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1、初中英语语法(中考英语语法)首先从几个简单的句子来分析什么是主谓宾定状补。请看下面句子A 主语1. His father works in a factory.2. Seeing a film is better than Listening to the radio.(Its no use telling him the news.)3. To learn English well is not easy.(It is not easy to learn English well.)4. What he told me yesterday was to study harder.5. Whe

2、n they will come hasnt been decided.6. That we need more money is quite obvious.(Its a pity that you have missed such a good film.)B 宾语1. He bought some books yesterday.2. Thank you for coming.3. Ill send him the book.4. The news made him feel very sad.5. I dont know whether hell come or not.6. Lets

3、 see how we can do it.7.C 谓语1. He wants to go to buy a ticket.2. There are a lot of boys on the playground playing football.3. He went out of the room quickly, followed by his dog.4. After telling him the news, we began to eat the bananas served by his wife.D 定语1. The American teacher spoke so slowl

4、y that everyone in the class could follow him.2. A man called Jack wrote this book.3. The woman sitting there, watching TV, is our English teacher.4. The meeting to be held next Monday will be important.5. The only reason why he did it was that he needed money.E 状语1. I get up at 6:00 in the morning.

5、2. I was writing when he came in.主语表明这句话说的是谁和什么,主语主要由名词、代词或相当于名词的单词,短语或从句充当。 一. 名词作主语 David arrived last night. 大卫昨晚到达。 Pride goes before a fall. 骄必败。 二. 代词作主语 Who is speaking, please? (在电话中)请问您是谁? Thats OK. 这没问题。 三. 数词作主语 Two will be enough. 两个就够了。 Two-thirds of the workers are women. 三分之二的工人是女工。 四

6、. ing 形式作主语 Skating is good exercise. 溜冰是很好的运动。 Looking up all the new words in the dictionary took him a lot of time. 从字典里查所有的生词花费了他许多时间。 五. 不定式作主语 To translate this ideal into reality needs hard work. 把理想转变成现实需要辛勤的劳动。 六. 名词化的形容词作主语 The blind and the lame are well cared for in our country. 在我们国家,盲人

7、和肢残人受到很好的照顾。 The unemployed usually lead a hard life. 失业的人生活一般很困难。 七. 短语作主语 How to do well is an important question. 如何把这件事做好是一个重要问题。 Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy. 早睡早起身体好。 八. 从句作主语 What has happened proves that our policy is right. 发生的一切证明我们的政策是对的。 Whether well go depends on t

8、he weather. 我们是否去要看天气。 谓语说明主语的动作或状态。谓语动词一般在主语之后。 Some children asked for cold drinks. 有些孩子要喝冷饮。 I shall go to see him tomorrow. 明天我要去看他。 I must ask her to teach me to swim. 我一定得请她教我游泳。 宾语一般用在及物动词的后面,表示行为动词所涉及的对象。 一. 名词作宾语 Show your passport, please. 请出示护照。 二. 代词作宾语 He didnt say anything. 她什么也没说。 三.

9、数词作宾语 How many do you want? - I want two. 你要几个? 我要两个。 四. 名词化的形容词作宾语 They sent the injured to hospital. 他们把伤员送到医院。 五. 不定式或 ing 形式作宾语 The asked to see my passport. 他们要求看我的护照。 I enjoy working with you. 我和你们一道工作很愉快。 六. 从句作宾语 Did you write down what he said? 你把他的话记下了没有? 定语 形容词作定语 Hes a tall man. 他是个高个子的男

10、子。 名词作定语 There are a lot of banana trees on the island. 岛上有许多香蕉树。 数词作定语 Three thousand people watched the game. 三万人观看了球赛。 限定词作定语 Many men are working there. 许多人在那儿工作。 -ing 形式作定语 There is a swimming pool near our school. 我们学校附近有一个游泳池。 -ed 分词作定语 frozen food 冷冻食品 fallen leaves 落叶 状语 副词作状语 Dont drive so

11、 fast. 别开得这么快。 介词短语作地点状语 We live in Hangzhou. 我们住在杭州。 名词作状语 The meeting lasted an hour. 会议开了一个小时。 接在动词之后对主语起着解释或描述作用的成分,叫作主补。 形容词作主补 They married young. 他们结婚时还年轻。 He died happy. 他怀着幸福的心情死去。 No man is born wise. 没有生而知之。 ed 分词作主补 He came in drunk. 他走进来的时候醉醺醺的。 名词作主补 He died a poor man. 他死时很穷。 He died

12、a millionaire. 他死的时候是个百万富翁。 宾补 适用宾补的句型: 主语+谓语+宾语+宾补.宾补对宾语加以解释或描述。 以下成分可以充当宾补:名词,代词,形容词,副词,ing 形式,ed 分词,不定式,介词短语,名词性从句。 名词作宾补 I consider him a gentleman. 代词作宾补 Whom do you think me? (Whom 是宾补) 形容词作宾补 Wash your hands clean. 副词作宾补 I found him out. -ing 形式作宾补 They left me wait. -ed 分词作宾补 I heard my name called. 不定式作宾补 I thought him to be a good man. 介词短语作宾补 Make yourself at home. 名词性从句作宾补 His wife has made him what he is .


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