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1、001、请问,你是这船上的船员吗?Excuse me; are you a seaman on this ship?002、你以前到过我们港口吗?Have you been to our port before?003、你们港每年的吞吐量是多少?每年一亿多吨。How many tons of cargo can your port handle a year? (Or: Whats the cargo throughput of your port a year?)Over one hundred million tons a year.004、谁在敲门?是我,理货长。Who is knock

2、ing at the door?Its me, Chief Checker.005、我是外理公司的理货长,我姓李。Im the Chief Checker from the Ocean Shipping Tally Company. My name is Li.006、抽支烟?我不抽烟,谢谢!Have a cigarette?No, thanks. I dont smoke.007、你喝饮料吗?好的,请来点。要茶还是咖啡?请来杯茶。你的茶搀点柠檬还是奶加糖?什么都不搀。Would you like any drinks?Yes, please.Which do you prefer, tea

3、or coffee?A cup of tea, please.How do you like your tea, with lemon or with milk and sugar?Just plain, please.008、我们公司正规上班的时间是从上午 7:30 到下午 5:30。Our companys normal office hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.009、今天下午 1:30 开工,再见!Well start to work at half past one this afternoon. Have a good day.010、

4、今晚我下班以后就来找你。Ill come to see you as soon as Im off duty tonight.011、我是这个舱的理货员,你是舵工吗?Im a tallyman of this hatch. Are you a Quartermaster?012、我忘了带纸,你能给我几张空白计数单吗?I forgot to bring some paper with me. Would you mind giving me a few blank tally sheets?013、今天是几号?十月五号,农历八月十五,也就是我国的传统节日中秋节。Whats the date to

5、dayOctober 5th, the 15th day of eighth lunar month, namely the traditional Mid-Autumn Festival of our country.014、你们中国人在过去的几年建设中确实取得了非常显著的成就。You Chinese people have really acquired pretty remarkableoutstanding achievements in your construction for the past few years.015、暂时谈到这儿吧,再见!再见。Thats all for t

6、he time being. See you tomorrow.See you tomorrow.016、邮寄员来取信件了,请打开邮件室。Here comes the postman for the mails, please open the mail room.017、值班副过来干什么?What does the Duty Officer come here to do?018、刚才谁来找我了?Who came to see me just now?019、甲板上走路小心点。Be carefulalertwatchful when walking aboard.020、我没有要打字的理货单

7、证,谢谢你。I have no tally papers to be typed. Thank you.021、卸货速度这么高,我非常惊奇!The discharging rate is so high that Im greatly surprised!022、你们的装货班轮什么时候开航?When does your cargo liner sail?023、大副,我得走了,祝你一路平安!Chief Officer, I must leave now. Whish you a bon voyage!024、很抱歉我事先未告诉你。Im exceedinglypurely sorry for n

8、ot having told you in advance.025、我们将尽力去做。Well do it by all means. (Or: Well do our utmost.)026、大副,请不要激动,平静点,生气不能解决问题。Chief Officer, please dont excite yourself. Keep calm. Anger cant solve any problems.027、抱歉,我发脾气了。Im sorry to have lost my temper.028、给你一些下年的年历,我祝你新年快乐!Here are some calendars for th

9、e coming year for you. I wish you a happy New Year!029、大副,我代表我的经理,并以我个人的名义祝你航程愉快!Chief, on behalf of my manager and in my own name, I wish you a pleasant voyage!030、码头上有许多仓库,里面装着各种各样进出口的货物。On the docks there are many warehouses with various import and export cargoes in them.031、卡车、拖车、牵引车和铲车在码头上来来往往。

10、Trucks, trailers, tractors and forklifts are running to and fro on the docks.032、码头旁靠着几艘外轮。Several oceangoingforeign ships are (lying) alongside the wharves.033、防雨篷在船艏楼左边房间。The rain tents are in the forecastle port cabin.034、大副在船艉楼入口出现了。你可以向他说明你的意思。The Chief Officer shows himself in the poop entranc

11、e. You may express yourself to him.035、王先生,我们将承运哪几种货物?What kind of cargo shall we carry, Mr. Wang?036、你们将承运很多种货物,如花生、冬瓜、牛肉、鱿鱼和大葱等。Youll carry a wide variety of cargoes, such ase.g. groundnuts, winter melon, beef, squid and onion, etc.037、人们通常用袋子包装谷类,用纸盒包装罐头,用木箱装五金。People usually pack cereals in bags

12、, canned goods in cartons and hardware in wooden cases.038、昨天你们的驻船代表给我一张船图。根据船图我们将把钢条和油类装在舱底,上面放五金和谷类。Your agent gave me a cargo plan yesterday. According to the cargo plan, were going to stow the steel bars and oils at the bottom of the hold with the hardware and the cereals on top of them.039、装卸工已

13、经上船了,让我们去看看。The stevedores are already on board. Lets go and have a look.040、良好的包装在对外贸易中十分重要。Good packing is very important in internationalforeign trade. 041、请等一会,让我问一下大副。Please wait a minute. Let me ask the Chief Officer.042、关于淀粉,大副是怎么说的?What did the Chief Officer say about the starch?043、我们通常对照进口

14、舱单检查箱子上的运输标志。We usually check the shipping marks on the cases against those on the import manifests.044、运输标志通常由四部分组成,那就是合同号、目的港、批号和箱号。Shipping marks are generally made up ofinvolveconsist of four components, i.e.that is the contract number, the destination port, the lot number and the case number.04

15、5、在其它箱子上你可以发现不同的警告标志,例如“小心轻放” 、 “勿摔” 、 “必须平放” 、“勿用手钩” 、 “此边向上” 。On the other cases you can find different care marks such as “Handle with care”,” Dont drop”, “Keep flat”, “Use no hooks” and “This side up”.046、我不知道这些茄子的目的地。I dont know the destination of the egg plant.047、码头主要由码头前沿、仓库和办公室组成。Docks are

16、generally made up of wharvesaprons of docksjettiespiersquaysterminals, warehouses and offices.048、我们的装卸工都很了解警告标志。Our dockers know the care marks very well.049、将开六个舱。请做好准备。There will be six hatches in operation. Please keep fit.050、你们用公制表示重量,是吗?You use metric system for expressing weight, don you?051、我对英制不熟悉,请告诉我关于其换算的一些情况好吗?Im not familiar with the Britis



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