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1、韩 山 师 范 学 院学 生 毕 业 论 文(2009 届)题目(中文)浅析呼啸山庄希斯克利夫人生的悲剧( 黑体三号加粗居中 ) (英文)On Heathcliffs Tragedy in Wuthering Heights系别: 外语系 专业: 英语(师范) 班级:20051411 姓名: 纪沈冰 学号: 2005141135 指导教师: 叶渝讲师 韩山师范学院教务处制诚 信 声 明我声明,所呈交的毕业论文是本人在老师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我查证,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,我承诺,论文中的所有内容均真实、可信。毕业论文

2、作者签名: 签名日期: 年 月 日浅析呼啸山庄希斯克利夫人生的悲剧摘要 : 艾米莉.勃朗特在呼啸山庄中,以爱情为主题,讲述了催人泪下的爱情故事,得到世界各地读者的同情, 与此同时,它又从一个侧面展现了人性与社会传统的冲突。本文揭示了人性的复杂与深刻在于它所蕴含的爱与恨,而左右着人性的正是当时的社会传统。本文探讨了小说中的人性与传统的冲突的产物-爱与恨-给小说主角希斯克利夫造成的人生悲剧。在社会传统的影响下,当爱情产生了恨,而恨往往把人性扭曲了,而有了一场社会文明下的悲剧人性爱情故事。而恰恰,希 斯 克 利 夫 对 凯 瑟琳 的 爱 就 是 这 样 。 在 十 九 世 纪 那 个 “身 份 为

3、先 , 金 钱 至 上 ”的 社 会 , 希 斯克 利 夫 心 中 爱 与 恨 的 转 变 为 他 的 一 生 划 上 了 一 个 圆 满 的 句 号 。关键词:希斯克利夫 ; 悲剧;社会传统;爱;恨 On Heathcliffs Tragedy in Wuthering HeightsAbstract: Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, based on love, is tear-jerking and has caught the sympathies of readers all around the world. The novel demonst

4、rates the collision between humanity and the social conventions. In it the author reveals the humanitys complexity and profundity that was based on the love and resentment implied in the novel, which is impacted by the temporal social conventions. This paper explores the love and hate producing from

5、 the collision between humanity and the social conventions,that bring the end of the leading role, Heathcliff. Under the impaction of the social culture, when love turns to hate, hate twists humanity. Therefore, humanitys love tragedies come into being. So is the case of Heathcliffs love towards Cat

6、herine. In the nineteenth century, when people stuck to the principle “Status is first, money is God”, the change of love and resentment of Heathcliff draw a perfect ending of his life. Key words:Heathcliff; Tragedy; Social Conventions; Love; HateContents 1. Introduction2. The Tragedies of Heathclif

7、f 2.1. Prcis of the Novels 2.2. The Tragedies of Heathcliffs Love2.2.1. the social conventions2.2.2. the love of the pairsa. Heathcliffs love to Catherine in their childhoodb. Heathcliffs love to Catherine after she got marriedc. Heathcliffs love to Catherine after her death2.3. The Tragedies of Hea

8、thcliff”s Hate 2.3.1. Heathcliffs revenge towards Catherine2.3.2. Heathcliffs revenge towards the next generation3. ConclusionAcknowledgementBibliography1. IntroductionWuthering Heights is an exquisite treasure in the gallery of the world literature. Ever since its publication, it has attracted the

9、attention of the world and sprung numerous studies on its theme, structure, characterization, delving of human psychologies, explorations in social problems and writing techniques.Wuthering Heights is the only novel written by Emily Bronte (1818-1848), an impassioned, spellbinding tale considered to

10、 be one of the greatest literary works of all time. The story is an amalgamation of childhood fantasies, friendship, romance and revenge. The storyas turbulent as its title suggeststransports the reader to the North Yorkshire moors to witness the drama of the Earnshaws and the Lintons, and the volat

11、ile, yet spiritual, relationship of Catherine and Heathcliff. As Arnold Kettle, the English critic, said, “Wuthering Heights is an expression in the imaginative terms of art of the stresses and tensions and conflicts, personal and spiritual, of nineteenth-century capitalist society.”(Arnold Kettle)T

12、he characters of Wuthering Heights show the extreme love and extreme hatred of humanity. The protagonist Heathcliff, who is deserted by the capitalist society, in the course of protesting and fighting against social forces and class difference, turns out a tragedy. This essay is attending to probe i

13、nto the novel on the aspects of the leading roleHeathcliffs tragedy, in the hope of achieving deeper understanding and broadening the vision over literature appreciation of the novel. 2. The Tragedies of Heathcliff 2.1. Prcis of the NovelsWuthering Heights is set in a destitute wasteland in England.

14、 Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange are near neighbors. Mr. Earnshaw, old master of Wuthering Heights, adopts an orphan and christens him “Heathcliff”. Heathcliff is blessed with old Earnshaws special favor. His daughter Catherine soon become a constant playmate of Heathcliff, but her brother Hindley hates him for usurping his fathers all affections. After old Earnshaws passing away, Hindley,


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