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1、1有人吗Hello?2有人吗Hello?3有人吗 救救我Hey! Hey! Help me!4抓他上来Go get him.5第一天 菜鸟Day one, Greenie.6该起床了Rise and shine.7跟蔫黄瓜似的He looks like a slopper to me.正好能在厨房用上I could use some help in the kitchen.想不到还来了个行者Hey, we got a Runner!慢慢学着吧Take it all in.迷宫行者交给你了Hes all yours.怎么样 小菜鸟Hey there, Green Bean.不许再乱跑了 明白吗Y

2、oure not gonna run again. Okay?很好Good.我叫奥尔比My name is Alby.能告诉我些关于你的事吗Can you tell me anything about yourself?你是谁Who you are?从哪里来 聊什么都行Where you came from? Anything at all.我不知道No.能告诉我你的名字吗Can you tell me your name?我什么都不记得了I, uh, I cant remember anything.为什么我什么都不记得了Why cant I remember anything?没事的Its

3、 okay.放松Hey, relax.放松Relax.这很正常Its normal.我们都是这样的It happens to us all.一两天你就能想起自己的名字了Youll get your name back in a day or two.那是他们允许我们保留的唯一东西Its the one thing they let us keep.这是什么地方What is this place?我带你转转Let me show you.我们吃在这里We eat here.睡在这里We sleep here.自己种食物We grow our own food.自己搭住处We build our

4、 own shelter.我们所需的 格子都会提供Whatever we need, the Box provides.剩下的就靠我们自己了The rest is up to us.格子The Box?是的 一个月上来一次Yeah. Its sent up once a month,送来新补给和一个新菜鸟with fresh supplies and a new Greenie.这个月就是你This month thats you.恭喜Congratulations.送上来 被谁 谁把我们丢在了这里Sent up? By who, though? Who put us here?这个我们也不知

5、道That, we dont know.你还好吗 奥尔比Hey, are you all right, Alby?小菜鸟 这是纽特Green Bean, meet Newt.我不在的时候 他说了算When Im not around, hes in charge.好在你不怎么离开Well, its a good thing youre always around then.你今天早上那番横冲直撞That was some dash you made earlier.一瞬间我还觉得你挺有当行者的潜质呢For a second, I thought you had the chops to be

6、a Runner,直到看见你摔了个狗吃屎till you face-planted.真不错That was great.等等 什么叫行者Wait, a Runner?纽特 帮个忙去找一下查克Newt, do me a favor. Go find Chuck.-好的 -谢谢- All right. - Thanks.很抱歉得仓促行事了Look, Im sorry to rush this.你来得有点晚 还有很多事要做You came up a little late, and theres a lot to do.今晚有个特别的活动We got something special planne

7、d tonight.是啊 等着瞧吧Yeah. Youll see.希望你不恐高I hope youre not afraid of heights.来吧 上来Lets go. Come on.这就是我们拥有的一切This is all we got.为此我们付出了很多努力Weve worked hard for it.只要你尊重这里If you respect this place,你我就能和睦相处you and I will get along just fine.那外边是什么Whats out there?这里只有三条规矩We only have three rules.第一 做好你的分内

8、事First, do your part.这里不养闲人No time for any freeloaders.第二 不许伤害其他空地居民Second, never harm another Glader.没有信任我们寸步难行None of this works unless we have trust.最重要的一条Most importantly,永远不要到墙外去never go beyond those walls.明白了吗 菜鸟Do you understand me, Greenie?奥尔比Hey, Alby!查克 你跑哪儿去了Hey, Chuck. Where you been, ma

9、n?咱们的故事都基本雷同Its basically the same story for all of us.在格子里醒来 奥尔比带着四处转转We wake up in the Box, Alby gives us the tour,接着就到这了then here we are.别担心Dont worry.你比我当时做的好多了Youre already doing better than l did.他们把我从笼子里放出来前I clunked my pants three times,我尿了三次裤子before they got me out of the Pit.不会吧No, come on

10、.哥们儿 你这是想去哪儿啊Dude, where are you going?我只是想去看看I just wanna see.别的地方你想怎么逛都行You can look around all you want,但你最好别去那外面逛but you better not go out there.为什么 过了那里是什么地方Why not? Whats through there?我不知道 这都是别人跟我说的I dont know. I just know what Im told.我们不应该离开这里And were not supposed to leave.查克 带新来的菜鸟啊Hey, Ch

11、uck. New Greenie, huh?当大哥的感觉怎么样How does it feel to be promoted?很棒 本Feels great, Ben.不是说没人可以出去吗I thought no one was allowed to leave.我是说我们不可以出去I said were not allowed to leave.他们不一样 他们是行者Theyre different, theyre Runners.他们比谁都了解那个迷宫They know more about the Maze than anyone.等等 什么Wait, what?什么What?什么 你刚

12、刚说了迷宫What? You just said Maze.有吗I did?有Yeah.你去哪儿 你要干嘛Where are you going? What are you doing?只是看一眼Im just gonna take a look.不是跟你说了吗 不可以I told you, you cant.谁都不能出去 尤其是现在No one leaves, especially not now.里面不安全Its not safe.好的 我不会进去的Okay, all right, Im not gonna go.别让我每次都得这样跟你打招呼 菜鸟We gotta stop meeting

13、 like this, Greenie.别碰我Get off me!好了 镇定镇定All right! Calm, calm, calm.别碰我Dont touch me!冷静点Whoa! Take it easy!别紧张Just relax.你们搞什么啊What the hell is wrong with you guys?先冷静点 好吗Just calm down, all right?不要 为什么不肯告诉我外边是什么No, okay? Why wont you tell me whats out there?我们是想保护你 是为了你好Were just trying to protec

14、t you. Its for your own good.你们不能就这样把我困在这You guys cant just keep me here.-我不能让你出去 -为什么- I cant let you leave. - Why not?搞什么啊What the hell?下次我就不拦着你了Next time, Im gonna let you leave.欢迎来到林间空地Welcome to the Glade.点火Light him up!够受的第一天吧 菜鸟Hell of a first day, Greenie.给Here.长点男子汉气概Put some hair on your c

15、hest.我的天 这是什么鬼Oh, my God! What is that?我也不知道I dont even know.这是加利的配方Its Gallys recipe.属于商业机密Its a trade secret.也没改变他是个混蛋的事实Yeah, well, hes still an asshole.他今天可救了你一命He saved your life today.相信我 迷宫是个很危险的地方Trust me. The Maze is a dangerous place.我们被困在这了 是吗Were trapped here, arent we?目前是的For the moment

16、.不过But.看到那班家伙了吗you see those guys?火堆旁边那几个There, by the fire?他们是行者Those are the Runners.中间的那个 他叫珉豪That guy in the middle there, thats Minho.行者们的老大Hes the Keeper of the Runners.每天早上墙门开启后 他们就去跑迷宫Every morning, when those doors open, they run the Maze,绘制地图 记忆路线mapping it, memorizing it,寻找出路trying to find a way out.他们找了多久了How long have they been looking?三年Three years.还什么


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