[初一英语]2012版初中英语新课标金榜学案配套课件: Unit 7人教版 七年级下

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1、,句型展示看图补全对话A: What does your friend 1 like? B: She 2 of medium build and she 3 long hair. 答案:1. look 2. is 3. has,What does your friend look like? 你的朋友长什么样?She is of medium build, and she has long hair. 她中等身材,留着长发。 句型What do/does + 主语 +look like? 常用来询问某人的外貌特征。在答语中用be +of. . . build/tall(short/heavy/

2、thin) 描述人的身材;用have + 形容词 +hair/head/eyes/legs. . . 描述人的某一身体部位。,(1) Yao Ming is tall. (对划线部分提问)_ _ Yao Ming _ _? (2)Mary _ thin and tall. She _ long hair and big eyes. A. is; is B. has; has C. is; has D. has; is【点拨】(1)What does; look like(2)选C。询问人的外貌特征用What do/does + 主语 +look like? 句型;用be +of. . . bu

3、ild/tall(short/heavy/thin) 描述人的身材;用have + 形容词 +hair/head/eyes/legs. . . 描述人的某一身体部位。,She always wears a red skirt and white shoes. 她总是穿红色短裙、白色鞋子。 always 频率副词, 意为“总是;一直”。一般置于助动词、情态动词、be动词之后;实义动词之前。,The sun _ goes down in the west. A. always B. usually C. often D. sometimes 【点拨】选A。句意为“太阳总是在西方落下”。频率副词之频

4、率 日一二三四五六always 总是 usually 通常 ,often 经常 sometimes 有时 never 从不 ,. 单项选择(5分钟,10分)( )1. Mr Green _. A. is medium build B. is of medium build C. has medium build D. has of medium build,( )2. What does your teacher look like? _. A. He is long hair B. He is fineC. He likes English D. He is tall,( )3. My fa

5、ther _ tall and _ short straight hair. A. is; is B. has; hasC. is; has D. has; is( )4. Your hair _ healthy and black. A. is B. are C. be D. has,( )5. Mothers Day is _ on the second Sunday in May. A. often B. sometimesC. usually D. always,. 完成句子(5分钟,10分)1. Pan Changjiang is short. (对划线部分提问)_ _ Pan Ch

6、angjiang _ _? 2. Mary has big eyes. (改为一般疑问句)_ Mary _ big eyes? 答案:1. What does; look like 2. Does; have,3. My hair is straight. (用curly改为选择疑问句)_ your hair straight _ curly? 4. I think she is of medium build. (改为否定句)I _ think she _ of medium build. 5. 我父亲中等身高。My father _ _ medium _. 答案:3. Is; or 4.

7、dont; is 5. is of; height,. 单词连线1. captain A. 队;组2. team B. 人;人物3. popular C. 队长4. bit D. 停止;终止5. joke E. 棕色的;褐色的6. never F. 受欢迎的7. stop G. 一点儿8. brown H. 从不9. person I. 笑话,. 句型展示1. 王林是篮球队的队长。Wang Lin _ _ _ _ the basketball team. 2. 她留着金黄色的卷曲的短发。She has _ _ _ hair. 答案:1. is the captain of 2. short c

8、urly blonde,3. 徐倩喜欢讲笑话。Xu Qian _ _ _ _. 4. 她总是说个不停。She never _ _. 答案:3. loves to tell jokes 4. stops talking,1. She has short curly blonde hair. 她留着短而卷曲的金发。 形容词short, curly, blonde都作hair的定语。多个形容词作定语修饰同一个名词时, 其排列顺序一般为:冠词+主观看法(opinion)+形状(shape)+新旧老幼(age)+颜色(color)+来源(origin)+材料(material)+名词(n. )+ 后置定

9、语(词组/短语)。英国人常将以上不同词类的首字母缩略得出Opshacom 一词来记忆多类形容词的排列顺序。,歌诀:冠词主观冲在前, 形状新旧紧相连; 颜色来源和材质, 名词+词组把后垫。,她留着一头美丽的黑色卷曲长发。She has _ _ _ _ hair. 【点拨】beautiful long curly black。描绘形容词(beautiful)大小(长短高低)形容词(long) 形状形容词(curly)颜色形容词(black)名词。,2. She never stops talking! 她总是说个不停! stop doing sth. “停止做某事”(doing sth. 作宾语)

10、;stop to do sth. “停下来去做某事”(to do sth. 作目的状语)。,Stop _! We are having class! A. talk B. talks C. to talk D. talking 【点拨】选D。句意为“不要说话了,我们正在上课!”。,Shes good-looking but shes a little bit quiet. 她很漂亮,但是有点内向。 a little bit意为“少许;一点儿”,后常接形容词、副词,表示程度,相当于a little 或a bit。,He has _ hair, but it is _ long. A. a lit

11、tle; a little bit B. a bit; a little bit C. a little bit; a bit D. a little bit; a little【点拨】选A。a (little) bit 只用来表示程度;a little 既可用来表示程度,也可用来表示数量。a bit of 可用来表示数量后加名词。,. 单项选择(5分钟,10分)( )1. She always wears _ clothes. A. long black sports B. black long sports C. long sports black D. black sports long,( )2. The boy eats _ food, but he is _ heavy. A. a little; a little bit B. a bit; a little bit C. a little bit; a little D. a little bit; a bit( )3. Tom is a good student; he _ copies(抄袭) homework. A. sometimes B. oftenC. never D. always,


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