英语本科毕业论文-the specific reflection of american dream on carrie’s view of love

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1、 第 吉林华桥外国语学院毕业论文用纸1 页The Specific Reflection of American Dream on Carries View of Love. Introduction Theodore Dreiser is one of the most influential authors in the history of American literature. His first work Sister Carrie, which is published in 1900, is considered to be a banned book because it e

2、xposes the polarization of rich and poor and anomic. Nowadays, the work is full of the tendency of naturalism, which is considered to be a classical one. The book describes the heroine who steps to the lips of lust and desire. As for her, human beings are the same as animals and pests who are driven

3、 by desire, and unable to extricate from her plight. But only the word “desire” can not illustrate the motivation and driving force behind her in details. Therefore, my thesis would like to illustrate the process of being from a country girl to a famous star of Broadway and her view towards love and

4、 life. As for my part, her change is a specific reflection of American dream.Dreiser is born in 1871 and dies in 1945 during the period of Naturalism. He is the 12th child of the13 children, his parents being German immigrants. He is living in great poverty and misery, and being humiliated by the mi

5、sbehavior of his brothers and sisters. Dreiser flees to Chicago at the age of 15, where he begins a series of menial jobs. Finally he gets a job on a newspaper and begins a career as a free-lance journalist and magazine editor. This helps him a lot for his future writing. He has ever visited Russia

6、and has strong sympathies for communism for those people haunted by poverty. Then he joints the American Communist party before his death.He is the first outstanding author in the history of American literature during the 20th century. In 1930, Sinclair Lewis says that Theodore Dreiser can not recei

7、ve others appreciation, instead, only hatred and envy. Compared with any American author, he develops a new style or a new method of his own, and takes his courage in both hands. In the field of American novels, he changes his writing style from gentle to loyalty, audacity and the passion of life. M

8、any of American critics believe that Dreiser is loyal to life, dauntless and creative, who breaks the durance of traditional literary world, liberate American novels and bring a literary revolution. Just as H.L.Mencken has ever said, Dreisers change of writing style is the same as Vincis change on b

9、iology. However, Theodore Dreiser is also a disputed writer. Since the publication of his 第 吉林华桥外国语学院毕业论文用纸2 页maiden work, Sister Carrie, the comments on him has never been stopped. Sister Carrie is a novel written by Theodore Dreiser, which symbolizes that naturalism attains maturity. It plays a ve

10、ry important role in American literature which is written during the period of American Naturalism. At that time, the spread of industrialization creats extremes of wealth and poverty. Farmers are still going westward, but frontiers are about to close, they have to depend on the transcontinental rai

11、lway to transport their products. The spread of Darwins theory of evolution changes peoples ideology.Sister Carrie has been called the elite modern American novel. Through its characters and their story, it illustrates the effects of the changing economic structure on American culture. The articles

12、main objective is to analyze how Dreisers Naturalistic styles to be exposed through the character Carrie Member in Sister Carrie. The novel seems to be the platform from which Dreiser explores his unconventional views of the genders. At the time of its publication, it is first rejected by publisher

13、for its honesty in depictig American society, but enjoyed fame later on. In fact, it is so controversial; it almost misses being printed at all. The public dislikes the fact that Theodore Dreiser presents a side of life that proper Americans do not care to acknowledge. He writes about infidelity and

14、 prostitution as natural occurrences in the course of human relationships. Dreiser writes about his characters with pity, compassion, and a sense of awe. While the book appals Americans, the English appreciates it. William Heinemann publishes an English version of the book in 1901. While the book se

15、ll well in England. Sister Carrie don not enjoy much success in the United States. This is due to the blurred division line between good and bad in the plot. Although Dreisers moralizing narrator does assert that, despite the fame and the money she has amassed, Carrie will not be able to achieve pea

16、ce of mind in her life, the apparent lack of poetic justice-the notion that immorality should pay in the end, even of only up to a point-is a concept the reading public are altogether unused to at the time. Carries Way to Success2.1 Carrie and Her SisterWhen Carrie just gets off the train, she finds the condit


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