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1、本科毕业设计 (论文)FINAL PROJECT/THESIS OF UNDERGRADUATE光纤拉锥尺寸检测算法设计Optical fiber size detection algorithm design学院 光电学院专业 电子信息工程学生姓名 晏明扬学号 1112030419指导教师 陈晓荣 副教授完成日期 2014 年 5 月承诺书本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业论文“光纤拉锥尺寸检测算法设计”是在导师的指导下,严格按照学校和学院的有关规定由本人独立完成。文中所引用的观点和参考资料均已标注并加以注释。论文研究过程中不存在抄袭他人研究成果和伪造相关数据等行为。如若出现任何侵犯他人知识产权等问

2、题,本人愿意承担相关法律责任。承诺人(签名):_日期: 年 月 日摘 要随着信息科技的发展,现实中对光纤通信的速度和效率要求越来越高,同时需要保障通信质量,目前的拉锥光纤作为特殊结构光纤,有着传输速度快、丢包少、速度稳定的特性,随着信息产业的发展,光纤作为一种低损耗、频带宽、抗干扰能力的出信息传输介质,在通信、医学、传感器、井下探测等多方面有着广泛应用。锥形光纤因其特有的结构和特性,在传输过程中比其他同类圆柱形光纤损耗更低,与光源耦合效率更高,在光纤传感和光纤激光器上的应用价值更高。测量光纤直径的一般方法有人工判别法 、图像剪切法和脉冲计数法等, 这些方法或是需要人工参与, 或是需要昂贵的精密

3、仪器, 或是需要切割光纤。因此, 在工业控制领域希望能够找到一种低成本、高效率和非接触性的方法测量光纤的直径.本文主要通过数字图像处理技术,对拉锥光纤拉制过程中在线采集图像,经过灰度变换、边缘检测、边缘提取和直线拟合等处理过程测量直径,具有非接触、高精度、实时性的优点。文中还分别对比了灰度变换、边缘检测、边缘提取和直线拟合的各个方法的原理和优缺点,经过试验并讨论分析,选择最为适宜的算法。同时提出了对算法的改进和发展方向,使之可以适用于玻璃、电缆等光学亚像素级检测,提高检测精度。关键词:拉锥光纤 直径测量 灰度变换 边缘检测 ABSTRACTWith the development of inf

4、ormation technology, reality of the speed and efficiency of optical fiber communication and higher, and the need to ensure the communication quality, the tapered fiber as a special structure fiber, transmission speed, less packet loss, stable speed characteristics, with the development of informatio

5、n industry, fiber is a low loss, wide frequency band, the anti-jamming ability of a medium for transmitting information, has been widely used in communication, iatrology, sensors and underground detection. Tapered fiber because of its unique structure and properties, in the transmission process than

6、 other similar cylindrical optical fiber loss is lower, and the light coupling efficiency is higher, in fiber sensor and fiber laser application value higher.A general method of fiber diameter measurement with artificial discriminant method, image shearing and pulse counting method etc., these metho

7、ds or require human intervention, or is the need for expensive precision instruments, or is the need to cut the fiber. Therefore, in the industrial control field hope to find a kind of low cost, high efficiency and non contact of the measurement of optical fiber diameter.This paper mainly through th

8、e digital image processing technology, to pull the tapered optical fiber drawing process in online image acquisition, after gray level transformation, edge detection, edge extraction and linear fitting process diameter measurement, with the advantages of non-contact, high precision, real-time. In th

9、is paper also compared the gray transformation, edge detection, edge detection and line fitting each method principle and advantages and disadvantages, through the test and discussion and analysis, choose the most suitable algorithm. And puts forward the the algorithm improvement and development dir

10、ection, can be applied to glass, cable and other optical sub-pixel detection, improve the accuracy of detection.KEY WORDS: Tape red Fibers diameter measurement gray transformation edge detection i目录摘要ABSTRACT第一章 绪论 .11.1 检测拉锥尺寸的目的和意义 .11.2 国内外研究概况 .31.2.1 扫描阴影法和放大投影法 .31.2.2 前向散射法和后向散射法 .31.2.3 回音波法 .41.2.4 光强极值法 .51.3 本课题主要研究内容 .6第二章 灰度变换方法研究 .72.1 线性灰度变换 .82.2 非线性灰度变换 .102.3 直方图均衡化 .112.4 实验结果与分析 .13第三章 边缘检测算法研究 .153.1 传统边缘检测算法 .153.1.1 梯度算子 .163.1.2 Roberts 算子 .173.1.3 Prewitt 算子 .183.1.4 Sobel 算子 .193.1.5 Laplace 算子 .



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