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1、1四级专项训练之改错名词,形容词,副词的误用一. 名词的误用在短文改错题中常考名词的数的误用。可数名词大多数都有单数和复数两种形式,复数形式分为规则的和不规则的。1. 规则名词(1)大多数名词的复数形式直接在名词后加-s ,以 o, s, x, ch, sh 结尾的名词,在词尾加-es(但有些以 o 结尾的名词只加 -s 即可,例如 kilo-kilos, piano-pianos, bamboo-bamboos)2. 不规则名词man-men, foot-feet, mouse-mice, etc.3. 单复数同型的名词Chinese, Japanese, aircraft, sheep,

2、deer, means, series, species.4. 合成名词的复数形式将其中包含的主体名词变复数,如 sister-in-law: sisters-in-law; passer-by: passers-by.中间没有连字符的合成词变复数通常把最后一个词变为复数,如 bookshelf: bookshelves由 man, woman 构成的复合名词变为复数时,两个词通常都要变成复数,如 woman doctor- women doctors; man servant- men servants.5. 单数形式表示复数意义的词cattle, herd, police, people6

3、. 常以复数形式出现的词trousers, scissors, glasses, jeans, surroundings, arms, thanks, memoirs, movies, news7. 含有特殊意义的名词复数形式papers, goods, times, customs, manners, works, profits二. 形容词和副词的误用在短文改错中,此类误用即该用形容词的地方用了副词,该用副词的地方用了形容词。要避免这种错误的发生则须记清词性,学会分析句中的修饰部分和被修饰部分为何种词性。例:The meal smells badly. The meal smells ba

4、d.His work is high thought of by the critics. His work is highly thought of by the critics.Exercise1. The government also affects the kind of works people do.2. If seems that the progresses of man includes a rising volume of noise.3. He says we live in a throwaway society; in other word, waste is bu

5、ilding up, and we really need to find a way to solve this.4. Even the quiet of our careful protected wilderness areas can be invaded at any moment by a passing jet.5. You can also buy those environmental responsible products-try to use products that do not contain chemicals that can do harm to the e

6、nvironment.Keys:1. works 改为 work. works 是复数形式,表示著作,work 单数形式表示工作。根据句意,应该用工作这种意思,应用单数。2. progresses 改为 progress。在句中是泛指的进步,应该用单数。3. word 改为 words. 固定用法,in other words, 换句话说。4. careful 改为 carefully. 后面的 protected 是形容词,要用副词 carefully.25. environmental 改为 environmentally. 后面的 responsible 是形容词,需要副词修饰。 代词的

7、误用1. 指代错误代词的主要功能是指代前面已经出现过的名词,词组,因此代词的出现必须与前面所指代的内容相一致,否则就出现了指代不明的现象。例如:The widespread use of such electrical appliances means that there is a need for servicemen to keep it running properly.it 应改为 them2. 关系代词的误用这类错误主要发生在定语从句中,主要是 that 与 what, which 与 as, who 的误用等,特别要注意的是 what 的用法,that 引导的主语从句及同位语从句

8、的用法,以及介词加 which 引导的非限定性定语从句的用法。例如:In the 18th century, farm work and life were not much changed from that they had been in old days. that 应改为 whatJim was clever and willing to help others, for what he was often praised by other people.what 改为 which3. 形式代词 it 与 this, that 的误用当 it 作形式主语或形式宾语时,常误用 this

9、, that 等代词。例如:He will find this important to learn English well. this 改为 itExercise:1. The only thing which matters is to get out of the burning house. 2. He tried to stand on his hands for twenty minutes, that is rather a difficult thing to do.3. I dreamed of the house which I was born and brought

10、up.4. We are going to meet a lot of difficulties in the near future, but I believe we will overcome it.5. She is the only one whom I believe is really interested in physics.6. The animal body must be provided with fuel, it is called food, and which furnished the energy of the animal.7. Money does no

11、t necessarily mean happiness, because people could not buy love with money and may feel unhappy without it.8. It is one of his peculiarities that no incident ever happens to him that without teaching him some valuable lesson.9. My children attended a small elementary school to that they had to walk

12、everyday possibly for a few miles.10. Considering the great need for improving many aspects of the global environment, one is surely justified in his concern for the money and resources that they are poured into the space exploration efforts.Keys:1. which 改为 that在限定性定语从句中,如果先行词是 all 或者不定代词,或者有 all,

13、none, little, few, much, only 等词语,形容词的最高级形式或序数词作修饰语时,用 that 而不用 which.2. that 改为 which在非限定性定语从句中,只能用 which, who(m) 和 whose, 而不能用 that.3. 在 which 之前加 inWhich 和 that 都可以在从句中作介词的宾语,但只有 which 可以紧跟在介词后面。34. it 改为 them代词 it 的误用。此句中被指代部分是复数名词 difficulties, 因此要使用人称代词的复数形式。5. whom 改为 whowhom 是宾格形式,不能作主语。在本句中

14、 I believe 是插入成分,who is really interested in physics 是修饰 one 的定语从句,who 在其中充当主语。6. 去掉 andIt 的误用与关系代词的误用。由句子结构入手,由于 and 不能连接独立句和从句,因为应改为 which 引导非限定性定语从句,和后面的定语从句并列,修饰 fuel.7. it 改为 love指代错误。此句中 it 既可以指代 money, 也可以指代 love, 造成歧义。改正该错误的关键是要理清句子的逻辑结构。8. 划掉 happens to him 后的 thatit 作形式主语,第一个 that 引导了一个主语从

15、句,第二个 that 后的介词短语可以直接作状语,没有必要使用连接词。9. that 改为 which介词后表示事物的关系代词要用 which 而不能用 that。10. 将 they 删掉that 在句中引导定语从句,并充当从句的主语,指代 money 和 resources.冠词的误用Exercise:1. Doctor Brundtland, head of the WHO, says a number of leprosy cases around the world has been cut of ninety percent during the past ten years.2.

16、 Instead, patients can take that is called a multi-drug therapy.3. The fast-growing populations demand for food, he warned, would soon exceed their supply, leading to widespread food shortages and starvation.4. Washing machines do jobs that were once done by the hand.5. This tendency of technology to make workers superfluous but at same time allowing their numbers to grow so large is decreasing psychological tensions.6. An idea that learning a foreign language is hard


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