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1、一、希腊神话对花草植物名称命名的影响当今时代的许多花草植物的名称都与希腊神话有着密切的联系。而正是因为希腊神话的魅力也使这些花草植物变得更加有魅力和具有神秘感。例如,“Iris”在希腊是早春开放的“鸢尾花” ,她迷人的红色花朵会使人身心愉悦。鸢尾花的名字“Iris”来源于希腊神话里的彩虹女神“爱丽丝” 。 据说她会陪着人们的灵魂穿过由红色花朵组成的彩虹桥去向人们心中向往的天堂。还有一个例子是关于“ 阿伊莫斯” (Iamus)的。 “Iamus”在希腊神话中是太阳神阿波罗的儿子,他母亲在紫灌木林中生下他后就把他遗弃了。后来人们发现有几只蛇在他身边用紫花蜜来喂养他。后来,人们用“阿伊莫斯”来命名紫

2、色的灌木花。像这样类似的例子还有很多,例如:蜜桃,魔草,捕蝇草,铁线草,豚草等等。 还有许多关于地名的词汇也是来自希腊罗马神话的。The influence of Greek Mythology on the naming of flowers and plantsThe name of many plants and flowers in the modern era is closely related to the Greek mythology. And it is because of the charm of Greek mythology also make these plan

3、ts become more attractive and mysterious. For example, Iris is the early spring open iris in Greece, her charming red flowers will make people happy. The iris of the name Iris comes from the Greek goddess of the rainbow Alice. It is said that she will accompany peoples soul through the red flower of

4、 the rainbow bridge to the hearts of people yearning for the paradise. There is another example of the Ai Moss (Iamus). Iamus in Greek mythology is the son of Apollo, the God of the sun, and his mother in purple shrub forest born after he had abandoned him. Later, it was found that a few snakes fed

5、him with honey. Later, people use the Moss named after the purple flower bush. Like there are many examples, such as: peach, magic grass, Bermuda grass, Dionaea, ragweed and so on. There are also a lot of words about the place names from the Greek myth of Rome.二、希腊罗马神话对商品品牌命名的影响女性服饰品牌“达芙妮” (Daphne)就

6、是希腊神话中的女神达芙妮的名字。说到这段神话故事还是由爱神“丘比特”引出的。当时太阳神“阿波罗”看不起 爱神“丘比特” ,把他当作小孩子一样戏耍,丘比特一怒之下把爱的“金箭”射向阿波罗,把绝爱的 “银箭”射向达芙妮,所以当阿波罗热情地追求达芙妮时,达芙妮坚决不接受他的爱,就跑到她的父亲河神那里哀求道:“帮帮我,父亲!张开胸怀拥抱我,或者改变我的外表,不然的话他会把我带进危险中的。”于是她的父亲把她变作一棵月桂树。她的美丽的金发变作树的树叶,她的曼妙的四肢变成了树的枝桠和躯干。但是阿波罗深深爱着达芙妮,他看着月桂树叹息道: “虽然你不爱我,但是我会永远年轻,你也会永远长青,你的叶子永远也不会凋落

7、,我会永远守在你身边。 ”之后, “达芙妮”这个名字就象征着对爱的不懈追求和永恒的持久的爱,这个美好寓意就成为了这个公司选择它为品牌名称的原因。还有我们经常去逛的“维多利”商厦,就是来自希腊神话的“维多利亚” (victoria) ,代表胜利的“胜利女神” 。Two, the influence of the Rome myth on the brand name of commodity brandWomens clothing brand Daphne (Daphne) is the Greek myth of the goddess Daphne name. When it comes

8、to this tale or by love Cupid leads. When the sun god Apollo looked down on love Cupid to him as if he were a child like sport, Cupid in a rage to love golden arrow fired the Apollo and the of Silver Arrows shot Daphne, so when Apollo enthusiastically pursue Daphne, Da Funi determined not to accept

9、his love, went to her father Heshen there pleaded: help me, father! Open mind to embrace me, or change my appearance, otherwise he will take me into the risk. So her father took her into a laurel tree. Her beautiful blonde became a tree leaves, her graceful limbs into a tree trunk and branches. But

10、Apollo deeply in love with Daphne, he looked at laurel sighed: although you do not love me, but I will forever young, you will forever evergreen, you leaves never fall, I will always stay by your side. The name, Daphne became a symbol of the relentless pursuit of love and eternal enduring love, the

11、beautiful meaning becomes the company choose it as a brand name. And we often go shopping in commercial buildings of the Victoria, that is, from the Greek myth of Victoria (Victoria), on behalf of the victory of the goddess of victory.三、希腊神话对一些电影名称命名的影响1997 年,著名的电影“泰坦尼克号”风靡世界,这个巨大的游轮的名字正是来源于希腊神话。据说希

12、腊神话中 “提坦斯” (titans)是先于奥林波斯众神的古神一般指天神乌拉诺斯和地神盖亚所生的奥克阿诺斯伊阿佩托斯瑞亚忒弥斯谟涅摩辛涅和克罗诺斯等 12 个子女。他们体型巨大无比,力量非凡。这些巨人统治着整个世界。于是流传到现代社会, “提坦斯”的意思就成了是“巨大,强大或重要的人物”的代表。另外还有一个比较有代表性的电影叫做“特洛伊” (Troy) ,这本身就是一个关于希腊神话的电影。Three. The influence of Greek Mythology on the name of a number of films.In 1997, the famous movie Titan

13、ic swept the world, the name of the huge cruise ship is derived from the Greek myth. It is said that Greek mythology in the Titans (Titans) is ahead of the Olympian gods of the ancient god, generally refers to the God Uranus and God cover sub oak Oceanus, Iapetus and Rhea, Themis, Mo Niemo Xinnie an

14、d Cronus and 12 children. They are in great shape and strength. The giants dominate the world. Then spread to modern society , great is the Titans means a representative, powerful or important person. There is also a more representative of the film called Troy (Troy), which is itself a movie about G

15、reek mythology.四、希腊罗马神话对医药方面一些术语的影响许多药理学的一些术语都与希腊神话相关。大家都知道人类的头部是长在脊椎上的,而脊椎是由一系列重要的骨头组成,一直贯穿整个背部。而希腊神话就有一位神是受罚以双肩掮天的巨人叫做“ 阿特拉斯” (Atlas) 。鉴于他在神话中的重要作用,人类就把整个脊椎的顶部的那块承受头部重量的那个骨头就叫做 “阿特拉斯 ”(Atlas) 。 “俄狄浦斯” (Oedipus) 是希腊神话中底比斯的国王,是国王拉伊俄斯和伊俄卡斯特的儿子,他在不知情的情况下,杀死了自己的父亲并与娶了自己的母亲。之后就衍生出来“恋母情结” (Oedipus comple

16、x) , “恋子情节” (Jocasta complex)这样的词。在精神分析中指以本能冲动为核心的一种欲望。The influence of Greek Mythology on medical terms in RomeSome of the terms of pharmacology are related to Greek mythology. We all know that the human head is long on the spine, while the spine is made up of a series of important bones that have been running through the back. But there is a God in Greek mythology is punished by day called giant shoulder shouldered Atlas (Atlas)


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