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1、一、 签证问题辅导(学生版)根据美国移民法 214(b)条款的解释,任何申请美国非移民签证的申请者都会被默认为是具有移民倾向。凡是不能够消除签证官的这种有罪假设的申请者,就会毫无疑问地被拒绝。因此申请人必须在短短的两分钟的面试时间里说服签证官自己没有移民倾向。虽然我们了解签证官可能提出的所有问题,但是需要特别强调的是,自信、微笑、与签证官有目光交流的回答方式往往比答案本身对签证官更具有影响力。根据移民法的要求,美国的签证官会从如下三个方面来考虑申请人的移民倾向是否成立:第一方面:去美国的目的美国的移民法首先要求每一位签证申请人有合理合法的访问理由。鼓励每一位学生根据下列问题的答案熟记去美国的理

2、由,并且最好在签证官提问之前他/她主动陈述。如果你的陈述不完整,签证官会问到下面的问题:问:Why do you go to America? Or, what is your purpose of visiting America?你为什么去美国? 或者,你赴美的目的是什么?答:I will attend a summer/winter camp. 我是去参加一个夏 /冬令营。问:What do you do in America? 你在美国都做些什么呢?答:I study English in the morning and have activities in the afternoon

3、. I have a full day sightseeing in a week and I will stay with my host families on the weekend. The whole program lasts for 21days. 每天上午上英文课,下午是社区活动,一周里还有一整天的观光,周末与寄宿家庭共度。我一共会在美国待 21/15天。(注:回答问题时将行程单递交给签证官辅助说明)问:When do you visit America? 你什么时候访问美国?答:My group will leave China on XXXX and arrive Chin

4、a on XXXX, altogether 21/15 days. XX 年 XX 月 XX 日至 XX 年 XX 月 XX 日共 21/15 天。(注:每人以自己的航班信息为准说明日期, 在签证辅导之前没有出机票的,以中外服通知的日期为准)问:Where are you going to visit in America?/Where do you stay in America? 你在美国访问什么地方?答:Our homestay area is in south California, which is close to Los Angeles. Later we will visit

5、San Francisco. 我们的寄宿家庭在南加州洛杉矶附近。之后我们还将访问旧金山。答:Our homestay area is in Northern California, which is close to San Francisco. Later we will visit Los Angeles. 我们的寄宿家庭在北加州旧金山附近。之后我们还将访问洛杉矶。(注:请按照团队的分配说明自己团队所在的具体地区)问: Who is your sponsor in America? Or who invited you to come to America? 谁是美国的项目执行方?或者,哪

6、家机构邀请你来美国?答:CHI, which is Cultural Homestay International(注:此时请将 CHI 的邀请函递交给签证官)问:How do you get to know this organization? 你是如何知道 CHI 的?答:I learned it from my school. 我从学校了解到的问:Where do you stay in America? 你在美国住在哪里?答:I stay with an American host family. 我住在美国的寄宿家庭中。问:Do you know which family are y

7、ou going to stay with? 你知道你寄宿在哪个家庭吗?答:I dont know now. But CHI will let us know before we leave China. 我暂时不知道,但是 CHI 会在出发之前通知我们。问:Do you know how much you spend for this trip? 你知道此行的花费是多少吗?答:About 37 thousand Yuan,the round trip flights are included. 大约 3.7 万人民币(含国际往返机票)。问:Who made the decision for

8、you to visit America? 你访问美国是谁的决定?答:I wanted to go, and my parents also thought it was a good idea. 我想去,我父母也支持我。问:Who is your agency in China? 中国的主办方是谁?答:CSCEE, which is China Service Center for Educational Exchange.中外服。第二方面: 申请人与中国的纽带关系或约束力根据美国移民法,申请人必须与居住国有牢固的约束力,促使其在访问美国之后按期回国。这些约束力包括:在中国的家庭(父母)、在

9、中国的舒适生活、在中国未完成的学业等。涉及这方面的调查,签证官的问题会包括:Which school are you from? / Which university are you studying at? 你在哪所学校上学Where is your school? 你的学校在哪里How many students are there in your school? 你的学校共有多少学生What does your mother do for a living? 你母亲从事什么工作What does your father do for a living? 你父亲从事什么工作How much

10、 does your mother make in a month? 你母亲每个月挣多少钱How much does your father make in a month? 你父亲每个月挣多少钱Where do you live? 你住在哪里Who are you travelling with? 你与什么人同行Who is your escort teacher? 谁是你的带队老师What is your major? What are the main courses you are leaning? Which one do you like best? 你的专业是什么,你最喜欢哪门学

11、科?How much is your tuition fee? 你的学费是多少?Who paid for your trip?谁为你支付的项目费?学生在回答上述问题的时候一定要同时提供证明文件比如学生证、学校的证明信、 家长的在职证明和收入证明、存折、房产证等等第三方面:个人爱好Do you have any hobbies?Sports: basketball, football, table tennis, badminton, swimming, skating etc. (Which player you like best?)Music: singing songs, pop mus

12、ic, classic music, playing the piano, singers, music star etc.Movies: action movies, comedy, tragedy, cartoon, local film, foreign film etc. Reading: novels, fiction, prose, poet, etc. 二、 签证问题辅导(带队老师版)以下是签证官常问的问题及回答示例:注意:建议主动跟签证官介绍自己以及团队和项目的情况(1-3 项问题)不要等签证官来问1、Q: Whats your name? / Which school are

13、 you from? / What do you do in XX School? How long have you worked in XX school? 你叫什么名字、来自哪个学校,担任什么职务,工作了多长时间?A: Hi, my name is -, from - (school/ University). I work as-(职务:例如 English Teacher 等) foryears. 2、Q: Please introduce your team. 介绍一下你所带领的这个团队情况,包括团队人数、分别来自于那些学校。A:There are - (多少个)students

14、in this group. They are from (个数)universities。 There is the list of the group members.(注:回答问题时请将团组名单递交给签证官辅助回答)3、Q: What would your group do when you are in American? 向签证官介绍这次活动的情况A:We are going to take a Homestay Summer/Winter Camp for 21/15 days. We will leave on X 月 X 日,and come back on X 月 X 日.

15、We will stay in the American family arranged by CHI in Los Angeles(洛杉矶)/ San Francisco (旧金山) in California. Right now we do not have the information of the host family, but we will have more details before departure. When we are in American, we will have English classes in the morning and some activ

16、ities in the community. We will have one All Day Trip each week, For example downtown visit, Disneyland or Hollywood (此句适用于洛杉矶的团) / downtown visit, visiting Stanford, China Town etc. 此句适用于于旧金山的团 ) And we will stay in the host family during the weekend. 我们是去参加一个 Homestay 性质的夏/冬令营,一共 21/15 天,我们将于 x 月 x 号出发,x 月 X 号返回,我们在美国会住在一个美国人家里,寄宿家庭是在加州 xx 城市附近,具体的家庭将会由美国主办方 ERDT 负责安排,目前我们还没有得到家庭信息,但是在出发前我们会知道。在美期间,我们每天的活动安排是,上午上英语课,下午社区活动,一周里还有一


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