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1、 本科毕业论文在中西方文化背景中对龙的不同阐释学生姓名: 学生学号: 2 院(系): 外国语学院 年级专业: 2003 级英语本科 3 班 指导教师: 二七年五月The Different Translations of Loong under the Background of Chinese and Western CulturesXu XiaogeUnder the Supervision ofWang LiSchool of Foreign Languages and CulturesPanzhihua UniversityMay 2007攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 ContentsCon

2、tentsAbstract.IKey Words .I摘 要 .II关 键 词 .IIIntroduction.1 .The Differences between Chinese Word Long and English Word Dragon .2A. Long in China .2B. Dragon in Western Countries .3C. Comparison between Long and Dragon .5 .Some Problems in Translation.5A. Illustration of the Wrong Translation of Long

3、.6BMisunderstandings Caused by the Wrong Translation .7 .The Right Way of English Translation of Long .9A. Some Theories in Translation .9B. One Way of Translating into long .9C. Another Way of Translating into Loong .10Conclusion.12Acknowledgements.14Bibliography.15攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 AbstractIAbstractChin

4、ese people are proud of Chinese word long from ancient times till now, which is the symbol of auspiciousness and authority. But in Western peoples eyes, the English word dragon is the symbol of devil and bugbear. So long and dragon are quite different. But in English-Chinese or Chinese-English trans

5、lations, the two words are often translated into each other. The translations ignore the differences between Chinese and Western culture, and cause cultural misunderstanding. So how to translate Chinese word long into English becomes a serious problem. It is a good way to translate them from the dif

6、ferences between long and dragon, from the relation between characteristics of Chinese language and English language.Key WordsCultural differences; dragon; long; Loong; translation攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 摘要II摘要从古至今,中国人都对汉字龙感到自豪,因为龙是吉祥和权威的象征。而在西方人的眼中,英语单词 dragon 意味着罪恶和怪物,是邪恶的象征。因此龙和 dragon 在很大的程度上是不同的。但是在英译汉或汉译英

7、中,我们会经常把这两个词互译。这种翻译忽视了中西方文化的差异,从而造成了严重的文化误解。显而易见,这种翻译是有问题的。因此如何把汉字龙翻译成英语就成为一个很严肃的问题。从龙和 dragon 的差异、汉语和英语这两种语言特点的差异来确定龙的英译不失为一种好的方法.关键词文化差异;dragon; 龙;Loong;翻译攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Introduction1IntroductionIt is well-known that there are many differences between Chinese and Western culture. Nowadays cultural co

8、mmunication between different countries is very frequent, so accurate translation becomes in great need as occasions require. But great differences exist in different languages. People in every nation always understand other nations culture with their own views without considering whether they are right or wrong in origin, as is a very common phenomenon. Hence the


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