医学词汇复习提纲 (chapter 4-7)

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1、1医学词汇复习提纲 (Chapter 4-7)Chapter Four Word formation of Medical TermsSeven types of word formation 1. affixation 2. composition 3. conversion 4. blending 5. backformation 6. clipping 7.acronym Affixation semantically oriented add new meaning without changing the part of speech 1. autograft 自体(身)移植物 au

2、to- self 2. graft: Material, especially living tissue or an organ, surgically attached to or inserted into a bodily part to replace a damaged part or compensate for a defect 3. Isograft 同系移植物,同基因移植物 (identical twinsiso- equal; uniformisoantibodyisoantigenisoconcentrationisotonic4. allograft(同种)异体移植物

3、 ,异基因移植=homograft allo- Other; differentallogenous 异源的 ,异生的 allosome 异染色体,异形染色体 5. xenograft 异种移植物 = heterograft xeno- strange; foreign; differentxenophobiaxenophthalmia 异物性眼炎 6. Intracranialintra- within 7. antiallergenic anti- against 、 allergenic 引起过敏的antineoplastic / neoplastic ,瘤形成的8. Restenosi

4、s re- again, backStenosis: A constriction or narrowing of a duct or passage; a stricture 9. asymptomatic a- withoutsymptomatic: pertaining to symptom 10. Nondiabetic / non- not 1. hyperlipidemia hyper- more than normal or necessary lipid- lipid, fat(h)em- blood-ia abnormal condition 2.heterogeneous

5、hetero- other; differentgeneous: of kind or type suffixation basically class-changing change the part of speech immune immunityimmunize immunization eradication specificitysensitivity suckling (suck + -ling: One that is young, small, or inferior) = A young mammal that has not been weaned Patterns of

6、 affixation prefix + rootinject in- (into) + jec(t)- (to throw) put material into a particular location, often using a syringe prefix + combining vowel + root Ectoderm the outer laver of the embryoect- (outside) + derm- (skin)Cf. Mesoderm; endoderm root +suffix stasissta- ( to stand) + -sis (a condi

7、tion of), slowing of fluid movement, such as the blood circulation root + combining vowel + suffix sclerosisscler- ( to harden) + -sis ( a condition of), hardening or stiffening of a tissue prefix + root + suffix 2perirenal: peri- (around) + ren- ( kidney) + -al (pertaining to) located around the ki

8、dney prefix + root + combining vowel + suffix synarthrosis syn- (together) + arthr- (joint) + -sis ( a condition of) immobilization of a joint by fusion 不动关节 prefix + prefix + root + combining vowel + suffix contraindication contra- (against) + in- (toward) + dic(t)- (to speak) + -tion (the action o

9、r process involved) a condition that precludes using a drug root + root + suffix sialadenitis sial- (saliva) + aden- (gland) + -itis (an inflammatory condition) inflammation of a salivary gland root + combining vowel + root + suffix hemophilia hemo- (blood) + phil- (beloved, loving) + -ia (pathologi

10、cal or abnormal condition) any of several hereditary blood-coagulation disorders prefix + root + root + suffix hyperglycemia hyper- (excessive) + glyc- (sweet) + (h) em- (blood) -ia (condition) the presence of an abnormally high concentration of glucose in the blood. Composition joining two or more

11、words compound word open compound : made up of two or more words written separately sleeping sickness brain death family planning birth control Differences between an open compound and a noun phrase: Semantic a red coat a redder coat Phonetic a green room a greenroom e.g. scarlet fever A hyphenated

12、compound consists of two or more words connected by a hyphen high-resolution 1. host-specific 寄主专化的 ,寄主专一性的 2. deaf-mute 3. air-borne bottle-feed graft-versus-host 移植物抗宿主 A solid compound consists of two words written as one word 1. windpipe 2. sleepwalk 3. overweight 4. nosebleed Neo-classic compou

13、nd coined from elements of the classical languages (Latin and Greek) 1. Biocide 生物杀灭剂2. Lysosome 溶酶体3. Bacteriophobia 4. Biophysics 5. Chemotherapy 6. Psych(o)analysis conversion email “Can I have your e-mail address in case I need to e-mail you. stent English dentist, Charles R. Stent (1845-1901) 1

14、. a device used to support a bodily orifice or cavity during skin grafting or to immobilize a skin graft following placement 2. a slender thread, rod, or catheter inserted into a tubular structure, such as a blood vessel, to provide support during or after anastomosis (吻合术). “A new gamma radiation t

15、reatment intended to prevent stented arteries from renarrowing was approved by the FDA last year for widespread use.” love (v.n.) taste (v.n.) smell (v.n.) skin (n.v.) plaster (n.v.)石膏,膏药 mask (n.v.) faint (adj.v.) empty (adj.v.) blending as chortle 哈哈大笑 from snort (呼哧声 ) plus chuckle (咯咯叫 ) the -or

16、t- of the first being surrounded by the ch-. . .-le of the second 3brunch, from breakfast plus lunch formed by blending parts of two words (or more) three major patterns are defined part + part whole + part part + whole part + part genome (gene + chromosome) autocide (automobile + suicide) chunnel (channel + tunnel) Cremains 骨灰 (cremate + remains) whole + part breathalyzer (breath + analyzer) lunarnaut (lunar + astronaut) part + whole Medicaid (m



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