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1、THE GOTHICISM OF “THE CASK OF AMONTILLADO”一桶阿蒙蒂拉酒中的哥特主义Student:Student Number:Tutor:Submitted as Partial Requirementfor the Degree of B.A. in EnglishJune 15, 2014Graduate Paper:Table of ContentsTable of ContentsAcknowledgementsiAbstractiiOutline.iiiBody.1Bibliography12Graduate Paper:Acknowledgements

2、AcknowledgmentsThere is no denying that it is a tremendous challenge for me, an undergraduate majoring in English, to do research and write a research paper in English and English related academic areas. However, thanks to numerous peoples tireless efforts, this paper has eventually come to fruition

3、.My first acknowledgements should go to all the professors and teachers of Foreign Language School, who have ever taught me throughout the four years undergraduate life, for without their careful and responsible teaching, I would not have acquired the knowledge needed for this academic task.My heart

4、-felt gratitude also goes to my tutor, Mr. Chen Caiyi, who has taught me, in detail, how to make the research paper preparation and compilation. His preciseness and passion in teaching and research impressed me a lot, especially in the area of translation. Owing to his insightful guidance and commen

5、t on my paper as well as patient revising, the completion of this paper is made possible.I am particularly indebted to Mr. Chen Bo who has given me a lot of guidance, assistance and concern. He has imparted to me so much valuable knowledge that will benefit me a whole lifetime.No less gratitude shou

6、ld be given to my parents for their four years constant overall support, without which I would fail in realizing my university dream. Finally, I give my sincere thinks to my dear friends and fellow students, who have accompanied me throughout the four years at the university, sharing sadness and hap

7、piness with me and teaching me a lot of things. Our friendship is always a treasure and a driving force to me. Graduate Paper:AbstractAbstract Edgar Allan Poe is a writer who establishes a new school in the American history of literature. He firstly and consciously takes the short story as an indepe

8、ndent literature style, advances his own composing theory of short stories and applies it to his composition of Gothic stories. “The Cask of Amontillado” is a classic example of Edgar Allan Poes gothic stories. Although this story is very short but it has tight structure and deep indication which in

9、tegrate Allan Poes excellent artistic writing skills. Through the process of shaping gothic characters and scenes by typical gothic elements, the dark side of human nature are explored.Key words: Allan Poe; Gothic Story; Gothicism; Terror; Darkness 摘要埃德加爱伦坡是美国文学史上创立过全新流派的一位作家。他是有意识的将短篇故事作为独立流派对待的第一人

10、,发展了他自己的短篇故事创作理论并运用到了他哥特故事的创作中。 一桶阿蒙蒂拉酒是埃德加爱伦坡哥特故事中的经典例子。虽然这个故事很短,但结构紧凑,深刻并完整的体现了爱伦坡高超的写作技巧。在利用典型的哥特元素塑造哥特角色和场景的过程中,爱伦坡对人性中的黑暗面也进行了探索。关键词:爱伦坡,哥特故事,哥特主义,恐怖,黑暗Graduate Paper:OutlineOutlineTitle: The Gothicism of “The Cask of Amontillado”Thesis statement: Through the study of “The Cask of Amontillado”

11、which was a classic gothic novel that embodied the composition theory of Adger Allan Poe, this paper will analyze the function of gothic elements and discuss the possible reasons of Allan Poe s fondness of gothicism. (Key words: Adger Allan Poe; Gothic Story; Gothicism; Terror; Darkness )Outline:I.

12、IntroductionII. Analysis of gothic elements A.The Theme of RevengeB. An Old Castle with an Underground CatacombC. Murder D. AtmosphereIII. The Reasons of Adger Allan Poe s Fondness of GothicismA. Influenced by Europe Gothic Literature traditionB. Having his own composing theory.C. Wanting to expose

13、the darkness of human nature. IV. ConclusionGraduate Paper:BodyThe Gothicism of “The Cask of Amontillado”.IntroductionA. Gothic LiteratureGothic novel was born in England from around late eighteenth and early nineteenth century. The word Gothic had come to means wild,barbarous and crude. This newbor

14、n genre began with Horace Walpoles novel The Castle of Otranto, which told us a very thrilling story in a mysterious medieval castle. The subtitle of this very first gothic novel was “ A Gothic Story”. Therefore the subsequent novels with similar elements to The Castle of Otranto were collectively c

15、alled Gothic Novel. As a matter of fact, Gothic Novel has its broad and narrow sense. In the narrow sense, Gothic Novel referred only to the eighteenth centurys England gothic novels. At that time, there were many remarkable works but two of them stood out above the rest, Ann Radcliffes The Mysteries of Udolpho and Matthew Lewis The Monk. While in the broad sense, it refers to novels containing those unique gothic elementsWikipedia,2014. Generally, Gothic Literature gives the readers impressions of mystery, darkness and dread which is filled with contents of violence, death, murder, reven



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