gave him things from different countries, 5_ a silk6

7、_ from Japan, a little doll from England, and a small 7_ ship from Australia. My father even _(keep) the 8_ from his first football match! It made me 9_(think) about 10_(look) after my 11_ of old pictures books and magazines.四、完成文章 A: My hobby is table tennis. 1_(play) table tennis is an energetic a

8、ctivity. I know it isnt very 2._(use) but I find it very 3_(interest). Im good at table tennis and I enjoy my 4_(success) when I win a game.B: My hobby is 5_(paint). Its 6_(create). I dont paint from life. I 7_(use) my imagination. I like to 8_(create) something beautiful in paint.C: In my free time

9、, I like reading. I like to sit down with an 9_(interest) book. When I read, I 10_(想象) what 11_(happen), and how the people feel.五、填空 look after, look for ,tidy up, get up, find out, come out, Go out, take up,1. What time did you _ this morning?2. Please _. Your room is untidy.3. Can you _ my car co

10、llection when Im away? But please be careful with it.4. Why dont you _ some more about him? He was a very interesting man.5. His first book _ when he was only 16.6. When you _ this afternoon, can you buy a book about stamps for me?7. Studying English usually _ the most time. 8. -What are you _? -My

11、pen is lost. 六、 完成句子 1. 我真正的爱好是音乐。我总是演奏小提琴,听音乐。My _hobby is music. I _ _ violin and I listen to music _ _ _.2. 你的屋子有点零乱,请把它整理一下. Your room is _. Please _ it _.3. 在学期末, 将有一个音乐会. Theres a concert _ _ _ of this term.4 青少年不应该在电脑上花太多的时间。 Teenagers shouldnt _ too much time _ computers.5.一些爱好让人放松,另一些让人富有创造

12、力. _ hobbies are relaxing and _ are _. 6.这本书在 2003 年出版. This book _ _ in 2003.7. 我父亲是一名音乐家. My father is a _. 8. 在我八岁过生日那天,我父亲给我一把小提琴. My father _ me my first _ on my _ birthday.9. 许多青少年喜欢他的书,结果,大卫成了一名成功的年轻作家 . Many _ love his book, and _ _ _, David has become a _ young writer.七、选择填空1.Whats _? I los

13、t my purse. A. the wrong B. matter C. trouble D. the problem2. What happened _Sarah? She fell down and hurt her leg. A. to B. with C. in D. on3. Would you like to tell me about travel? Ok. I really experienced _.A. interesting something B. something interesting C. anything interesting D. nothing int

14、eresting4. Our job is very tiring. We _ have to stop to have a rest. A. sometime B. some times C. sometimes D. sometimes5. -_ do you think of the TV play? Its exciting. A. What B. How C. Why D. When 6.Jim likes eating fruits _ apples, bananas, oranges, and so on. A. for example B. such as C. such for D. likes7. I collect letters. I collect stamps _ . A. also B. too C. as well D. either8. The box is too heavy for me _.A. carrying B. carries C. carry D. to carry9. Some students are cleaning the window and _ are cleaning the floor. A. other B. others C. another D. the other10. The pleasa



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