牛津译林版 英语单元练习:九年级下Unit1 Life on Mars-Unit2 Robot

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1、Unit 1 Life on Mars-Unit 2 Robot一、 请从下列选项中选出最佳答案。(25 分,每小题 1 分 )1. Maybe people will be able to travel _ and live on other planets in the future.A. in space B. in a space C. in the space D. in spaces*2. At present, the _ are too slow to carry many people to Mars.A. space shuttle B. spacecrafts C. sp

2、acecraft D. underground3. I dont think there is enough _ for everybody on Earth today.A. rooms B. spaces C. room D. jobs*4. _ of the students come from America and England.A. Three-fourth B. Third-four C. Threes-fourth D. Three quarters5. The journey _Mars is really exciting and dangerous.A. of B. t

3、o C. at D. in6. There is a lot of work for us Junior 3 students _ in the coming new term.A. do B. to do C. doing D. done7. -How do you like the film directed by Zhou Xingchi?- _.A. Very much. B. I dont think so. C. Im afraid not D. I agree.8. We must wear special boots to prevent us _in the air.A. f

4、loat B. to float C. floating D. floated*9. Earth is becoming _, so we need to move to Mars.A. more and more crowded B. more crowded and more crowdedC. crowdeder and crowdeder D. more crowdeder and more crowdeder10. How many English words _ by the end of last term?A. did you learn B. have you learnt

5、C. do you learn D. had you learnt 11. Living on Mars _ many old people.A. worry B. worries C. worries about D. worrying来源:21 世纪教育网12. Does it take very long to travel from Earth to Mars?Do you know _ it _ very long to travel from Earth to Mars?A. that, takes B. when, take C. if, takes D. what, takes

6、*13. _ I _ your umbrella ? No, you may not. A. Can, lend B. May, lend C. Can, borrow D. May, borrow14. Im wondering _ you have checked your work.A. that B. when C. where D. whether15. It would be great to _ robots _ all our homework.A. has, to do B. have, to do C. have, do D. having, do 16. I really

7、 dont know _.A. when shall we leave for Shanghai B. why do they have to stay homeC. when could I go to London D. who I could visit 17. Some of the children like to _ fire without knowing the danger. play the B. play with C. play D. play a*18. Do you know whom _?A. the car belongs to B. the car belon

8、g toC. does the car belong to D. the car is belonging to19. She says she is not tired and _ a rest.A. neednt B. doesnt need to C. neednt to D. dont need 20. Im not sure _ or not he will come here after school.来源:21 世纪教育网A. if B. whether C. what D. which21. She shut the window _ keep the insects out.

9、A. so that B. for C. in order to D. but that22. -What makes the policeman _ that I am American?-The way you speak.A. thinks B. think C. thought D. thinking23. Last week when I got home, I found my bedroom _ a mess because of the naughty cat.A. on B. for C. in D. with*24. Li Lei stopped his car _ a b

10、lack cat _ across the street.A. to let, run B. letting, run C. to let, running D. letting, running25. What _ they had in the country house yesterday!A. good rest B. a good rest C. the good rest D. good rests二、完形填空。(20 分,每小题 2 分)Many of you are studying English and you may be 26 why it is so difficul

11、t to learn. Its actually not too difficult to learn 27 you know some 28 about the language and culture that it reflects (反映). Perhaps the first thing you need to know about English is that it is made up of several other languages 29 French, German, Latin, Greek and Anglo Saxon. In addition, there ar

12、e words 30 Spanish in English and many American Indian words and names, even some Chinese and Japanese 31 can be found in the English language. This borrowing of words 32 other languages is 33 of the key reasons 34 some of the difficulties that people meet with (遇到) 35 they are learning English.26 (

13、 ) A. knowing B. learning C. hearing D. wondering 27 ( ) A. if B. and C. but D. unless *28 ( ) A. news B. facts C. truth D. informations 29 ( ) A. so as B. the same as C. such as D. for example *30 ( ) A. in B. off C. from D. of *31 ( ) A. letters B. culture C. language D. words 32 ( ) A. from B. to

14、 C. for D. out 33 ( ) A. this B. something C. that D. one *34( ) A. for B. why C. what D. of *35 ( ) A. before B. as C. after D. while三、 阅读理解。(20 分,每小题 2 分)APlants need green leaves to make food. A plant needs sunlight and carbon dioxide from the air for making food and it also needs water and salts

15、 from the soil to make food too. There are certain cells ( 细胞 ) in the leaves which change carbon dioxide and water into sugar. To do this the cells need energy, which they get from the sunlight.Green leaves make food for the whole plant. A red leave can make food too because under the red coloring of the leaf there are food-making cells. There are no leaves which are completely yellow, for they cant make food.The plant makes sugar for its food. In sunlight green leaves make a l



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