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1、2016 年职称英语.理工 B 考试真题及答案一:词汇选项1.【题干】The revelation of his past led to his resignation.【选项】A.imaginationB.disclosureC.confirmationD.recall【答案】B2.【题干】Jensen is dangerous man, and can be very brutal.【选项】A.carelessB.cruelC.strongD.hard【答案】B3.【题干】Youll have to sprint if you want to catch the train.【选项】A.j

2、umpB.escapeC.runD.prepare【答案】C4.【题干】We are worried about this fluid situation full with uncertainty.【选项】A.changebleB.stableC.suitableD.adaptable【答案】A5.【题干】The new garment fits her perfectly.【选项】A.haircutB.purseC.clothesD.necklace【答案】C6.【题干】The phobia may have its root in a childhood trauma.【选项】A.fea

3、rB.joyC.hurtD.memory【答案】C7.【题干】They have built canals to irrigate the desert.【选项】A.decorateB.waterC.changeD.visit【答案】B8.【题干】Her overall language proficiency remains that of a toddler.【选项】A.disabledB.pupilC.teenagerD.baby【答案】D9.【题干】The coastal area has very mild winter, but the central plains remain

4、extremely cold.【选项】A.warmB.severeC.hardD.dry【答案】A10.【题干】The details of the costume were totally authentic.【选项】A.realB.outstandingC.creativeD.false【答案】A11.【题干】We are aware of the potential problems.【选项】A.globalB.possibleC.ongoingD.central【答案】B12.【题干】The idea was quite brilliant.【选项】A.positiveB.clever

5、C.keyD.original【答案】B13.【题干】Stock market price tumbled after rumor of a rise in interest rate.【选项】A.regulatedB.increasedC.maintainedD.fell【答案】D14.【题干】The course gives you basic instruction in car maintenance.【选项】A.coachingB.ideaC.termD.aspect【答案】A15.【题干】All houses within 100 meters of the seas are at

6、 risk of flooding.【选项】A.in dangerB.out of controlC.between equalsD.in particular【答案】A二、阅读判断The Theory of EveryoneIf Stephen Hawking lives until the year 2017, he will have lived more than 50 years longer than his doctors expected. When he was a college student, doctors discovered that he had a rare

7、disease. This disease causes a gradual disintegration(分解)of the nerve cells in the brain cells that regulate voluntary muscle activity. Death almost always occurs within two or three years.Today Stephen Hawking cannot walk or speak. He cannot move his arms or his head. He cannot taste or smell anyth

8、ing. And yet this man is Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University, a position held by the famous scientist Isaac Newton in 1669.Hawking is often described as the greatest scientist since Albert Einstein, but to the world outside science, he is also known as the man who made scientific theory

9、 understandable. His book, A Brief History of Time, has sold over eight million copies.He says that since he does not have to think about his body or do any of the things other men have to worry about, such as washing the car or working in the yard, he can dedicate all of his time to thinking. This

10、puts him in the perfect position to find the answer to the question that he has dedicated his life to. His question is: Is there a complete theory of the universe and everything in it?Despite his tremendous physical disabilities, he has already made some very important discoveries about the origin o

11、f the universe, how the universe holds together, and how it will probably end. He has also been able to explain the secrets of “black holes” in space. Now he is looking for a set of rules that everything in our universe must obey. He calls it the Theory of Everything. He thinks that someone will hav

12、e found the answer within the next 20 years.If Stephen Hawking is able to find his Theory of Everything, he will have given the world the opportunity to understand things that will change the whole nature of science and probably also the way we live.16.【题干】Stephen Hawking will be 50 years old by 201

13、7.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned【答案】BIf Stephen Hawking lives until the year 2017, he will have lived more than 50 years longer than his doctors expected.17.【题干】Stephen Hawking suffers from a rare brain disease.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned【答案】A18.【题干】Stephen Hawking is Professor of Mathematics at Ca

14、mbridge University.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned【答案】A19.【题干】A Brief History of Time is very difficult for students to understand.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned【答案】B20.【题干】Stephen Hawking has much time to think because he doesnt have to work.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned【答案】A21.【题干】Stephen Hawking has

15、 spent around ten years explaining the secrets ofA.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned【答案】C22.【题干】The Theory of Everything is about the rules that everything in the universe follows.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned【答案】A三、概括大意与完成句子Geothermal(地热)Energy1 Since heat naturally moves from hotter regions to cooler on

16、es, the heat from the earths center flows outwards towards the surface. In this way, it transfers to the next layer of rock. If the temperature is high enough, some of this rock melts and forms magma(岩浆). The magma ascends in its turn towards the earths surface. It often remains well below the earths surface, creating vast areas of hot rock. In such regions, there are deep cracks, which allow rainwater to descend underground. Some of the heated rai



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