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1、1热水型溴化锂冷水机组使用说明书Operation Manual Of Hot Water Operated Lithium Bromide Absorption Chiller江苏汇能新能源科技有限公司Jiansu Huineng New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd2目 录Content1、 前言 Preface.32、 工作原理 Working theory.43、 主要技术参数 Technical parameter.74、 设备安装 Installation.85、 机组真空抽气方法 The vacuum exhaust method.96、 操作说明 Oper

2、ation instruction.117、 机组运行及操作 Running and operation158、 常见故障与突发性故障的处理 Settlement of frequent malfunctions and outbreak malfunctions.193前 言Preface谨向选用热水型溴化锂吸收式冷水机组的用户表示衷心地感谢和崇高的敬意。We would like to extend our sincere gratitude and high honor to the users of hot water lithium bromide absorption chille

3、r. 热水型溴化锂冷水机组除溴化锂冷水机组外、机组还包括电脑控制箱、真空泵、热水三通调节阀。This kind of lithium bromide absorption unit includes chiller, control cabinet, vacuum pump, and hot water three-way valve. 功能: 制冷Function: refrigerating 制冷温度: 5以上冷水,为中央空调提供冷源Temperature of refrigerating: to get chilled water with more than 5 as cold res

4、ource for central air condition. 使用能源 80至 95热水Energy: hot water (from 80 to 95) 电源电压:3 相 380V 需接零线和地线或根据用户要求提供。Power supply should be three-phrase, and 380V (need be connected zero line and ground wire separately), or it can be customized. 设计使用寿命:20 年Designed lifespan is twenty years.4二 工作原理Working

5、theory1、 一般原理 General theory在日常生活中,我们都有这样的常识,把酒精涂在皮肤上会有凉爽的感觉,这是因为酒精蒸发时吸收皮肤上的热量的缘故,实际上不仅是酒精,任何一种液体转化为气体都要吸收热量。液态水蒸发为水蒸气也同样如此。We have a common sense in our daily life: we always feel cool once coating the alcohol on our skin. This is because the alcohol will absorb the skin heat during the evaporation

6、. In fact, it is not limited to the alcohol. Any liquid will absorb the surrounding heat during its evaporation. And it is the same to water evaporation.另一方面,我们知道液体蒸发(沸腾)温度与其相应的压力有关。在一个大气压下,水的蒸发温度为 100,而在 0.00891 大气压时,它的蒸发温度就降低为 5了。可见,水的蒸发温度随压力的降低而降低,这样,只要创造一个压力很低,或者说真空度很高的空间,并让水在其中蒸发,就能制出与这个低压相应的低温

7、水了。On the other hand, we know that liquid evaporation (boiling) temperature is related to relevant pressure. For instance: the water evaporation temperature is 100C under one atmospheric pressure, while its evaporation temperature has lowered to 5C under 0.00891 atmospheric pressure. We can come to

8、see that water evaporation temperature will lower with the pressure reduction. So long as a space with very low pressure or very high vacuum degree is given to us and water is evaporated in the space, the low temperature water corresponding to the low pressure can be made. 图二 吸收蒸发原理Figure the theory

9、 of absorption and evaporation溴化锂水溶液有强烈吸收水蒸汽的特点,而且溶液浓度越浓吸收水蒸汽的能力越强;溶液温度越低吸收水蒸汽的能力也越强。但溴化锂溶液吸收水蒸汽后温度会升高。要保持吸收能力,必须用冷却水将溶液温度降低,并保持一定的溶液浓度。溴化锂吸收式制冷机就是利用上述原理(见图二),让水在压力很低的蒸发器中蒸发、吸热,制出低温冷水。因此,为使蒸发器中的水蒸发、吸热过程不断的进行,必须不断的补充蒸发掉的水,并不断带走蒸发后的水蒸气,这一功能就是依靠溴化锂溶液的特性来实现的。Aqueous solution of lithium bromide has a str

10、ong feature of absorption water vapor, and the more concentrated solution concentration, the stronger ability of absorption water 5vapor, while the lower solution temp., the stronger ability of absorption water vapor as well. But, the solution temp. will be raised once they have absorbed the water v

11、apor. To maintain the absorption feature, cooling water has to be used to lower the temp. of solution and maintain a certain degree concentration of lithium bromide solution. Lithium bromide absorption chiller just utilizes the above theory(see Figure) to evaporate and absorb hear in the evaporator

12、with very low pressure so as to make chilled water with low temperature. Therefore, in order to maintain the evaporation and heat absorption in the evaporator, the evaporated water must be constantly supplemented and evaporated steam shall be taken away. This function is realized just by the feature

13、s of lithium bromide solution. 2、 制冷循环 Refrigeration circulation图三为热水型溴化锂吸收式制冷机的流程原理图。图中,稀溶液由溶液泵输送,经换热器加热后进入发生器,被在管内流动的热水加热,产生冷剂蒸气,同时溶液被浓缩。冷剂蒸汽进入冷凝器,被在管内流动的冷却水所冷却,聚积在冷凝器中的冷剂水,经节流后进入蒸发器,由于蒸发器中的压力很低,冷剂水吸取管内流动冷水的热量而蒸发,使冷水的温度降低,从而达到制冷的目的。另一方面,发生器出口的浓溶液,经过热交换器降温后进入吸收器,吸收来自蒸发器的低温冷剂蒸汽,并使蒸发器保持低压,制冷过程不断进行,浓溶

14、液吸收冷剂蒸汽后浓度降低,再由溶液泵送往发生器,如此循环不息,蒸发器中就能不断地输出低温冷水,供空调或生产工艺降温之用。The following Figure is flow chart of hot water lithium bromide absorption chiller. The dilute solution shall be transmitted by the solution pump, then enter into generator heated by heat exchanger. The dilute solution in the high pressure

15、generator shall be heated up by the hot water flowing in the pipes to produce refrigerant steam and the solution shall be condensed. The refrigerant steam shall enter into condenser and cooled down by cooling water flowing in the pipes, and the refrigerant water gathered in condenser shall enter into the evaporator by throttling. Because of low pressure in evaporator, it will be evaporated by absorbing the heat of chilled water flowing in pipes, lower the temperature of chilled water and the refrigeration is realized. On the other hand, the concentrated solution at the outlet of



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